Fwd> EMF

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Fwd> EMF

Marc Martin
Hi all,

Here's a message which was forwarded to me from Don Maisch:

>Dear Don,
> I live in Wisconsin, USA and became very electrically sensitive after
>having unwittingly been exposed to a very high level of electrical
>pollution for a long time. (When power quality expert Dave Stetzer
>checked our power quality, he said it was one of the top 10 worst he'd
>seen anywhere in the world.) We had to take a lot of steps to reduce it,
>to put an end to the symptoms I was experiencing. (I will paste on an
>article I wrote, which may be of interest.)
> I'm mentioning this because it was not enough to get the magnetic
>field down, as your article suggests. We definitely had to take specific
>steps to get rid of the electric fields. For instance, though there was
>no magnetic field to speak of in the area of our dining room table, every
>time I sat there I became very tense and anxious. It occurred to me to
>take an electric field reading and I found that the wooden tasble indeed
>had quite an electrical field. This was traced to the cord of a floor
>lamp that stood several feet away, and of course it did not matter whether
>the lamp was on or not. I dealt with this (and then all the other cords
>in the house) by covering the cord with a sleeve of Zelt fabric, which I
>grounded to the outlet. No more field on the table. No more problems
>when I sit there.
> It was the same story all over the house. We even put in shielded
>phone wires, as the RF was skimming on the phone lines, too.
> The article I wrote doesn't mention the politics involved, but we
>soon became all too aware of that. Our electric utilities are married to
>the Public Service Commission that is supposed to regulate them, and the
>Health Dept. too. The level of corruption is simply astounding. Made an
>activist and educator of me.
> There is currently a bill before the Wisonsin Assembly which would
>force the utilities to quite using Mother Earth to return their current to
>the substations. Do Austraiian utilities also use the ground this way?
>Several years ago our PSC actually gave them the nod to ground every
>utility pole. (Not grounding for emergency, but for continual current
> I am helping a local 5th grader do a science project regarding the
>138 kV transmission line that runs right over the playground at the
>school. The kids are not supposed to use "expensive" equipment, so we got
>her a $9 voltage alert meter, the kind electricians use to identify live
>wires. It takes 80 volts per meter to set it off. Even so, she finds
>that it still beeps and flashes all the way over to the big metal play
>structure the school erected last year. (I measure 100 V/m there.) Not
>to mention the metal swings that are just feet from the HV line. She is
>creating a map to show how far she can read the electrical field. Now, we
>need information about health effects of electrical fields, so she can
>justify her conclusion that the kids should not be playing in that area.
>Any ideas?
> Thanks for all the great work you have done.
> Regards,
> Shivani Arjuna
> -In particular, Thank you so much for writing the article "Melatonin,
>Tamoxifen, 50-60 Hertz Electromagnetic Fields and Breast Cancer." I am
>sharing that with friends who have breast cancer but who have belittled my
>advice to get their bedrooms free of EMF. Their "doctors never mentioned
>it, "you know.
> This article was originally written for publication in the quarterly
>of The American Polarity Therapy Association.
>Electrical Pollution: What's it doing to you and your clients?
> Electrical pollution, invisible, silent, odorless, tasteless, is the
>perfect pollutant.¬Ý We have not evolved any methods of sensing its
>presence.¬Ý A few people, like me, have become "electrically sensitive"
>and are able to know when we are being exposed due to immediate symptoms
>that we experience, but most people, even if exposed to levels and wave
>lengths that are literally killing them, notice nothing. Everyone living
>in areas of the world with electricity is being negatively affected. It
>is only a question of degree. (Dr. Neil Cherry, Evidence That
>Electromagnetic Radiation Is Genotoxic: the implications for the
>epidemiology of cancer and cardiac, neurological and reproductive effects.
>His presentation to New Zealand Parliament in May 2000, European
>Parliament in June, 2000. Look for link at www.electricalpollution.com/
> Electricity is termed ’Äúdirty’Äù or polluted when the normal 60
>cycle sine wave carries with it various high frequencies, which damage
>electronics and living beings. Industry and large corporations spend
>billions to protect their electronic equipment from this, but nobody is
>looking out for humans.
