Has anyone recovered from ES?

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Has anyone recovered from ES?

It seems we are now being supersaturated with 5G. I know in the UK that they want blanket coverage of the whole country this year. We have moved 4 times in the last 4 years and
it seems a move is in order again due to army activity and neighbours increasingly strong wifi etc nearby.

My question is...has anyone ever recovered from ES? Has moving off-grid or following a specialist diet/lifestyle ever resulted in their DNA healing itself? Or has someone moved, recovered, only to find their DNA becomes damaged again trying to live a nomal life?
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Re: Has anyone recovered from ES?

Marc Martin
You do see people saying that they've cured themselves of their ES.  Although it's kind of rare.

I've been at it for 20+ years, seen it all, tried it all, have a pretty good idea that mine is purely related to toxins that I can't seem to get rid of no matter what I try (mostly due to extreme adverse reactions, i.e. "the cure is worse than the disease").  But if I could get rid of them, I might be cured.
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Re: Has anyone recovered from ES?

Fog Top
In reply to this post by fizzyhead
Lloyd Burrell claims to have healed from ES, but I've wondered how bad he was as there are different degrees of electro sensitivity.  He has a website.  I quit listening to him as sometimes he came across as using (the old definition) Shamanism.

I've read of ES people going off-grid and building an EMF safe house, and a few years later they recovered enough to go back into society.  I've wondered how much of their return is based on feeling isolated out in the middle of nowhere so that they can't stand it anymore, plus they should be feeling better being away from the high EMF levels of a city.  But are they really recovered?
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Re: Has anyone recovered from ES?

In reply to this post by fizzyhead
I am half healed. I still dont carry a phone on me and the diets ive been shown seem to keep it at bay. my living quarters are also away from most emfs .I work as an electrician so there are people all around me using emf's all the time, im sure it still affects me and i do notice it some days over others( the change is in my irritability/ addrenaline response) but i dont get "zapped" anymore. and thank God the Dejavu i have learned how to manage those. So Ive been told we are what we eat, and a good regular detox and pleanty of water dont hurt at all! (Anthony William) has alot of good stuff that he wrote, if you want to find out more (books and audiobooks are on amazon).
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Re: Has anyone recovered from ES?

What diet are you following? Thanks. What do you mean "zapoed"? Static shocks?
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Re: Has anyone recovered from ES?

When i say zapped i mean, sometimes you get into an area around town that is very "hot" (emf wise) and it sets off your body into the ( adrennaline, anxiety, restlessness, headaches, dizziness, virtago etc.)  everyone 's body responds differeintly. when you get a sun burn it stops hurting after a while,,, but it hurts when someone slaps it again.
    As far as the diet goes. My cousin is an RN and when i got sic she showed me this Author Anthony William.. this guy goes against everything they teach them, but it makes alot of practical sence. The first Book he has is "Medical Medium" I guess thats how he brands himself comercially, he does come off a bit differient at first, but his methods work and they make sence. He is not trying to sell you anything. Exept the cost of the book. But the Information is priceless. He teaches you that we are what we eat. That in our poluted world we need to detox more and eat healthy. And he teaches you what "healthy" means. He even does live shows on you tube and shows people how to cook and support themselves by supporting the right organs in the body with the right foods. Its awsome. He shows in his books what differieng fruits and vegetables contain (as far as vitamins and minerals go)and how those affect the body. He shows ho to clense the liver, (all with everyday foods) he shows what herbs remove radiation out of the body. Its awsome! he explains how our bodies work cause and effect kink of like us guys know car engines,, cause and effect, really awsome aproach. Ive been on this diet since 2018-19 ish i think. and ive been struglin with adverse effects since 2014-15 not knowing what it was from back then.
   Also 3 or 4 more books he wrote thyroid healing,cleanse to heal, liver rescue, life changing foods, and celery juice.
   Try it man, What do we have to lose other then everything we knew on how to live. I thank Jesus that he has sent this information my way. I hope it helps

https://www.medicalmedium.com/book here is a web site he runs to help people sick with all kinds of stuff, and he knows how hurt people are, he makes that connection through that

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Re: Has anyone recovered from ES?

