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David Fancy

I need some references.

Could someone please give me references for scientific literature suggesting
a link between high milligauss readings and health issues.

I know there are databases out there but at the moment I can only spend
about 10 minutes at a time online because of the RF coming out of the modem.
if you could give me specific references, that would be great.



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RE: Help

Glenn Coleman
I don't think you'll get any clearcut numbers of how high a reading it takes
to impact ones health - it is person by person depending on their own unique

Here are a few coming from different angles.


----Original Message Follows----
From: "David Fancy" <[hidden email]>
Reply-To: [hidden email]
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [eSens] Help
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 22:09:48 +0000


I need some references.

Could someone please give me references for scientific literature suggesting
a link between high milligauss readings and health issues.

I know there are databases out there but at the moment I can only spend
about 10 minutes at a time online because of the RF coming out of the modem.
if you could give me specific references, that would be great.



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Re: Help

Kurt S. Renz
In reply to this post by David Fancy

I can provide you with the following information (I didn't check the links recently!):

1.. An Evaluation of the Possible Risks From Electric and Magnetic Fields(EMF) From Power Lines, Internal Wiring, Electrical Occupations and Appliance; California Departement of Health 2002;
2.. Milham, S.; Ossiander, E.M.: Historical Evidence that residential electrification caused the emergence of the childhood leukemia peak; Medical Hypothesis; 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd; doi:10.1054/mehy.2000.1138,
3.. Non-Ionizing Radiation, Part 1: Static and Extremely Low-Frequency (ELF) Electris and Magnetic Fields, Vol. 80 (2002), IARC, Lyon
4.. Lee, G.M.; Neuta, R.R.; Hristova, L.; Yost, M.; Hiatt, R.A.: A nestedcase-control study of residential and personal magnetic field measures andmiscarriages; Epidemiology; 2002; 13(1); p. 21-31
5.. Li, D.K.; Odouli,R; et al: A population-based prospective cohort study of personal exposure to magnetic fields during pregnancy and the risk of misscariage; Epidemiology; 2002; 13(1); p 9 - 20
6.. Green, L.M.; Miller, A.B.; et al: Childhood leukemia and personal monitoring of residential exposures to electric and magnetic fields in Ontario, Canada; Cances Causes Control 1999 Jun; 10(3); p 233 - 243
I know, that - if you live in the US - the US power supply companies had (or still have?) also brochures concerning that topic.

In general someone can say, that these studies come to the conclusion, thatstarting from 2 mG (milligauss) the human body might react....

Hope this is helpful to you!

Best regards
----- Original Message -----
From: David Fancy
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 12:09 AM
Subject: [eSens] Help


I need some references.

Could someone please give me references for scientific literature suggesting
a link between high milligauss readings and health issues.

I know there are databases out there but at the moment I can only spend
about 10 minutes at a time online because of the RF coming out of the modem.
if you could give me specific references, that would be great.



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