Dr. Warnke's study on longitudinal waves

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Dr. Warnke's study on longitudinal waves

Hi all,

I wrote Dr. Ulrich Warnke about an English translation of his
longitudinal wave study "In der Mobil- und
Kommunikationsfunk-Problematik bisher unbeachtet: Elektrostatische
Longitudinal-Schwingungen und ihre Plasma-Vakuum-Interaktion"
(roughly: "In the mobile- and communication radio problem so far
unconsidered: Electrostatic longitudinal oscillation and its
plasma-vacuum interaction"). [Someone with knowledge of German,
please make corrections :)]

Dr. Warnke doesn't have the resources to provide one, so maybe someone
literate in German could volunteer to do this? (Online translation
creates too many gaps and partials for this technical document.)


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Re: Dr. Warnke's study on longitudinal waves

Anders Eriksson

I guess that I'm not the only one having difficulties with translations
when surfing the web!

Try the following web page, it might help a little bit:


Anders Eriksson

Beau wrote:

> Hi all,
> I wrote Dr. Ulrich Warnke about an English translation of his
> longitudinal wave study "In der Mobil- und
> Kommunikationsfunk-Problematik bisher unbeachtet: Elektrostatische
> Longitudinal-Schwingungen und ihre Plasma-Vakuum-Interaktion"
> (roughly: "In the mobile- and communication radio problem so far
> unconsidered: Electrostatic longitudinal oscillation and its
> plasma-vacuum interaction"). [Someone with knowledge of German,
> please make corrections :)]
> Dr. Warnke doesn't have the resources to provide one, so maybe someone
> literate in German could volunteer to do this? (Online translation
> creates too many gaps and partials for this technical document.)
> Beau
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