Dental X-Rays

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Re: Dental X-Rays


Yes, I always take iodine before getting any kind of X-Rays or MRI's.  If I go to the dentist and I forgot to take it or to bring it, I tell them to reschedule the X-Rays until I do take it, that is how adamant I am about the iodine.

Also, I always take iodine before i get on an airplane, in order to help detox the EMF's from the plane engine itself, and from the wireless radiation coming from the passengers cell phones and laptops accessing Wi-Fi, etc.  You know the airplane cabin is like a faraday cage as it is a metal enclosure and the Wi-Fi just bounces around inside of there.  Also, the iodine makes your blood, as they say "sterile" for lack of a better word, so that the germs floating around the plane cabin cannot embed in your body, making it less likely you will pick up cold, flu, and other bugs from the stale, recirculated air in the plane cabin.

Also the iodine helps after landing as well, because airports are full of wireless radiation coming from many sources including but not limited to cell towers, the Air Traffic Control Towers, Wi-Fi, the scanning technology used to monitor everyone passing through the airport, the "sniffing" technology used to determine if anyone is carrying contraband, etc, and many other  wireless technologies being employed that we do not know about.  

For a more thorough radiation detox, because too high of levels of iodine in your body, from taking it too often is not good, i take Sodium Alginate.  You can take that regularly over a long period of time.