> The present pollution is created as electricity passes through
>anything electronic, which ’Äúchops up’Äù the sine wave and then dumps
>these high frequencies into the current as it is passed on. This RF
>(radio frequency) energy causes neurological, cardiac, respiratory,
>ophthalmological, dermatological and other conditions ranging in severity
>from headaches, fatigue and ADD to pneumonia, psychosis and strokes.
>¬Ý(’ÄúNo Place To Hide’Äù Volume 3, Number 1, April 2001, ’ÄúSpecial Issue
>on Russian and Ukrainian Research’Äù Editor Arthur Firstenberg lists all
>proven RF symptoms. Can be obtained at (718) 434-4499 or see at
>www.electricalpollution.com/) Childhood leukemia, a good indicator, is
>markedly higher in areas with electrical pollution from ground current.
>(N. Wertheimer, D. Savitz & E. Leeper Childhood cancer In relation to
>indicators of magnetic fields from ground current sources,
>Bioelectromagnetics, Vol. 16, pp. 86-96, 1995))
> In ’Äúthe old days’Äù before electronics, electrical power was
>polluted at the source, by brushes in the generators. A monumental
>epidemiological study using childhood leukemia as a marker found an
>absolutely correlating increase in this disease in areas of the USA,
>Africa and Europe as they sequentially became electrified. (Samuel Milham
>& E.M. Ossiander, Historical evidence that residential electrification
>caused the emergence of childhood leukemia peak, Medical Hypotheses, vol.
>56, #3, 2001, pp. 290-295) Generators now produce clean power but modern
>pollution levels are much higher due to electronics.
> For every electron that leaves a substation, one must return. As
>electricity polluted with high frequencies likes to spread out in what is
>called the skin effect, the presently inadequate utility wiring system
>causes 70% of the return current to flow across the surface of the earth.
>Most people think the earth soaks up electricity like a sponge.¬Ý It does
>not.¬Ý Electricity just flows over the surface, like water over a brick.
>This ground current is attracted to, and enters your home on, water pipes,
>gas mains and phone lines, greatly increasing the amount of high-frequency
>exposure you already have from your own electrical service. Various metal
>structures in your home, from wiring and lamp cords to fins in electric
>baseboards and the metal springs in your bed actually broadcast these
>harmful frequencies right through your body 24 hours a day, whether or not
>any electrical appliances in your house are turned on. In many places
>attempts to ground bring in more current than they take out!
> You may have read that strong EMF is created by your refrigerator,
>hair dryer, etcetera.¬Ý This is true, but the electronics in your house
>are really quite a small part of the picture as electricity is already
>extremely RF-polluted when it enters your home, from everybody "upstream."
>It is not commonly known even by those who write on this subject, nor by
>many who do professional remediation, that the RF is the main culprit.¬Ý
> Doctors are as unaware of this situation as everyone else, so the
>best way to determine whether someone's health problems are related to RF
>is to lower the RF levels and see what happens.¬Ý In schools and homes
>where RF remediation has been done, many kids with Attention Deficit
>Disorder suddenly don't have it any more, and teachers with mysterious
>maladies that kept them from working a full work week now don't miss a
>day.¬Ý Kids who had such severe asthma they needed nebulizer treatments no
>longer do and many chronic headaches and complaints of chronic tiredness
>have melted away.¬Ý(Melrose Chronicle, Melrose, WI 2/26/03) Many
>diabetics find that their need for insulin drops dramatically or even ends
>when they avoid RF, and conversely that it increases when they are
>exposed.¬Ý (My friend and mentor Dave Stetzer’Äôs blood sugar skyrockets
>within minutes when he is exposed to RF, which for him has proven to be
>the sole causative factor. To date, the blood sugar of every person he
>has tested is affected within minutes.) Cows give up to 10 more pounds of
>milk per day on the days when the RF in their environment is low (Donald
>Hillman et al, Relationship of electric power quality to milk production
>of dairy herds, Shocking News, 9/11/02 Also avail. at
>wwww.electricalpollution.com), and 20 pounds more if power quality is
>remediated and remains clean (Conversation with power quality expert Dave
>Stetzer of Blair, WI).¬Ý I myself have needed less thyroid hormone as my
>electrical environment has been improved, yet notably more on days with
>more RF exposure. [Since writing this, I have been able to discontinue
>use of thyroid hormone altogether, after spending some tme away from home
>in a yet cleaner electrical environment.]
