First visit to energy healer

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First visit to energy healer


In the spirit of exploring all possible avenues of wellness with an
open mind, my husband visited an energy healer yesterday afternoon
for the first time. The session lasted 90 minutes, about 45 of which
was spent on case history and 45 on actual energy work. The result
was *significantly increased* pain which lasted the rest of the
evening. We did not actually expect my husband to get well from one
session with a healer but it was interesting that he left feeling
worse, and stayed painful for hours afterwards. The healer did ask
him to "confront" the pain in his body during the session, which as a
deliberate survival strategy he has trained himself not to do.

The healer's initial diagnosis of my husband's energetic condition
was that he has "no ground chakra". (Vocabulary errors are mine,
sorry; we're new to this.) According to the healer, the absence of
ground chakra is the most serious energetic problem, the one that
needs to be addressed before any other healing can take place.
Apparently the ground chakra is related to one's connection to the
earth, and to physical/emotional/psychic boundaries, safety and
protection. My husband has no ground chakra, so he is vulnerable to
opportunistic infection, etc. Therefore addressing, say, an
intestinal parasite problem would be equivalent to chasing out a
burglar but continuing to leave your front door open overnight (my
analogy). The healer was not at all surprised to hear that my husband
wears a grounding wrist cord that plugs him into the earth and that
this measure relieves some of his ES symptoms.

The healer proposed one-hour training sessions once a week for 5
weeks to address the main issue and teach my husband some techniques
to reclaim his body. We would like to meet with at least one other
energy healer before committing to a treatment program– basically to
get a second opinion and see whether intuitively someone else might
be a better match for my husband. The first healer seemed very
professional and likeable, by the way, but trying to approach this,
like all things, as systematically as possible.


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Re: First visit to energy healer


Hi Cara,

Do you know what type of energy healer he was?

I know from my own experience with pranic healing, that one can stir
things up the wrong way if not very careful. It sounds like they are
being careful, but I wouldn't expect him to feel sick after a
treatment if they were only trying to help him improve his
grounding. Did they give any indication of what exactly they were

I have had energy work done by various methods, and many stirred up
mercury. Doing light pranic healing has been my most benefitial.
Interestingly enough, it was when I only focused on my base chakra
and and later my solar plexus that I was able to feel my best. As
soon as I tried working on other chakras things would get stirred
up. Seems very similar to what your husband is experiencing.

There are some simple visualizations your husband can do to improve
the flow of energy to ground, through base chakra. This way his body
can balance his energy naturally and not depend on external energy
source, which may throw him off balance.

One is to visualize a wide stream of white light coming from his seat
(base chakra) down about 10 feet into the earth while he is sitting
on a chair, and doing deep breathing at the same time. So he
essentially creates a virtual wire to ground using light.

The other is to stand up, and breath up one leg all the way up to his
head, and back down his other leg, visualizing his energy going into
the earth. This does grounding, but also balances left-right brain
so is very benefitial, especially when emotions are flowing.

Our body has inherent ability to regulate our energy, so safer than
getting energized by other people. The other thing is that mercury
seems to mess with energy system on a continuous basis, so even
though your husband may later feel good for a while after a
treatment, mercury gets things messed up soon after - so good to know
some personal energy exercises to manage energy daily.

He could do either of these exercises very gently to begin, and build
up his visualization and deeper breathing. I wouldn't try all at

When he gets familiar with those methods, he'll have greater ability
to recover if he has any side effects from energy healers, or when
he's going through rough moments.


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Re: First visit to energy healer


glennhcoleman <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi Cara,

I was adopted and the social worker that "prepared" me for meeting my birthmother lead me through a similar grounding meditation as Glenn proposed. Grounding is connecting the soul to the body and anchoring to the centre of the earth. Through the down cord you can send all things that are not serving you anymore, that are not of Light.

Sitting on a chair, feet placed firmly on the ground. Imagine a red cord going down from your tailbone to the centre of the Earth (black rocks). Another silver cord is going up. You might need someone to do it for you or finding a good website, for the meditation. I find it hard still visualisation..

There is no question "whether it worked or not" you will actually feel the cords. I was teary for no reason.

One time after I had become "ES" (and probably had become disconnected because of the shock of what I went through)I was healing/sending love to my friend and felt the cords just like that, at that moment she cried (and the whole night after she was teary, for no reason, well probably good to feel Home, connected to your own soul)

On the website there are several grounding exercises, and suggestions of grounding foods (chocolate and coffee, cafeine that is??!! is one).

They also state chronic fatigue is ascension-related and the relation between viurus and ascencion is interesting!! Even if you might find some things hard to believe on the site, the practical advise on nutrition, detox etc. is right on.

Love and Light

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Re: First visit to energy healer, grounding, red candle


Had to hop over the border last week and looked in the store for usefull stuff. Got mung beans to sprout, an energy drink, malt drink a small back-pack and two prayer candles. One with Mary and a prayer on the glass holder and a white one with Jesus.

The red candle that has been discussed here before I see now symbolizes Connection/grounding. Red Candle is the connection to Mother Earth (the red cord or rod in the visualisation), Flame is the connection to Spirit (the silver cord). This is why the candle "works for EMF protection" it helps ground out the stuff you do not need and send it to the Aurora in the center of the earth for transmutation.

