Headaches/symptoms from cellular phones while in healing sessions

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Headaches/symptoms from cellular phones while in healing sessions


Hi everyone,

In the start after the sudden breakdown/or breakthrough where prayer
(violet flame) got me out of I was left with splitting headaches
around cellular phones. This could be just one and in a pretty wide
range. Sometimes I think I should have just kept on with St Germain,
I really had a momentum there 48 hours straight and I could be out
and and about. Went searching???!! (Had already found, but well only

Doctor said go look in the alternative circuit, i cannot stop
radiation. And I thank him now and I did.

Went to a Tachyon healer (one from ATTI) on the other side of the
country, she advertised on a electo-sensitivity site in the
Netherlands with ATTI products. Called her up and she said she also
did healing sessions and I booked it. On the train and well...
First on the chi-machine, then she put tachyonized massage over my
back, face and hands and feet and went along my spine with the TLC-
bar wich is a large tachyonized crystal. At some point there was
the "cell-phone headache", which was Pain in several spots in my
head, but unbearale in one, so i told her that's the point. She said
oh you DO have something in your head. took some steps back. It was
the same pain as if there was a cell-phone for maybe five seconds
and then I felt something go through my body, felt it in my legs and
all over, the weirdest thing. She "saw" it as a triangle with a
chain of balls (like in the sink, said it was metal, but maybe just
to describe the thingie)

The pain was gone after that. Now cell-phones were what computer
were before: disorientation. And I could live.

Became a distributor for Tachyon, to get the discount for my own
purchases, but might become a practitioner one day (if only because
then I can get the heavy duty strong stuff ;)). Now I just heal
friends with my hands and they leave me like computers used to.
After I shake it out, stand outside and shake my legs

Have one silica disk in my workplace at the breaker-box, but
computers hardly seem to be a noticable problem anymore (I forget to
bring my disks sometimes and no problem)

Cell-phones and fluorescent lights still have this disorienting
effect, but very slight. Almost better here.

pulls funny and if I take say ginseng that also will happen right
away, or when i was at the muscle tester/kine/// this would happen
there as well.

OK close dunno where I am going with this.. Tachyon works the same
as prayer for me, and the combination is especially powerful.

Love AND Light