Black tourmaline, revisited

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Black tourmaline, revisited

Marc Martin
Hi all,

Several weeks ago, I reported that my nutritionist muscle
tested me strong for using a black tourmaline gemstone at
work, and that after I tried this, I found it to be
a horrible failure, as I had a terrible reaction within
an hour.

However, today I've been using black tourmaline at work
and am doing great!

So what's different? The difference is in the details...

1. I think both I (and she) misinterpreted
the initial testing as meaning that I should *use* the
gemstone all day, while in truth it seems that using it
for an hour, taking a 3 hour break, using it for another
hour, taking another 3 hour break works a lot better.

2. She originally tested it as working best when combined
with a Quantum power strip. In reality, it appears that
the Quantum power strip + the Quantum byte software (at
a low setting) all day works better.

3. On my first attempt, I was using a larger chunk of
tourmaline than what she tested me for. However, this
past weekend I went and bought some smaller chunks.
I think the one I'm using now cost US$5 (cheap!). The
placement is still the same however -- between the
keyboard and the computer monitor.

4. On my first attempt, I may have been using Springlife
Polarizers along with the mix (I don't remember). But
today I'm using Springlife Polarizers outside of work,
but not *at* work.

So maybe my nutritionist was right after all. She's
been right in the past, which is why I was so astounded
that her testing was so incredibily wrong this time.
She had tested the black tourmaline + quantum as
being the best solution of all the things she tested,
"best" meaning that it was the only solution which
would get me through the entire 8+ workday without

In any case, further experiments on this will have
to wait, as I'm off to Hawaii for the next week... :-)
