Broswer extension to lessen EMF from laptop display?

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Broswer extension to lessen EMF from laptop display?

Anybody know of a browser extension that would lessen the EMF from a laptop display, e.g. by inverting the color scheme?
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Re: Broswer extension to lessen EMF from laptop display?

Marc Martin
Would the color scheme make any difference?  The LED backlight is still running at the same brightness level as before, just the LCD "pores" have closed up.
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Re: Broswer extension to lessen EMF from laptop display?

I don't know the science of LCD/LED, but if anyone has something they've  had good results with please comment on this thread.
"Health, Safety & Financial Freedom for All"
David R. Snell, President and
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Re: Broswer extension to lessen EMF from laptop display?

One thing I find useful is turning off search suggestions in the browser's address bar. That way it doesn't run 5+ web searches while you're typing the URL.

Here's how to do it in Chrome: