----- Original Message ----- From: [hidden email] To: [hidden email] Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 4:11 AM Subject: A Break-through in Understanding Non-Thermal Electromagnetic FieldEffects The Institute of Science in Society Science Society Sustainability http://www.i-sis.org.uk General Enquiries [hidden email] Website/Mailing List [hidden email] ISIS Director m.w.ho@i- sis.org.uk UNSUBSCRIBE HERE ISIS Press Release 15/02/05 A Break-through in Understanding Non-Thermal Electromagnetic Field Effects Regulators of EMFs have been saying for years, "If it doesn't burn you, it is safe", and "There are no conceivable mechanisms that could explainhow EMFs with energies below the thermal threshold could have any effect."That is why they have continued to set exposure standards that fail to protect the public and employees in the workplace. Many serious 'non- thermal'effects have been documented, at field intensities far below the exposure stands. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho reviews new and old scientific findings to explain howthe physics and chemistry of the collective water structure in the cell and the organism can interact with extremely weak EMFs to cause a multitude of biological effects. A popular version of her scientific paper, Non- Thermal Electromagnetic Fields & Cell Water , was presented at the Green Network Conference, Science, Medicine and the Law, in RIBA, London, UK, 31 Jan - 2 February 2005. Order the electronic copies of all three: the fully referenced scientific paper, the text of her oral presentation and the pdf of her power point, for £6 00 here. Non-Thermal Electromagnetic Fields & Cell Water Dr. Mae-Wan Ho Director, Institute of Science in Society Presented at Green Network Conference, Science Medicine and the Law ,31 January-2 February 2005, RIBA, London, UK Abstract of scientific preprint There is little doubt that weak electromagnetic fields (EMFs) with energies below the level of random thermal fluctuations can affect living organisms; although the precise physical mechanism for such 'non-thermal' EMF effects has remained elusive. I have suggested that weak EMFs interact primarily with the high degree of electro-dynamic coherence of living organisms and cells, in which proteins and other macromolecules intimately associated with water form a dynamic liquid crystalline continuum throughout the body. Recent research findings suggest that the electro-dynamic coherence of living organisms depends on collective phase transitions of the associated 'interfacial' water in response to internal and external EMFs; and it is that which coordinates and regulate living processes. That is why weak EMFscan have numerous biological effects. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This article can be found on the I-SIS website at http://www.i-sis.org.uk/NTEFE.php If you like this original article from the Institute of Science in Society, and would like to continue receiving articles of this calibre, please consider making a donation or purchase on our website. ISIS is an independent, not-for- profit organisation dedicated to providing critical public information on cutting edge science, and to promoting social accountability and ecological sustainability in science. a.. If you would prefer to receive future mailings as plain text please let us know. b.. If you would like to be removed from our mailing list - please UNSUBSCRIBE HERE< /UL> The Institute of Science in Society, PO Box 32097, London NW1 OXR telephone: [44 20 8452 2729] [44 20 7272 5636] General Enquiries [hidden email] - Website/Mailing List [hidden email] - ISIS Director [hidden email] MATERIAL IN THIS EMAIL MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT PERMISSION, ON CONDITION THAT IT IS ACCREDITED ACCORDINGLY AND CONTAINS A LINK TO http://www.i-sis.org.uk/ [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] |
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