>My own story illustrates both the effects of RF exposure and the
>challenges of dealing with them¬Ý We live in a Wisconsin Winnie-the-Pooh
>three-acre beech and maple woods surrounded by farms and woodland. Not a
>place where you’Äôd expect to find dangerous environmental pollution, so
>that was not suspected when I began to have "spells."¬Ý¬Ý Although I
>previously had low blood pressure, I began experiencing spells of a
>sudden, sharp rise in blood pressure with skyrocketing pulse rate and wild
>cardiac arrhythmia.¬Ý I was taken to the ER by ambulance twice, but by the
>time I got there pronounced normal. $18,000 worth of medical tests,
>including a MRI of my brain, as finally a tumor was suspected, found
>nothing to account for these and other bizarre, frightening symptoms,.
>Bewildered doctors finally pronounced that I was ’Äújust having panic
>attacks.’Äù They prescribed beta blockers, which¬Ýblock normal
>stimulation of many bodily systems including the heart, but these rendered
>me so zombielike that I refused them. Insomnia increased to the point
>where I was sleeping, in broken bits, from 3-5 hours a night.¬Ý I felt as
>if I was made out of paper.¬Ý Just breathing and walking felt taxing.¬Ý My
>anxiety level was extreme, my adrenals were exhausted and my thyroid
>needed help from hormone replacement.¬Ý Already slender, I became a
>shadow.¬ÝMy husband had to care for me, and I wasn't sure I was going to
> I had previously read a bit about EMF, and it occurred to me to try
>some experiments, such as sleeping in different places in the house. I
>noticed immediate symptoms if I went near a TV, a telephone, a car fan,
>the water pipes in our house.... (Later I would discover I had become
>’Äúelectrically sensitive,’Äù a sort of walking EMF meter, affected by
>dimmer switches, electric heating systems, computers in banks and post
>offices, the chair at the dentist’Äôs office, .... )
> At least now I had a clue.¬Ý Fortunately, I was put in touch with a
>power quality engineer who graciously taught me about power quality and
>how to clean up my immediate environment and save my life.¬Ý We did
>experiments and took readings with a variety of meters, indoors and out.
>¬ÝWe put in shielded phone lines, moved water pipes, made the first few
>feet of incoming water pipe nonconductive (Some RF still jumps onto the
>pipes from house wiring.). We gutted old electric baseboards that though
>disconnected were broadcasting RF over large areas including our bedroom,
>and got all metal out of and away from the bed.¬Ý We installed RF filters,
>removed dimmer switches and fluorescent lights, sold the aquarium, got me
>a speaker phone and a laptop computer I use on battery only, and I avoid
>the high-field parts of the yard.
> With each of these steps results were immediate and dramatic.¬ÝThe
>cardiac symptoms ceased. I was able to sleep. My anxiety level dropped.
>My recovery has been steady and I am much better. Only, however, to the
>extent to which I am able to avoid RF. I was exposed to extreme levels of
>electrical pollution for many months, and remain electrically sensitive to
>date, with quite-circumscribed activities. Even at home, RF is not
>totally unavoidable when the power is on. I am markedly better on days
>spent away from the house in areas free of ground current, and in warm
>weather when the main can be off at night.
> Though our local power quality was shown by independent test to be
>poorer than most, toxic electricity is a chronic, severe stress affecting
>virtually everyone, that only increases as the pollution proliferates.¬Ý
>Individuals who have cleaned up their immediate environments universally
>notice dramatic improvement in a wide range of conditions and symptoms,
>usually of conditions that they had never thought of as related to
>electrical pollution.
> I offer the following points and ideas for your further
>consideration. ( Space here allows for only a small portion of the
>relevant facts. Please get in touch for more information.)
>¬Ý - If you have clients who, in spite of doing "all the right
>things" still do not flourish,¬Ý consider what RF they are living in.