Thanks for all your replies :]  I am in particular a fan of Dr Mercola. He's really cued about 5G and mitigating its effects and suggests diet and certain supplements such as Hydrogen tablets. For myself healthy eating alone doesn't make me better..have tried it over the years. I am so supersensitive to emfs and my system reacts very badly. I need to be away from all wifi masts etc. Having moved so much I realise in the right environment you can start to get better....the trick is the environment remaining 'right' and that is very difficult nowadays! But thanks again.
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Re: Has anyone recovered from ES?

In reply to this post by UphillBattle
Thank-you for the very detailed reply.  I know that couldn't have been easy.  I will look into those books.
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Re: Has anyone recovered from ES?

In reply to this post by fizzyhead
I know this is going to sound crazy but have you been to a dentist lately? I've seen a few people suggest holes in the teeth (also metal fillings) as a cause of ES. I personally suspect this might be my case. I've not seen a dentist in over 10 years. I know shame on me but I'm in the states, dental is super high.  I brush after every meal with novamin toothpaste now and for years but prior to that It was once a day. So who knows.  Anyway I'm looking into going and lumping the extreme cost I guess.
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Re: Has anyone recovered from ES?

chupa i have heard the dentist thing, but the version that makes alot of sence is the old mercury fillings that they have used in the past. (as a dental practice) Over time those fillings start leeking mercury into the body, which weakens the immune system, and overloads it so that we become sensetive to any tiny burdens  in addition to what we are already dealing with
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Re: Has anyone recovered from ES?

In reply to this post by chupa38
My ES got much better when I removed the metal based crowns from my mouth and replaced them with ceramic
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Re: Has anyone recovered from ES?

In reply to this post by UphillBattle
Yeah well I  have 2 from the 90s. Were they using mercury still? I have a titanium plate and several screws from a energetic break of my ankle in 3 places from 2010.
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Re: Has anyone recovered from ES?

In reply to this post by steve
That is really awesome to hear it worked for you!
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Re: Has anyone recovered from ES?

Chupa Mercury fillings would be a priority
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Re: Has anyone recovered from ES?

Fog Top
In reply to this post by chupa38
They still use mercury amalgam fillings.  I just moved from a town where only two out about 20 dentist did not use the "silver" mercury amalgam fillings.  My dentist's son just got out of dental school and they taught the use of amalgam fillings.  

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Re: Has anyone recovered from ES?

Fog Top
In reply to this post by chupa38
I had an implant with a titanium screw.  The day it was removed I felt tremendous relief.  Metal in the mouth acts like an antenna in our RF saturated environment.  And a mixture of metals in the mouth (high "noble" metals, amalgam, gold, titanium) bathed in salty saliva creates oral galvanism which is the last thing that an ES person or anyone needs.
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Re: Has anyone recovered from ES?

Marc Martin
In reply to this post by Fog Top
yes, but even as far back as the 1980's, my dentist offered me a choice between mercury amalgams vs "the white ones".  I think it was $5 extra to get the white ones!
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Re: Has anyone recovered from ES?

Fog Top
Where I live, amalgams are not used, thanks to there being two biological dentists, one of which gave yearly presentations to dental students and dentists about what those "silver" mercury amalgams do to the body.

My daughter works in a dental office, and Medicaid which serves migrants and many others does not want to cover the small cost of "white" fillings, only the amalgams.  However her dentist refuses to use amalgam and uses the white ones and absorbs the cost himself.

In a town which I moved from, we had dental insurance yet the dentists would still attempt to use amalgam without asking.  I called every dentist in town and asked if they used amalgam.  Many of the receptionists seemed offended by the question and defiantly said, "yes".  All but a few said they did not use amalgam.
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Re: Has anyone recovered from ES?

In reply to this post by Fog Top
I just got a ZirconiaImplant placed, Nobel Pearl. The abutment is also Zirconia and the screw they use is carbon fiber. No metal at all with this one. Plus, the crown is going to be zirconia and screwed onto the abutment also with a carbon fiber screw