David Icke's got an interesting view about the relation between all these things. I may not agree with everything he says, but it IS an interesting view, it is VERY worth to watch. |
original and bright guy, although his website is repelling to me, too loud and chaotic
a bit similar, also worth seeing : a bunch of alternative views in 5 parts, here the first : a lot of censored videos end up on bitchute. there are so many theories out there, it's amazing. in the end, all that matters is what we do ourselves. e.g. people protesting against 5G while using smartphones or internet from satellites are a bad joke. the elites have some good talking points too, overpopulation and consumerism are really unsustainable. of course few people would be interested but just let's say the western world would renounce civilisation. then the chinese might enslave and exploit it, hence they seek to stop destruction of the planet centrally. most problematic technological advancements stem from the military, and a lot more sits in the pipeline. technological solutions usually make things worse, human progress tends to turn out to be disastrous. there is no way out, as long as humans conspire, unless they become conscious but that is unlikely. of course the 1% of the 1% are puppets too, anybody with a belief can be manipulated and abused. that is not wrong, it is as it is. |
of course talking points do not matter, only actions do. look at the deeds of a famous puppet : or not, as it is kind of sickening. these vaccins are likely to cause or contribute to es. spending money on windows o.s. means supporting these "philanthropic" activities. i personally work with ubuntu mate and trisquel on secondhand pc's, much less annoying also. |
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In reply to this post by Jinna
kind of funny, even more so as stockholm does not suffer from it. written by a self-declared christian. just like dana ashley, a wonderful and brave soul. i write this because there are more pecular examples of this phenomenon. you would not expect much intelligence and conscience from followers of a religion that states that god created the world for them to exploit, but perhaps that mentality is not what their guru ever had in mind and these churches got hijacked. also the other side of the picture, including 5G and locking up billions of people based upon worse than average science, sounds pretty devilish. in fact, gates, musk, gore and similar lowlifes possibly sold their souls to the spider in the web, who could well be satan himself. now it is true that musk objected to the lockdown, but if you leave things upto him, computers will be implanted in human heads, creating some sort of cyborgs, this is no joke actually. well, if someone wants to spend numerous eternities in certain lower regions of hell, it is their business. let us shape our own realities. what is significant is that also in sweden the number of registered infections appears to diminish. at any rate for the swedes there should not come a second wave as herd-immunity has been built up. if it does, 5G may have something to do with it. in that case after a while people that did not die will be probably able to "survive", just do not ask how. however the rolling out of 5G takes years and during that period, not just humans but all life on the planet will have to adapt to or overcome this new type of assault to some degree somehow. |
In reply to this post by earthworm
Thank you all for the good websites!
Yes, I also agree that locking everyone down does much, possibly worse. Here, we were always allowed to meet in groups of max 5 people, so it means: the contagion always continued. And infection and deaths are just going down. In this video below, the brilliant Judy Mikovitz explains that IF we used Hydroxychloroquine, the RIGHT treatment for any corona viral infection, there would be MUCH LESS DEATHS. Same as what Prof Raoult in France keeps saying: he's got thousands of patients, and the death rate is only 0.5%!!!! He's using chloroquine with azythromycin in the beginning of the infection. Watch this short video (25 min) fast: Youtube removes it almost daily!!! It's by far, the most complete info on the Covid19, with the brilliant J. Mikovitz, who worked with Prof Luc Montagnier in the discovery of the HIV virus linking it to AIDS 35 years ago. Luc Montagnier has the same view as Judy on this Covid19... First time I saw this interview, I could not keep my tears. It's so absurd. |
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"This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines."
