I notice that when a storm is coming, ES symptoms are worse.. no difference in the winter, just spring/summer.
Maybe it has something to do with air pressure, wondering if anyone else notices that? |
I've noticed that when there is a heavy cloud cover at night which leads to either snow or rain, ear noises increase and feel vibrational so that I feel very ES affected. Do the heavy clouds keep RF closer to the ground so that is doesn't dissipate upwards?
From: sailplane [via ES] <ml+[hidden email]>
Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2020 3:14 AM To: Fog Top <[hidden email]> Subject: [ES] Does the weather affect your ES? I notice that when a storm is coming, ES symptoms are worse.. no difference in the winter, just summer.
Maybe it has something to do with air pressure, wondering if anyone else notices that? If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below:
Maybe it's just a coincidence that when there is cloud cover the air pressure drops?... It does coincide with cloud cover for me as well, but I just associated it with the coming storm later on not with the clouds. It could have something to do with moisture though, moisture is more conductive .. but I'm not sure what it does for RF. |
In reply to this post by sailplane
"fogtop" i used to get virtago during cloud covered days i noticed it especially. on sunnys it wasnt as bad, guys at work got me to eat more banannas, and it became better after a while!
In reply to this post by sailplane
I think so, yes. My ES includes at least visible light, and Wi-FI radio waves. I don't know why, but some days, the light from outside coming in through the window gives me more problems than other days.
If I'm suffering from Wi-Fi radio waves and/or too much artificial light exposure from computer use or such, going outside on a sunny day can help me feel a lot better. I can see why a cloudy day might be harder on a person. Sleeping when it's dark and taking vitamin D3 help me a lot, too. Radio waves don't usually bother me too much if I take vitamin D. It's interesting that sunlight (not filtered through a window) also helps (since it can help the body produce vitamin D). Note that natural light indoors (through a closed window) is prone to giving me issues, but being outside just causes fatigue, if anything, usually. |
Oh, one big thing I've noticed is that if I'm cold, fluorescent lights bother me a whole lot more (especially if I'm also uncomfortable and/or tired and/or hungry—like sitting in a hard chair listening to a speaker in a group of people in a cold room full of fluorescent lights). Weather affects the temperature. So, yeah.
I found that getting cold can have some protective effects against emf in my case.5g would be another story
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