Fluorescent lights

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Fluorescent lights

I found this group while trying to do some research on the harmful
affects of Fluorescent lights.
I have a question for everyone.
I am attending school part time this fall. This past weekend I spent
the first full day in the classroom I will be going to class in. The
room is completely underground, with no natural light(not even any
that filters through the open door). It is lit with fluorescent
With in about an hour of being in the classroom I started to get
heachache. This got progressivly worse as the day wore on, untill
after 8 hours it felt light a migraine, and my eyes were buring as
well. My energy level had decreased dramaticly over the course of the
day as well. I went home and slept for 14 hours straight. I didn't
fully recover my energy levels untill this wednesday. I felt
extremely ill for days afterwards.
My question is wether anyone knows of any ways to combat the affects
of fluorescent lights? I am probly going to purchase a small portable
full spectrum light to take with me to class, and am going to spend
ALL my breaks outside, even if it is raining and cold. Are there any
other ways that I can prepare my body for these weekends? Certain
foods, or nutrients that I can boost a few days before? Any herbs
anyone knows about?
Luckily I only have to do one weekend a month in this perticular
class room, but it is still about 9 hours a day for two days in a
row. Any suggestions would be much appreciated :)


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Re: Fluorescent lights

Marc Martin
> My question is wether anyone knows of any ways to combat the affects
> of fluorescent lights? I am probly going to purchase a small portable
> full spectrum light to take with me to class, and am going to spend
> ALL my breaks outside, even if it is raining and cold. Are there any
> other ways that I can prepare my body for these weekends? Certain
> foods, or nutrients that I can boost a few days before? Any herbs
> anyone knows about?

Hi Brie,

One thing which might help (at least it did for me) is to wear a
Springlife polarizer pendant:


I have one of the larger ones ("OM") in my pants pocket throughout
the day, and find it sufficient to make most florescent lights
tolerable. Although depending your sensitivity/exposure, you
may require more (or less) than this.

And yes, spending your breaks outside should help as well.

As for foods, I've had good luck with avocados, bananasa, apples,
dates, prunes, oatmeal, quinoa. Maybe some sea vegetables if
you can find some way to stomach them. :-) (I use a drink
called "Sea Energy" which makes sea vegetables more palatable)
Someone here suggestion sea salt, although for me that makes
things worse.

I can't think of any herbs which have helped me much... you might
want to try some capsules of evening primrose oil, however.


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Re: Fluorescent lights

Niels Geurts
In reply to this post by Brie
>I am probly going to purchase a small portable
>full spectrum light to take with me to class,

Can you provide us with a link to information and/or a sales adress for this?

Thanks, Niels

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