5G - what's to come

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5G - what's to come

great talk, he's one of the most knowledgeable people on EMF:
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Re: 5G - what's to come

Exactly. Even most people with EHS can't get their hand out of the jar.
This won't work. As long as there are phones, cell towers are needed: Duh.
If even EHS people can't quit there phone and give the good example to people, who will... ?
Also, if not enough people quit their phones now, it will soon become impossible,
because they will make it so you need it for paying and other essentials things.
(BTW, i didn't have one for like 10 years).
It's insane: many EHS people keep giving advice like: put in airplane mode,
use air earbuds, use speaker, etc...Well, this ain't helping.
People with no EHS see this and follow that advice, but so the phones won't go away.
I think everybody should destroy their phone. Period.
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Re: 5G - what's to come

In reply to this post by sailplane
Yes, a "chilling" fact-filled audio, thanks, a good one to spread around.

Good to know what "Fiber Optic" is really all about as I've heard other anti-EMF'ers say it's a good safe thing.

Arthur Firstenberg re Cellphones 1G to 5G:
Only 34mins.
Direct m4a audio link:

Description from website:


Taos, New Mexico, August 12, 2018:

An all-day symposium on 5G was held in Taos, New Mexico on Sunday, August 12, 2018. Arthur Firstenberg discussed the history, science, and description of 5G, including 5G from satellites in space, and its expected effects on all living things:


Poor guy sounded like he was being zapped throughout his talk, short of breath, tired.  (His first big "zap" was in medical school circa 1982 while they were working with radiating cauterizing equipment.  It caused him to basically collapse.)  He founded his CellphoneTaskForce org circa 1996-1998, so he's been at this many years.

His prior "From Blankets to Bullets" 5G article early last year was also excellent, but this 8/12/18 audio was the first time I'd ever heard him speak.

On Jan 16, 2019, at 9:02 PM, "sailplane [via ES]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
great talk, he's one of the most knowledgeable people on EMF:


Electrician's Daughter (ED)
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Re: 5G - what's to come

In reply to this post by Merializer
Merializer wrote
I think everybody should destroy their phone. Period.
I often wonder, after all is said and done, if cell phone towers blasting at full strength will be the only thing left of humanity.

Will we lose our ability to think, faster than we gain back our senses about the dangers. Once/if a threshold is exceeded, the speed of wireless deployment will surpass the speed of the rising awareness of its dangers. After this point, we'll be digging our own graves.

As someone pointed out, the invention of the cell phone, will turn out to be an enormous misstep in the evolution of humanity.
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Re: 5G - what's to come

One should start now with detoxing and other things to help relief the ES so the body can cope with the intensified radiation. My point of view.
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Re: 5G - what's to come

Romana wrote
One should start now with detoxing and other things to help relief the ES so the body can cope with the intensified radiation. My point of view.
A common thought, that toxins are the cause of ES. But what if this is not the case?
Toxins certainly don't help, but in the case of Arthur, his ES is caused by being irradiated for too long. The way his body works has been changed by the exposure.. perhaps RF radiation is doing the same thing to people,.. and it would do so even if there were no toxins.
Toxins make things worse, but the initiator could be RF itself.. it can certainly happen if one were exposed to high strength radar waves.
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Re: 5G - what's to come


Dr. Klinghardt who treats chronically ill patients, including EHS patients, says EMF's seems to be able to alter proteins in the body. So this is one really serious issue. However his protocols to recover also include heavy metal detox, which he says is an important part of the recovery.

I myself have a serious issue with metals, and triggered my own EHS by ingesting a large dose of a high-iron content mineral supplement. Of course I can't be 100% sure if it was the minerals that did it, was the supplement contaminated, or if the minerals caused a secondary reaction, which triggered the EHS, but in any case the mineral supplement (coupled with high exposure) was the trigger for me.

Here's a very good interview of Klinghardt regarding EMF's. This is the location where he talks about the altered proteins:  

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Re: 5G - what's to come

Casper, the iron theme, could be from the metal iron, yes, but I think more probably is that not many people need iron. On the contrary, many of us have too much free iron (because some pathogens use our iron and when they die, due to their short life cycles), they drop iron in the blood.

Having too much free iron is very bad for the health.

Iron is EXTREMELY oxidant.

"Iron is nature's rusting agent, and excess levels of iron in our bodies is one of the most potent ways that our body becomes oxidized, or prematurely aged. Iron is a catalyst in the formation of hydroxyl free radicals. These are the most dangerous and potent free radicals in the body as they attack cell membranes, fats, proteins and DNA. Iron is really the anti-antioxidant -- it does the exact opposite of an antioxidant.

