Are bread machines safe to use?

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Are bread machines safe to use?


I suffer EMS or EHS  I suspect.  Is it safe for me to eat bread made in a bread maker machine?

Every time I eat something out of the refrigerator or cooked in the oven  (it's electric) or microwave I get sick.

I don't know if it's important but my circuit breaker box is on the other side of the wall where the pantry is.

The reason I want to get one is to put everything my body needs nutrition wise in the bread. because is getitng harder to make fresh meals because everything in the house is electric.

So when I need to eat something I could just grab some of this bread.
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Re: Are bread machines safe to use?

This is the one I'm thinking of getting because it can make other things besides bread.
Also the  baking pan is ceramic coated instead of teflon coated.
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