23andme >>Genetic Genie >>methylation and detox profile

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23andme >>Genetic Genie >>methylation and detox profile

So i did a 23andme saliva test for 99$ at: https://www.23andme.com/
(i payed for the Ancestry only, but you can also pay more to get a health profile)
then i extracted the raw data,
then uploaded this data to: http://geneticgenie.org/ (a free service)

I have not shown this to a naturapath yet or someone who can interpret this and work with this,
so it's all new to me.
Also, 23andme advised not to use this data for medical treatments,
so i don't trust the results completely, but i will try to confirm/double-check the results
in collaboration with a naturapth.



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Re: 23andme >>Genetic Genie >>methylation and detox profile

There are several fun places to upload your 23&Me data to get additional info.

Up until recently the PROMETHEASE site was free.  I think it has been purchased by MyHeritage.com (or similar genelogical site).  It might be a token fee or requirement site membership now.

There is another website called IMPUTE.ME.  You upload your full 23&ME zip file and they will give you a code in about 5 days (unless you make a small donation).  You take that code and you can look up hundreds of aspects of your genetics with regards to many diseases and genetic sequences.  I would consider this useful information but since genetics only contributes 20% to your health, with 80% being the environment you find yourself in, predictive nature is not so powerful.  Yet, to know that you process certain kinds of pharmaceuticals oddly might help explain some oddities you have experienced during your life.

I think that this genetic counseling is still a new thing, even for naturopaths.  Were you able to glean anything actionable from your data, Merializer?

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Re: 23andme >>Genetic Genie >>methylation and detox profile

Not yet. I still have to find somebody.
It's not like they are standing in line in front of my door to help me.
and other reasons.