Measuring your iron levels is a very effective way of maintaining your health. The best way to do this is through a measure of serum ferritin level in conjunction with total iron binding level. If your levels are too high, above 150, one way of treating elevated iron levels is by taking a simple extract from rice bran called phytic acid, or IP6. Not only is this an inexpensive solution, but also it doesn't require any prescription."

This comes from Mercola.

I don't remember where i read, but many people fighting lyme or other infectious diseases have excess of free iron due to that die off effect. Their cells are poor in iron, but their blood is rich (not very good).

You can notice that many multivitamin supplements come WITHOUT iron, on purpose...

AS I said, it could be from the metal effect raising EHS, but I suspect that it could also be from excess of iron causing oxidative damage....

The video is great, thanks!
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Re: 5G - what's to come

Sailplane, if you watched the lecture of dr Klinghrt (you only need to watch 4 minutes, from 8-12 minutes) that Casper posted, you'll understand that dect phones, cell phones and cell towers will anyway damage cells in the lab, permanently.

I mean, damage proteins. Almost everything we have in our bodies (built structure, hormones, enzymes, cells etc) are made by proteins.

It is not only toxins that cause chronic diseases and EHS.

But a sort of synergistic effect happens when you give small amounts of poisons to any living being.

I do think the equation of Dr Rawls is a good 'formula' to understand chronic illnesses (EHS is a chronic illness).

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Re: 5G - what's to come

"What are the 7 Causes of Disease?

1. Nutritional Stress
Disease and nutrition are intimately linked. Our food supply has become saturated with processed foods that are largely foreign to the human body. Chiefly derived from wheat and corn, these abnormal foods are the driving force behind obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, digestive problems, cancer, and most all other diseases.

2. Emotional Stress
A baseline of chronic stress is much more prevalent than most people realize. Chronic emotional stress robs the body of vital energy, suppresses immune function, and disrupts hormonal systems. The cumulative result can be devastating: elevated blood pressure, increased blood clotting, compromised digestive function, elevated blood sugar, chronic sleep disturbances, weight gain and especially suppressed immune function. Uncontrolled stress sets the stage for all diseases.

3. Toxins
There are up to 200,000 man-made chemicals in the environment that were not present a hundred years ago. Most are petroleum derived. Everyone is exposed and trace amounts can be found in every living creature on earth. The role that toxins play in disease and cancer is hard to absolutely define, but it is certainly a factor. Because toxins can only enter the body by three different pathways (ingestion, breathing, and through the skin), limiting this risk factor is fairly simple.

4. Physical Stress
Three types of physical stress can affect your body—trauma (wear & tear), temperature, and pressure. Even everyday physical stress (minor trauma, being too cold or too hot, pressure changes) can aggravate established disease processes. For some people, extreme physical stress (severe trauma, severe hypothermia, severe hyperthermia, altitude sickness) can be the primary trigger for allowing disease processes to occur.

5. Free Radicals/Inflammation
Inside each of the trillions of cells that make up your body, free radicals are being continually generated as a byproduct of energy production. Free radicals can damage all parts of the cell, including DNA. It is the most significant factor in aging and contributes to all disease. Other sources of free radicals in the body include abnormal fats from processed foods and toxins. In addition, white blood cells actually generate free radicals to destroy foreign substances in the body; this is the root of inflammation in the body.

6. Radiation
Like all living creatures, you are exposed to a certain level of background radiation from gamma rays, x-ray and UV radiation from the earth, sun and space. Though these forms of radiation are a force of disease and aging, exposure from natural sources has been relatively constant since humans began walking the earth. Of greater concern are the increased levels of radiation from artificial and unnatural sources (such as electronics).

7. Microbes
The role that microbes play in acute disease is well understood. Diseases like strep throat, influenza, malaria, small pox, polio, and the plague cause acute illness in most people who are exposed. Collectively, these aggressive types of microbes (which include viruses, bacteria, fungi, & protozoa) can be referred to as high virulence microbes.

In chronic disease, however, a different sort of microbe plays a prominent role. You (and everyone around) are almost continually exposed to these types of microbes (also composed of viruses, bacteria, fungi, & protozoa, but different than above). They actually have a low potential to cause disease and most of the time, they pass by hardly noticed. However, if immune function is compromised by other factors, chronic low grade infection can occur.