>¬Ý - I gave several Polarity sessions to a woman whose apartment was
>by a hefty electric cable, with EMF levels high enough to cause childhood
>leukemia.¬Ý The usual techniques simply did not work there.¬Ý How does EMF
>affect Polarity sessions?
>¬Ý¬Ý¬Ý¬Ý - Dr. Robert Becker theorizes that healers sense a disease site
>in a patient through radiating an EMF from their hands which induces EM
>resonance in the patient, the return signal then being felt by the
>healer.¬Ý A resonant action occurs between the fields given off by the
>healer and the intrinsic electrical-control systems within the patient's
>body.¬Ý "While these currents have a vanishingly small flow, they would
>nonetheless produce local DC magnetic fields within the tissues.¬Ý These
>fields, in combination with a frequency given off by the healer, could
>result in resonance with other charged particles."¬Ý¬Ý¬Ý As the theory
>rests on complex resonance, the Earth's magnetic field must be involved.¬Ý
>Dr. Becker therefore reasons that healers have greater diagnostic and
>healing ability during times of quiet geomagnetic field conditions and
>that their abilities are adversely affected by magnetic storms and
>locations in which man-made magnetic fields or extra low frequency (ELF)
>fields are present.¬Ý(Becker, Cross Currents, 240-241)¬ÝAn important issue
>for Polarity therapists to consider and research.
> - The current induced in the body is a product of field strength
>and frequency. A field oscillating at 180 Hz induces three times the
>current in you as a 60-cycle field does. In such a field, every cell in
>the body will experience a shift in polarity 180 times a second.
> - Our natural body currents are DC.¬Ý¬Ý Earth itself has a very
>strong DC field with which we evolved.¬Ý AC is damaging to living
>systems, inducing currents within them which DC does not.
> - The Earth's field fluctuates with time of day. Different organ
>systems of the body are more energized at different times of day.
>Sensitivity to the minute fluxes in the Earth’Äôs natural magnetic field
>is the most important component of our circadian rhythms. (Levitt,
>ibid., 118-120)
> - Dr. Becker believes "That humans interact so fundamentally with
>the earth's magnetic fields...may be the most important biological
>discovery of the 20th century."¬Ý It may also be a hidden variable in all
>¬Ý - The belief that only ionizing (heating) radiation can harm
>living organisms has been absolutely disproven, yet persists as the basis
>for ’Äúofficial’Äù exposure guidelines.
>¬Ý¬Ý¬Ý ¬Ý - Living organisms are sensitive electromagnetic systems that
>run on millivolts.¬Ý Vanishingly small charges far below the threshold of
>awareness affect them. (Exposure guidelines set by utility-supported
>"experts" are still based on voltage, to avoid palpable shocks.¬Ý The
>frequency of the field or current is, however, the key factor.)
>¬Ý¬Ý - Safety standards are based on exposures considered safe for the
>average adult male, however children are more affected by EMF than
>adults.¬Ý The greater the cell division rate, the more chances for
>something to go wrong, and the growth processes themselves are affected by
>EMF, babies in utero being most affected. Field-created defects are
>permanent and are passed on to succeeding generations, for instance the
>inheritance of brain-tumor tendency in children of men with high
>occupational exposures.¬Ý ( Dr. S Nordstrum, "Effects of paternal EMF
>exposure on offspring, Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 4, pp. 91-101, 1983)
>"There may also be frequency-specific windows for different organ systems,
>meaning that certain exposures may be particularly detrimental at fixed
>times during fetal growth." (Levitt, ibid.)
> -Each individual is a unique receiving antenna.¬Ý For instance, one'
>s height affects which wavelengths one receives most easily.¬Ý( Polk,
>ibid. chapter 9) Weight and fat/water content play roles, as do metals
>(teeth, implants) in the body.¬Ý ( C. Polk & J.H. Song, Electric fields
>induced by LF magnetic fields in inhomogenous biological structures...