is it among these ? : there is another one with her here, more about corruption : in response to dteshome85 : tests are far from reliable and reported cases of infections and fatalities are even more untrustworthy. one may have similar symptoms only due to new or increased emfs and be counted as wuflu-victim (!). also, no scientific theory is final, we should consider the possibility that viruses do not cause diseases. a cough full of viruses could then still be toxic, and raw unconventional views may need to be perfected. this one from someone with an alternative viewpoint is still on youtube now : from the 45th minute onward more es-related other videos from this guy : he seems to like : at first impression it appears to be a scam to me ( i could be wrong ) one could give it a try, some of their products are not that costly. latest letter from firstenberg : |
In reply to this post by Jinna
On May 8, Jinna [via ES] <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Watch this short video (25 min) fast: Youtube removes it almost daily!!! > Already removed.... are you referring to this interview, which BitChute never removes? Although I've seen lengthy messages from people who claim that everything in this video is a lie, and from others saying that everything in this video is true. Although not ES related, so I suppose not that important to determine here. Marc |
Jinna linked likely to another video, it may be uploaded on bitchute or not ( yet ).
i like bitchute because it does not remove and also does work with clipgrab, what i happen to use for downloads. a more es-related and interesting film, a bit similar to the one of Cowan : at wikipedia he is depicted as some sort of non-academic charlatan, but this website appears more credible : anyway, apart from some less important technical problems, a great video, although lengthy. i do not know what the heck is going on these days but certainly love inspiring, original and intelligent theories and views. at any rate, the more toxins and emf-pollution appear, the more urgent detoxification and a healthy life-style becomes. |
In reply to this post by Marc Martin
Yes, Marc. Thanks for that Bitchute link!
In a sense, it has A LOT to do with ES sensibility. If you don't know Mikovits, she studies chronic illnesses, the possible causes for CFS, for example. Most ES sufferers suffer from CFS, right? Well, Judy Mikovits says the cause for that is probably a virus or viruses, that have been injected in people. Google will only show critics to Mikovits, nothing good about her. For Google, ES sufferers are only psychos too, right? Anyway, she speaks about chronic viral infections that ruin our immune system. Again, ES sufferers have all IMMUNE problems, allergies, etc. Even the ES symptom can be seen as a sort of immune dysfunction, like an allergy... somehow, as people can even get rashes from exposure. So, I do think what Judy says is important. And the whole vaccine discussion around the Covid19 is of VITAL importance to us all, with health problems. A vaccine won't help us, only the contrary. That's my belief. Judy says ALL VACCINES are contaminated with retroviruses, that wreck havok in our immune systems. And we all know vaccine makers cannot be liable, because the law protects them. They can inject poison in the whole population and never held responsible, right? So, they just push vaccines. It's safe for their bank accounts. |
In reply to this post by earthworm
earthworm, thank you for the links to dr young.
I can see the bitchute videos as my windows xp is way too old. I need to download chrome, and I don't want to (I have it in another computer). but I could read about him, it's interesting, he's got also some interesting tips to fight radiation illnesses... Yes, certainly, eating greens, raw, veggies and fruits is a must. The best way to alkalinize the body. As for special water, i don't buy it. The only water that quenches my thirst is either coconut water, some fruit or veggie juices and simply, adding slices of lemon to water: the water feels different, and I actually crave this water (for decades, I avoided any common water, my body refused it). I sometimes add some orange slices to the lemon slices, then some peppermint leaves and let it in the refrigerator overnight. Yummy. I think for radiation symptoms, going outside, staying outside, touching plants, the ground, getting the impact of weather on our bodies, this is what really gives me true energy. I feel so energized after this quarantine, because I decided to work in my garden every day. Then I'm not exposed to my own house radiation (husband and daughter were working the whole day, through all sorts of devices). Now my daughter is sick, and I wonder if it's not from radiation.... Anyway, the days I don't stay out (due to bad weather), i feel the difference!! |
yes, sunshine, being outdoors a lot, being grounded, drinking much more liquids (I put specially bamboo charcoal in the water overnight, or some citrus).
Turmeric, ginger, freshly grated. Turmeric is powerful, but unpractical as it will stain your fingers. Lots of herbal teas. One strange things I noticed was an uncomfortable/unusual dryness in the air some weeks ago. 2 of my smaller plants died, those situated next to a window that has more radiation. Smaller plants or plants that are just sprouting do not do well here, I need to take them to a neighbour, who has less sunlight, but much less radiation. |
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