AARONIA AG offers worldwide first Lowbudget PROFESSIONAL RF & EMF meters

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AARONIA AG offers worldwide first Lowbudget PROFESSIONAL RF & EMF meters


The well known german company "Aaronia AG" now presents the worldwide
first Lowbudget! Spectrumanalyser for RF (up to 7GHz!) and EMF (3D
magnetic field and up to 1MHz)!
Because of the very low price (99,95 Euros to 999,95 Euros) and the
outstanding features these devices know "kill" the total market of the
so called WIDEBAND detector-devices which can only offer very very
poor accuracy (most of the wideband devices even cost MUCH more then
the most Aaronia devices).


Use google online-translator because site is in german only...

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Re: AARONIA AG offers worldwide first Lowbudget PROFESSIONAL RF & EMF meters

stichting milieuziektes
Hello Thorsten Altmueller,

they do not exist yet.

Charles Claessens
member Verband Baubiologie
checked by Norton Antivirus

----- Original Message -----
From: "itsneumueller" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2005 00:42
Subject: [eSens] AARONIA AG offers worldwide first Lowbudget PROFESSIONAL RF
& EMF meters

> The well known german company "Aaronia AG" now presents the worldwide
> first Lowbudget! Spectrumanalyser for RF (up to 7GHz!) and EMF (3D
> magnetic field and up to 1MHz)!
> Because of the very low price (99,95 Euros to 999,95 Euros) and the
> outstanding features these devices know "kill" the total market of the
> so called WIDEBAND detector-devices which can only offer very very
> poor accuracy (most of the wideband devices even cost MUCH more then
> the most Aaronia devices).
> See
> http://www.elektrosmog.de/Spektrumanalysator.htm
> Use google online-translator because site is in german only...
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