I just watched this mind blowing film.
It's directed by Jeff Gibbs, produced by Michael Moore.
M Moore doesn't appear in the film.
It's 1hour 40 min, it is worth every second.
It's a critic to the green movement, to 'green' fuels, solar panels, batteries, electric cars, wind power etc.
You may not agree with details, but there is something SUBSTANTIAL in this movie, that you can relate to what's happening to our Health.
Gibbs talks about the way humans are leading to our planet collapse.
The same collapse that's happening to our health, in a way...
We, people with health problems, have to be swimming against the current to try to find clean food, clean air, clean water, electrosmog free environments, less heavy metals, clean treatments etc.
Same heavy metals present in our mobile phones, in electric car batteries, in solar panels, in TV screens, computer monitors etc...
The dirty planet is not OUT there, but INSIDE us.
So in this sense, I highly recommend you to watch this before it will be taken off the internet, for obvious reasons.
Very enlightening.
He said that all these green movements haven't accomplished much, in fact, they have not accomplished anything (so tiny...) compared to what the Covid19 is doing.
One week confinement brought more wellness to the planet than 50 years of green movement has.
Watch this now before it will be taken off by google censor or something alike!!