These microbes are very stealthy—difficult to diagnose and hard to eradicate once established, and they hide inside cells and scavenge resources from the body. They have sophisticated mechanisms of bypassing and compromising immune function. And unlike more deadly microbes, killing you is not their goal; they want you alive for the valuable resources you provide. These opportunists play a major (but often invisible) role in many chronic diseases and certain cancers."

from https://rawlsmd.com/health-articles/seven-main-causes-disease
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Re: 5G - what's to come

In reply to this post by Jinna
Thanks Jinna. That is very good information. What's interesting is that a quick google on iron chelators, in addition to IP6, also curcumin (turmeric) comes up. If I take turmeric, my EHS symptoms go way up. Especially my head / brain sensitivity. I wonder if this is related.

I remember I tried IP6 a long time ago, but my stomach was unable to accept the supplement. Based on your post I'm going to do a retest, but I'm going to try another brand (IP6 Gold) this time, and see if it would help. Let's see what happens! :)
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Re: 5G - what's to come

In reply to this post by Jinna
FYI:  Mainly for those in the USA:

Sadly our current President is "gung ho" for 5G (no better than the prior one who gave us AMI Smart Metering).  Below are two of Potus Trump's tweets from today, 2/21/19, re 5G, in photo & in text below it:


Donald J. Trump
5:55 AM - 21 Feb 2019
I want 5G, and even 6G, technology in the United States as soon as possible. It is far more powerful, faster, and smarter than the current standard. American companies must step up their efforts, or get left behind. There is no reason that we should be lagging behind on.........

Donald J. Trump
5:59 AM - 21 Feb 2019
....something that is so obviously the future. I want the United States to win through competition, not by blocking out currently more advanced technologies. We must always be the leader in everything we do, especially when it comes to the very exciting world of technology!
End & big bummer, though not surprised at all.

I'm wondering what he may have heard or been told recently that "inspired" him to tweet above, "...not by blocking out currently more advanced technologies."  I wonder if one of the bigger anti-EMF/anti-5G groups finally got his ear?  Hope so!

Govt. Links further below, if interested.

Thank You!

PS:  Disclaimer:  I realize the main purpose of the ES-Forum is for sharing SOLUTIONS for ES.
Not trying to turn it political but thought some USA members might like to be aware of the "5G Mindset" of the current President.


Govt. Link:
__WhiteHouse website Contact page:

Govt. Twitter Links:
__@EPA (Environmental Protection Agency):
__@FCC (Federal Communications Commission):
__@NIH (Nat'l Institutes of Health):
__@VP Mike Pence:
__@Scavino45 Dan Scavino, Potus Social Media Director:
__@FLOTUS The First Lady Melania Trump:

Non-Govt. (but associated) Twitters:
(These ALL have young kids. They SHOULD care/be EMF-aware):
__Trump son Don Jr.:
__Trump son Eric:
__Trump daughter Ivanka:


Electrician's Daughter (ED)
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Re: 5G - what's to come

In reply to this post by sailplane
conclusion : no much higher frequencies to be expected anytime soon on a commercial scale.
nevertheless emf-exposure will keep on increasing due to demand, in fact it doubles every year.
merely in the last ten years the increase in the streets has been a hundredfold.
braindead consumers ( smartphone-junkies or -zombies, and IoT-lovers ) are in large part responsibe.
it is not just the Devil himself, or the telecom-industry pushing its shit down into our throats.
btw, thank you for the link towards cellphonetaskforce, this guy knows what he is talking about.

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Re: 5G - what's to come

The 5G mobile networks will come for full, big money always win.

Have anyone got their hands on a 5g smartphone and tested it regarding ES?

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Re: 5G - what's to come

Marc Martin
> Have anyone got their hands on a 5g smartphone and tested it regarding ES?

Heh, have *any* 5G phones actually been released as of yet?  Doesn't look like it:


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Re: 5G - what's to come

In reply to this post by earthworm
FYI:  Just saw a tweet by Josh del Sol @TBYPfilm. It included a headline+link  from VentureBeat which said the FCC has now opened up 95GHz through 3THz! for 6G, 7G, etc. :(  

Of course those freqs may not be used for anything yet, but bad news just the same (even though we all knew it was coming).  

3 THz is 3,000 GHz, yow.  I had heard they might go up to 300GHz, but didn't realize FCC would be going up to the THz's.  Terrible! :-/

On Mar 11, 2019, at 8:25 AM, "earthworm [via ES]" <[hidden email]> wrote:

conclusion : no much higher frequencies to be expected anytime soon on a commercial scale. 

Electrician's Daughter (ED)