How dangerous are 'smart' gas meters?

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How dangerous are 'smart' gas meters?

John Jones
We recently moved into new home and was horrified to find it was fitted with 'smart' electric and gas meters.

We called the power company and they're going to remove both meters at our request - but it's going to cost £250 total. (Why should I have to pay a power company to remove its dangerous devices from my home!?)

To save money, I was wondering if I could leave the 'smart' gas meters. Maybe they aren't as bad? Perhaps they transmit less often? Any ideas?
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Re: How dangerous are 'smart' gas meters?

Fog Top
I'd be happy to pay 250 total for no smart meters.  Currently I pay $65/mo protection money to not have a "smart" electric meter.  

Is the new electric meter that you will be given a non-digital model?  Sometimes they will just turn off the transmitter but still use a digital type.  I've found that digital meters feel very bad as they infect the wiring in the house.  

Utilities use different methods for smart metering, so it's hard to say what's happening at your place.  Again, having your own EMF meters could show if that gas meter is transmitting right into your living space.  I've seen some that aren't bad depending on where they're mounted on or near the house.  But then I've seen some that are mounted on a bedroom wall which pound their RF every few seconds into the room.  I just helped a person apply Y-Shield paint on a bedroom wall which had a smart gas meter outside.
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Re: How dangerous are 'smart' gas meters?

John Jones
Thanks, Fog Top.

I don't have much money so to me, £250 is a fortune. Especially after spending every last penny on the move. (Came here because the EMFs are low.)

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to detect the transmissions from either meter. My meter is a GQ EMF-380 V2 - the only one I could afford. When I put it near the 'smart' electric meter, nothing changes. The overall RF levels don't go up - even though the meter's LEDs flash every 5 seconds, showing a transmission.

Wish I could detect what was being transmitted. I don't even know what frequency to look for. I see no spikes on any of the bands.