"Muslims for Human Rights is against the powers of the Health CS to mandatorily require asymptomatic carriers of Covid-19 virus to provide specimens for investigation and examination without the carrier’s consent. “This raises plausible legal questions of infringement of constitutional rights and freedoms including the right to property, right to freedom and security of the person, right to protection of human dignity and right to privacy,” said Muhuri chairperson, Khelef Khalifa, in his affidavit. The lobby group is seeking a declaration that those who are being forcefully quarantined without sufficient reasonable cause or prior testing justifying their quarantine and isolation is against their rights and should be released." ----------------- Are you guys being forced to test for the Covid19?!? And pushed into forced quarantine? ----------------------- This video shows a couple with apparent no symptoms being forced by police force to get a Covid19 test. The policemen handcuffed the man to take him to hospital for testing for Covid19, without his consent. Policemen came to the person's house, in the evening, with a nurse , and took the couple from their living room couch to hospital for forced testing at a nearby hospital!! ------------------------------ Then I found more information about the LEGALIZATION of all that: there is a bill that authorizes forced testing with mobile units that go inside houses, and they decide who goes to quarantine somewhere or who stays in quarentine inside... it means, they can decide to take anyone out and put in forced quarantine, like children? and if I understood it right, in the article above, the places they take people to be in quarantine are awful, dirty, etc. and this is all legal!! |
If they are doing those Covid 19 tests through police force, they can do that to force people to take vaccines, when they come. To all ES sufferers, I just warn you - think twice before taking vaccines. They may cause all sorts of neurological problems, and no one will be liable for that. if a vaccine kills you, no one will be liable!! Companies and the medical staff are fully protected by law. Vaccines mess up with the immune system, and each of us who suffers with ES has neuro problems and immune problems from start. |
Follow Mike Maloney on Youtube if you're interested in what's probably coming. Cash might disappear in the future, and that will be a huge. War robots are already checking on people in parks in Singapore.. crazy.. Negative interest rates coming (no cash, forced negative in bank/can't withdraw?). And if you don't take the vaccine they'll likely disable you from doing anything, .. probably won't even be able to enter a store? I wonder if they'll do the one world currency as well once the USD collapses. They call USD petrodollar because of the agreement with Saudis which they are withdrawing right now. So USD will no longer be petrodollar, and it's being printed to oblivion. Major issues incoming! Buy some silver coins if you can and hold on.. |
on the one hand the es-forum is not supposed to be some sort of a political arena, which could undermine its purpose.
on the other hand enforced vaccins would be a damn serious issue effecting our health and es. i suspect that the battle is fought out in higher places of which we do not even know their existence. any individual may influence the course of events by sheer consciousness as all and everytjhing seems interconnected in this universe. whatever, just for the heck of it and because it is so absurd, here is another link ( the info could be bogus of course ) : fear and worry only feed this insanity, all this news could be a trap and part of the game played upon the common folks. i do not like petitions ( nor voting in general except with my feet ) as these show a spirit of humility and dependance, but in the usa one could sign this : seen from a distance, the whole thing is a great spectacle, on the whole humanity appears as a degrading lot of corrupted consumers and braindead smartphone-junkies. my intuition agrees with the ideas that it will get much worse in 2030 and go downhill another 4 decades after that. what is happening right now could be merely a trial run and just a small step forward into hell and destruction of the planet. well, the devil certainly wants some fun too, and might be granted that. |
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