>Bioelectromagnetics vol. 11, 235-249, 1990)
> -¬Ý Cell polarity is disrupted by EMF and currents, with profound
>effects.¬Ý Healthy cells have: polarized walls with positive charge
>outside, negative inside; few and small pores; calcium ions mostly outside
>cells; ability to communicate with other cells via molecules; ability to
>attract attaching information-bearing molecules.¬Ý Their ability to choose
>what to allow in and out depends on electrical charges on ions like
>calcium, sodium, proteins, sugars, hormones, etcetera, as well as pore
>size and cell wall polarity.¬Ý Cells affected by EMF and currents: lose
>polarity; have calcium ions equally inside and out; lose ability to
>manufacture enzymes; have more and larger pores, allowing waste molecules
>to penetrate the cell.¬Ý If the field or current is of long duration, the
>cells die.¬Ý This is called electroporation. (J.C. Weaver, Molecular basis
>for cell membrane electroporation, Annals of the New York Academy of
>Sciences, Vol. 720, pp. 141-152, 1994. Several more references listed in
>CURE booklet.)
>¬Ý¬Ý¬Ý¬Ý - Melatonin production is decreased by exposure to EMF.¬Ý Though
>most known as the hormone necessary for good sleep, melatonin has such
>numerous functions that wellness is not possible when it is
>insufficient.¬Ý It regulates our internal clock, affects gonadal hormones,
>moods and behavior and the immune system and exerts direct effects on the
>growth of breast, prostate and colon cancers.¬Ý (R.P. Liburdy et al, ELF
>magnetic fields, breast cancer and melatonin, Journal of Pineal
>Research,vol. 14, p. 89, 1993)
> - We are particularly sensitive to EMF during sleep, the time when
>various healing activities take place in the body.¬Ý (It is interesting
>that the front-to-back polarity of our brains reverses during this time.
>Levitt, ibid.133) The effects of spending eight hours asleep in a toxic
>electrical field are severe.
>¬Ý¬Ý¬Ý¬Ý - Resonance occurs when an aspect of a force, such its wave
>length, matches a characteristic of an object receiving the force.¬Ý This
>allows the power inherent in the force to be maximally transferred to the
>object, causing it to vibrate.¬Ý (The crystal goblet when the opera singer
>hits high C, for instance.)¬Ý Within the object, the resonance is
>self-perpetuating.¬Ý You and I are objects being thus affected.
>¬Ý¬Ý¬Ý¬Ý - Cyclotron resonance enables very low-strength EM fields,
>acting in concert with the Earth’Äôs steady-state magnetic field, to
>produce major biological effects by concentrating the energy in the
>applied field upon specific particles, such as the biologically important
>ions of sodium, calcium, potassium, and lithium.’Äù This resonance is
>produced by frequencies between 1 and 100 hertz.¬Ý European electricity is
>50 hertz and N. American is 60 hertz!¬Ý Yet safety standards have been
>based on power, not frequency.¬Ý (Becker, ibid. 235)
>¬Ý We need to learn as much as possible about how our highly sensitive
>electromagnetic energy systems are affected by external electric fields
>entering the body. Presently, both military and utility establishments
>exercise undemocratic freedom in ways very harmful to the citizenry and no
>one is looking out for individuals regarding EMF.¬Ý¬Ý We must educate
>ourselves and take protective measures on our own.¬Ý¬Ý¬Ý
> ¬ÝThe literal future of humanity depends on our ability to live with
>increasing amounts of high-frequency radiation. Polarity practitioners
>have the perfect background to do further research on the effects of EMF
>and come up with health-saving remedial measures. Please get in touch
>with the author if this interests you, and also for much more information
>than could be included here, including numerous household remediation
>¬Ý¬Ý¬Ý¬Ý RESOURCES:¬Ý¬Ý Good introduction, info. on RF filters at
>www.electricalpollution.com¬Ý See also http://emfacts.com/,
>http://www.ortho.lsumc.edu/Faculty/Marino/EMF.html and
>www.emfguru.org.¬Ý¬Ý B. Blake Levitt's book, ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS
>includes much not elsewhere readily available re. the effects of EMF on
>animals and plant life.¬Ý Dr. Robert O. Becker's book, CROSS CURRENTS, is
>a "must read."¬Ý Call C.U.R.E at 715-564-3362 for an information-dense
>booklet with 200 references. ( I suggest a $5 donation.) Out of print
>but still available is Lucinda Grant’Äôs HANDBOOK OF ELECTRICAL