High success rates with DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System)

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High success rates with DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System)

I've just started a course in DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System)  https://retrainingthebrain.com
This brain retraining programme has a high success rate for people with ES and related conditions.  The on-line course costs $299 but the introduction and first lesson are available as a free trial.  I found that these, alone, were enough to point me in the right direction, although I am taking the rest of the course.

Has anyone else tried DNRS?
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Re: High success rates with DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System)

Marc Martin
Does it have a high rate of success?  Seems like on the Facebook group, a lot of people report that it did nothing.

But I agree it does have *some* success.  Just maybe not a *high rate*.
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Re: High success rates with DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System)

Hi Marc

Thanks for your reply.  Perhaps I was over-stating the case a bit.

An independent study, carried out by McMasters University in Canada, showed a high success rate for chronic fatigue and multiple chemical sensitivity, among other things.  ES wasn't included in the study but it is frequently referred to during the course.  There are also interviews with participants who've successfully recovered from ES using the course.  I think that the basic mechanism (ie limbic system impairment) is the same for ES as it is for MCS and other intolerances.

I, personally, am aware that I make my symptoms worse by feeling anxious when I'm exposed to EMFs, or fear that I might be. I've already reduced much of this anxiety using the techniques taught on the course. I'm hopeful that this will reduce my ES.  At the very least, I feel happier and more relaxed.

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Re: High success rates with DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System)

hello Catherine and thank you for your post!
I heard that in order for the DNRS to work, you have to believe that EMFs are not harmful. I'm wondering if you or anyone else who's tried the DNRS program knows if that's true? That's what's kept me away from trying it.
If someone is chemically sensitive, I can logically accept that as true. For example, walking through the laundry detergent isle at the supermarket is certainly not great for your health but even if you walk down that isle every day for the rest of your life it's not going to do much harm. The same cannot be said for emf's. It's simply a fact that individuals have developed MS, cancers or other series issues from emf exposure. Emf's like 5G, cell phones, wifi give off radiation that is harmful. I could get myself to believe that a one-time exposure won't be fatal, but I can't logically accept the fact that emf's are harmless in the long term because it's simply not true.
Does the DNRS program require us to believe emfs cause no harm?
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Re: High success rates with DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System)

Hi, this is an interesting question.

Annie Hopper makes it clear that she is not suggesting that EMFs are not dangerous, nor is she saying that the symptoms of people who have ES are not real. However, she thinks that, in the case of people with ES, the limbic system in their brain has become over active and is exaggerating the danger posed by EMFs and sending exaggerated threat messages to their body.  The same is true of other intolerances such as chemical sensitivity.  I think she explains this in the Introduction to the course, or the first Pillar.  Both of these are available to view free of charge on her website.

I've only been doing the course for 2 weeks, but  I've already found it helpful.  I'm able to let go of most of my anxious thoughts around sources of EMFs by reminding myself that my brains is exaggerating the threat they pose to me.  I've got a long way to go yet - you need to practise DNRS for at least 6 months to see sustainable results, but I'm feeling hopeful.

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Re: High success rates with DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System)

Hi Catherine I havent checked in with the forum for quite a while so just found your posts. Go for it with the DNRS! I have been doing the program for a year and a half now and WOW what a difference it has made to my life. I've gone from basically living under a canopy most of the time to being able to travel on the roads again for hours, go into town and enjoy going to cafes, go into a relative's high emf environment and spend time caring for them there...and hoover up for them, attend meetings for several hours where there are a lot of devices, hubs etc.  The biggest change has also been being able to travel past masts and not feel the effects from them. I would highly recommend this program..it literally changes the way your brain works, and your life.  How are you progressing with it?
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Re: High success rates with DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System)

Thank you for your reply and congratulations on your progress with DNRS!

I'm doing OK with DNRS.  I feel happier and I'm more relaxed around EMFs and chemicals (which I'm also sensitive to).  This has brought my stress levels down, which is a big deal for me as stress is the main underlying cause of my illness.

Having said this, I haven't yet started Incremental Training.  I've put a huge amount of time, effort and money into reducing my exposure to EMFs and chemicals and my health has improved as a result of this. So, the prospect of intentionally increasing my exposure to these things is quite scary.

However, I know that avoidance is not a good long term strategy for me. The number of things I'm sensitive to is still increasing, my health is quite poor and my life is limited.  I think that Incremental Training will be an important part of reversing this situation.

I've decided to start with chemicals, which I think will be easier than EMFs.  If I have some success with these, it will give me the motivation I need to start on EMFs.

I really appreciate your post which has given me the push I needed to take the next step with DNRS.
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Re: High success rates with DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System)

You're so right Catherine that avoidance isnt the key as it just reinforces the Limbic system impairment. Yes I agree it does feel scary at first! but by setting yourself a small concrete challenge every day through the incremental training the brain WILL change its associations with emfs and rewire.  It still amazes me! Maybe just set yourself a manageable challenge such as holding or switching on your phone for a few seconds, then do the rounds straight after....or even just think about a trigger beforehand.  It is also essential to elevate your emotions during the rounds and also for the rest of the day. Avoid scary movies, news items, anything that fuels fear and adrenaline. Watch happy funny videos, elevate your emotions. laugh a lot.  If you have joined the DNRS community forum you will find some really helpful tips from others who have recovered. Also the Deeper Dive into DNRS program is really helpful.  

I have a friend with EHS who was sceptical about the program, and put off trying it for a year. She just started on it and is also amazed at her progress already. I just wish more could/would try it. It is a game changer!