Also wanted to share that when things were really heavy and painfull "shaking" seemed to help ground out very well. While praying to anything and everything I could imagine (God/godess, Jesus, Mary, spirit guides, saints, angels, Violet Flame = St Germain who was the protector of Jesus, mother kundalini) I felt energy poor out through my feet. My body started to make the same movement as if I was using a chi-machine. Was lying down when this first happened. Ever since I usually stand an shake (look like the dancer in I think flash dance), sometimes I would jump, but felt it was good. No fear shake it all out. Plus I could stop it at will. So Try and shake it out. Stand on the ground and move your knees back and forth and see if it works.

Also burning incense and sweeping with Sage will clear the field, if stuff has been pushed out in healing.

My body is a temple of Light, a perfect vessel for my Consiousness

(Tell every cell in your body this, while meditating on the Light going through your body. Shine inner flashlight to where there is pain)

Ellen Hellingwerf <[hidden email]> wrote:

glennhcoleman <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi Cara,

I was adopted and the social worker that "prepared" me for meeting my birthmother lead me through a similar grounding meditation as Glenn proposed. Grounding is connecting the soul to the body and anchoring to the centre of the earth. Through the down cord you can send all things that are not serving you anymore, that are not of Light.

Sitting on a chair, feet placed firmly on the ground. Imagine a red cord going down from your tailbone to the centre of the Earth (black rocks). Another silver cord is going up. You might need someone to do it for you or finding a good website, for the meditation. I find it hard still visualisation..

There is no question "whether it worked or not" you will actually feel the cords. I was teary for no reason.

One time after I had become "ES" (and probably had become disconnected because of the shock of what I went through)I was healing/sending love to my friend and felt the cords just like that, at that moment she cried (and the whole night after she was teary, for no reason, well probably good to feel Home, connected to your own soul)

On the website there are several grounding exercises, and suggestions of grounding foods (chocolate and coffee, cafeine that is??!! is one).

They also state chronic fatigue is ascension-related and the relation between viurus and ascencion is interesting!! Even if you might find some things hard to believe on the site, the practical advise on nutrition, detox etc. is right on.

Love and Light

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Re: First visit to energy healer, grounding, red candle


Hi Glenn and Ellen,

The world of energy healing, chakras, visualization etc. is very new
to us. I have a feeling that my husband is more naturally in tune
with this than I am (he is a trained scientist but unusually
intuitive) --which I'm guessing is related to his heightened
sensitivity to toxic influences like EMF. It's interesting that as we
learn more about these "alternative" ways of healing and being, we
find more consistency than contradiction with what we happen to
know "scientifically."

I appreciate your suggestions. My husband spent most of yesterday
feeling crummy, we think as a result of the energy healing session
the day before. It felt very much like stirred-up mercury to him.
When things settle down a little we'll discuss some of the exercises
you mentioned.


--- In [hidden email], Ellen Hellingwerf <perla1133@y...>

Sitting on a chair, feet placed firmly on the ground. Imagine a red
cord going down from your tailbone to the centre of the Earth (black
rocks). Another silver cord is going up.

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Re: First visit to energy healer, grounding, red candle

Marc Martin
> I appreciate your suggestions. My husband spent most of yesterday
> feeling crummy, we think as a result of the energy healing session
> the day before. It felt very much like stirred-up mercury to him.

Yeah, energy work may be great for some problems, but for heavy
metal toxicity it seems a bit inappropriate, because it has
a tendency to mobilize toxins and not necessarily eliminate


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Re: First visit to energy healer, grounding, red candle

In reply to this post by carazzz

> learn more about these "alternative" ways of healing and being, we
> find more consistency than contradiction with what we happen to
> know "scientifically."

Yes, science already knows everything is energy, and solid form is a
myth. Dunno what field your husband is in, but there are channelings
about a lot of things science should find out about, like the
relation between light, Magnetism and Electricity.

At first I checked out the basics: Universal Law. Then there was
many beautiful spiritual sites, but try and be continuous in thought
(no wavering) and do not get confused or scared, the internet is a
swamp and a brilliant source of info in the same time.

Tried doing this e-mail private but ended up here (sooo soooorry)

Hope there was improvement in his condition (or should I say matrix

!!!!!Violet Flame did it for me (philosophers stone changes mercury
into another substance I believe mercury sulfate (not sure no mind
for science, we need a bridge between spirituality and science,

Hands over ears Pink Light over mouth and ears and out loud or in
the mind go over and over:

I AM a being of Violet Fire
I AM the Purity God desires

At my worst there was so much pain there was no sleep. 48 hours
straight saved me. Otherwise 15 minutes before sleep and you might
be lucky to wake up with this mantra. The flame is pink to purple,
forgiveness to protection. We are safe.

7th ray saves us!! St Germain all the way.

Go within or go without,


(sooo sooory for the perceived off-topic)

> > Cara
> --- In [hidden email], Ellen Hellingwerf <perla1133@y...>
> wrote:
> Sitting on a chair, feet placed firmly on the ground. Imagine a
> cord going down from your tailbone to the centre of the Earth
> rocks). Another silver cord is going up.