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I mentioned grounding (earthing) in my reply to the previous post, so I thought I’d expand on this a bit.

I’ve noticed some small improvements in my symptoms since I started grounding.  At the moment I’m grounded for about 3 hours a day.  I introduced it gradually, but still experienced minor “detox” symptoms for a couple of weeks.  I don’t know if being grounded for a longer period would result in greater improvements, but I’m going to give it a try.

Grounding improves your circulation, and the improvements I’ve noticed are the sorts of things you’d expect from improved circulation including:
• Improved skin condition
• A healthy looking glow in my cheeks (which I’ve never had before)
• Improved neurological symptoms – balance, co-ordination, concentration and vision

I’ve looked at 4 types of grounding cord:

1.  A conventional grounding cord (basically, copper wire covered in plastic) attached to an earthing plug.
I don’t use these, as I’ve seen a convincing demonstration showing that conventional grounding cords with plugs allow electricity to run back up the cord to your body. (The manufacturers deny this.)  The demonstration, by Dr Laura Koniver, is on her website ( and is called:  Electrosensitivity with a Standard Grounding Cord.

2.  A conventional grounding cord attached to a metal stake which you stick in the ground outside.  (These are available from  You don’t have to drill a hole in the wall –you can just put them through a window and close it.
This is what I currently do.  It’s much better than being plugged into an electrical circuit, but it’s possible that the copper wire can still pick up small amounts of EMFs from the areas it passes through, which can then be transported to your body.

3.  A “Pureground” cord with a plug (available from Laura Koniver’s website: ( )  
These cords can be plugged into an electrical socket as the plugs have been designed to prevent electricity from the circuit moving up the cord to your body.  The cord also has an EMF protective cover which prevents EMFs from the environment being picked up and transported to your body.

4.  A ”Pureground” cord with a metal stake which you stick in the ground outside.  (Also available from Laura Koniver)
This is the option I’d ideally like - I’m not keen on being plugged into an electrical socket, no matter how much I’m assured it’s safe. But it is a rather expensive option.