Heavy Metals, ES, and Liver Detox

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Heavy Metals, ES, and Liver Detox


I am learning about the connection between ES and heavy metal
poisoning for the first time from this group. The accounts of liver
flushes and heavy metal detox are fascinating.

I ordered Andrew Cutler's book "Amalgam Illness" and Hulda Clark's "A
Cure for All Diseases" today, but they'll take days to arrive. In the
meantime, are there simple things (diet, supplements) that everyone
can agree on, that one can do to begin the detox process?


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Re: Heavy Metals, ES, and Liver Detox

Marc Martin
> I ordered Andrew Cutler's book "Amalgam Illness" and Hulda Clark's "A
> Cure for All Diseases" today, but they'll take days to arrive. In the
> meantime, are there simple things (diet, supplements) that everyone
> can agree on, that one can do to begin the detox process?

I've been on a heavy metal poisoning discussion group for years, and
can assure you that there is NOTHING that everyone can agree on. :-/
Different people react completely differently to the same form of
treatments, so it's good to get help from a practitioner who will
try to take into account the uniqueness of each person's situation,
rather than use some standard detox protocol.

But in the big picture, most people agree to take lots of antioxidants,
increase your intake of essential fatty acids, take probiotics,
and get your mercury fillings removed. I think most everything else
is controversial...


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RE: Heavy Metals, ES, and Liver Detox

Glenn Coleman
In reply to this post by carazzz
Hi Cara,

No matter which program you follow, there are some basic concepts in detox
that can make your detox process least painful.

The first thing is to realize that in order to detox, your liver and kidneys
need to be able to process the toxins that result, to excrete them from your

A major part of getting liver & kidneys in order is to get digestive tract
in order and to reduce yeast levels. So it is a good idea to work with a
doctor or naturopath that can help test and recommend solutions to make
these systems strong before starting detox.

Then when you proceed with detox, your digestive tract won't become a
brewing ground for toxins, and your liver/kidneys can process toxins without
getting overloaded and make you get sick.

Mercury robs our bodies of certain vitamins & minerals, when our body uses
these vitamins and minerals to clean out heavy metals. So a good
nutritional program will build up natural cleansing processes that will
steadily help with detox. In fact I discovered that I could stop my
synthetic mercury detox (DMSA, DMPS, Cilantro), and just rely on natural
detox with nutrition, once I removed a good quantity of mercury from my
body. I had spent far too long with extreme mercury symptoms, and knowing
I could continue mercury detox naturally with the help of nutrition,
suddenly allowed me to stop releasing large amounts of mercury with brute
force mercury detox, and relax and enjoy life while doing a more natural

There are studies from Sweden that show that our body naturally detoxs 50%
of our total mercury within one year after having amalgams removed
(providing there is enough nutrition present to support this). So it
doesn't always make sense to jump onto a major detox program, if we know
that the process is already taking place naturally. I just need to make
sure I have optimal levels of nutrition to maximize the natural process.
Sometimes though, the levels of mercury are too high and are too disabling
to wait around for a natural detox to occur. That is when these brute force
methods with either herbs or synthetic detox make sense.

A good place to learn more about the ups/downs of synthetic detox is at Dr.
Cutler's group at mercury-autism yahoogroups. It gives a good snapshot of
what is good or bad about DMSA and DMPS and the various methods of using
them. People's descriptions of the symptoms they suffer through various
stages of the program help to shed light on how you may or may not want to
proceed with detox.

I am currently testing a new natural detox program by IBF3.com. It is
showing some promise although I have no hard information telling me how much
more mercury I'll be able to detox with this system. The program is based
on improving cysteine levels with IBF3, together with boosting immune system
with Colostrum. Both seem good whether doing detox or not. They are
looking for test subjects to go on the program.

Best wishes,


>From: "carazzz" <[hidden email]>
>Reply-To: [hidden email]
>To: [hidden email]
>Subject: [eSens] Heavy Metals, ES, and Liver Detox
>Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 19:41:34 -0000
>I am learning about the connection between ES and heavy metal
>poisoning for the first time from this group. The accounts of liver
>flushes and heavy metal detox are fascinating.
>I ordered Andrew Cutler's book "Amalgam Illness" and Hulda Clark's "A
>Cure for All Diseases" today, but they'll take days to arrive. In the
>meantime, are there simple things (diet, supplements) that everyone
>can agree on, that one can do to begin the detox process?

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Re: Heavy Metals, ES, and Liver Detox

Andrew McAfee
I totally agree with what has been said so far. I especially agree with
Glenn and Marc on a couple of important points. I will add in addition
to clearing out the colon, liver, kidneys, etc, and rebooting your
system with probiotics, vitamins, COLOSTRUM, mild exercise that
reconditioning your environment is essential.

Depending on what kind of sensitivities exist, I wouldn't be able to
get through most days without my shielded hat from
I have many other shielding products from their website and others.

The first thing for me is to remove myself from "sources". Get some
meters, guass meters and radio frequency meters, electric meters, etc.
so you can find the sources so you can shield yourself or remove

B vitamins, raw organic colostrum and homeopathic radiation treatments
were the first things that helped me improve my energy and resistance
initially. My eldest brother has an organic farm that produces raw
organic butter, cream, milk, colostrum, cheese so I am fortunate in
that regards.

Now in the detox field, you have some masters on this list that I have
learned much from. In addition to DMSA and Alpha Lipoic Acid (in low
dosages, 50mg) I have used Dr. Chi products for heavy metal detox,
"Heavy Metal Flush" and "Vein Lite" (the only product I've seen that
addresses cholinesterase and acetylcholine balances in nerves).
There are tons of other detox products out there.

Foot baths with AquaChi or Q2 and the Infared Sauna help in elimination.

Get a good relationship with a good nutritionist, acupuncturist,
Kenesiologist, and homeopathic doctor. We have stepped into a mine
field of information and toxins and getting a good and safe route out
is half the battle so we don't become more injured.

We are all courageous for not falling for the allopathic doctor's
recommendation to take pharma drugs to suppress the symptoms and see a
behavioral therapist for our delusions.
Find the source and deal with it directly.

There is much more. Start small and do what feels right to you!
Good luck and many blessings on your journey,

On Dec 29, 2004, at 6:38 PM, Glenn Coleman wrote:

> The program is based
> on improving cysteine levels with IBF3, together with boosting immune
> system
> with Colostrum