praying /chanting/ affirming /mantras/SINGING: Vibrational Healing

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praying /chanting/ affirming /mantras/SINGING: Vibrational Healing


Try Vibrational healing.

The prayer that saved my life was:

I Am a Being of Violet Fire I Am the Purity God Desires.

Have been wondering why and found out that there is a slightly more
scientific explanation. The other day an Indian Profet mentioned how
the elders of a tribe told him to pronounce the language. Thought
about the singing the eskimos do and about chanting Hare Krishna
hare rama. The blood flows to a different part of the body with
different tones. Pure Desire is important in prayer. The color (of
the chakra you are clearing) with the tone will make it more
powerful. Mine had all the (sacred) Vowels as well. desire tone and
color will make it the most powerful!!

Inbreath through nose and imagine divine energy and perfect health
entering the body (can be golden/silver light), Outbreath imagine
toxins leaving the body.
Outbreath long vowels:

I (IIIIIII) Blood to the head- then vibrating through the whole body

E (EEEEEE) Throath neck larynx


U (UUUUU) stomach intestines solar plexus

A (AAAAA) Lungs

IIIIIIAAAAAOOOOOO clears respiratory/circulatory system

AAAARR RRAAAA awaken solar energy within the body

RRRRAAAAMMMAAA clear astral body/ activate third eye

AAA MMM AAA RRRR calm nervous system and relieve anxiety and stress

(from all things spiritual)

The mantras given on adishakti are now not just things you do not
know but tones to vibrate for blocks on that particular chakra
(although every vowel is said to stand for an aspect of God)

I am gonna take up singing again!!

Love and Light

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RE: praying /chanting/ affirming /mantras/SINGING: Vibrational Healing

Glenn Coleman
Very powerful stuff!

>From: "perla1133" <[hidden email]>
>Reply-To: [hidden email]
>To: [hidden email]
>Subject: [eSens] praying /chanting/ affirming /mantras/SINGING: Vibrational
>Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2005 16:45:31 -0000
>Try Vibrational healing.
>The prayer that saved my life was:
>I Am a Being of Violet Fire I Am the Purity God Desires.
>Have been wondering why and found out that there is a slightly more
>scientific explanation. The other day an Indian Profet mentioned how
>the elders of a tribe told him to pronounce the language. Thought
>about the singing the eskimos do and about chanting Hare Krishna
>hare rama. The blood flows to a different part of the body with
>different tones. Pure Desire is important in prayer. The color (of
>the chakra you are clearing) with the tone will make it more
>powerful. Mine had all the (sacred) Vowels as well. desire tone and
>color will make it the most powerful!!
>Inbreath through nose and imagine divine energy and perfect health
>entering the body (can be golden/silver light), Outbreath imagine
>toxins leaving the body.
>Outbreath long vowels:
>I (IIIIIII) Blood to the head- then vibrating through the whole body
>E (EEEEEE) Throath neck larynx
>O (OOOOOOO) Heart
>U (UUUUU) stomach intestines solar plexus
>A (AAAAA) Lungs
>IIIIIIAAAAAOOOOOO clears respiratory/circulatory system
>AAAARR RRAAAA awaken solar energy within the body
>RRRRAAAAMMMAAA clear astral body/ activate third eye
>AAA MMM AAA RRRR calm nervous system and relieve anxiety and stress
>(from all things spiritual)
>The mantras given on adishakti are now not just things you do not
>know but tones to vibrate for blocks on that particular chakra
>(although every vowel is said to stand for an aspect of God)
>I am gonna take up singing again!!
>Love and Light

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RE: praying /chanting/ affirming /mantras/SINGING: Vibrational Healing

Benson, Sarah (Sen L. Allison)
In reply to this post by perla1133
Interesting. When I first started trying to protect myself from EMR I
was told to visualise the colour violet where the 'third eye' chakra is.
It worked, as far as anything spiritual has ever worked for me.


-----Original Message-----
From: Glenn Coleman [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Thursday, 6 January 2005 3:32 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: RE: [eSens] praying /chanting/ affirming /mantras/SINGING:
Vibrational Healing

Very powerful stuff!

>From: "perla1133" <[hidden email]>
>Reply-To: [hidden email]
>To: [hidden email]
>Subject: [eSens] praying /chanting/ affirming /mantras/SINGING:
>Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2005 16:45:31 -0000
>Try Vibrational healing.
>The prayer that saved my life was:
>I Am a Being of Violet Fire I Am the Purity God Desires.
>Have been wondering why and found out that there is a slightly more
>scientific explanation. The other day an Indian Profet mentioned how
>the elders of a tribe told him to pronounce the language. Thought about

>the singing the eskimos do and about chanting Hare Krishna hare rama.
>The blood flows to a different part of the body with different tones.
>Pure Desire is important in prayer. The color (of the chakra you are
>clearing) with the tone will make it more powerful. Mine had all the
>(sacred) Vowels as well. desire tone and color will make it the most
>Inbreath through nose and imagine divine energy and perfect health
>entering the body (can be golden/silver light), Outbreath imagine
>toxins leaving the body. .
>Outbreath long vowels:
>I (IIIIIII) Blood to the head- then vibrating through the whole body
>E (EEEEEE) Throath neck larynx
>O (OOOOOOO) Heart
>U (UUUUU) stomach intestines solar plexus
>A (AAAAA) Lungs
>IIIIIIAAAAAOOOOOO clears respiratory/circulatory system
>AAAARR RRAAAA awaken solar energy within the body
>RRRRAAAAMMMAAA clear astral body/ activate third eye
>AAA MMM AAA RRRR calm nervous system and relieve anxiety and stress
>(from all things spiritual)
>The mantras given on adishakti are now not just things you do not know
>but tones to vibrate for blocks on that particular chakra (although
>every vowel is said to stand for an aspect of God)
>I am gonna take up singing again!!
>Love and Light

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RE: praying /chanting/ affirming /mantras/SINGING: Vibrational Healing

There are many decrees to invoke the Violet Flame. If you are interested doa search on the internet.
When I did it I held my hands over my ears/ Tried it again last night and it still has an effect. Gonna keep at it because the goal is to burn away the karma a little faster.
The other thing, vibrational healing, might be the similar to Kriya Yoga. (Keep it up ceaselessly and reacht the divine portals quickly). Paramahansa Yogananda wrote Autobiography of a Yogi ISBN 0-87612-079-6 Published by theSelf-realization fellowship. Interesting (has cups of olive oil, advise towear perfect crystals of 2k or more and astrological bracelet to speed up karmic stuff, yogis can drink poison= crystal body holds no toxins and lots more!!) Price 6$!!!!

"Benson, Sarah (Sen L. Allison)" <[hidden email]> wrote:
Interesting. When I first started trying to protect myself from EMR I
was told to visualise the colour violet where the 'third eye' chakra is.
It worked, as far as anything spiritual has ever worked for me.


-----Original Message-----
From: Glenn Coleman [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Thursday, 6 January 2005 3:32 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: RE: [eSens] praying /chanting/ affirming /mantras/SINGING:
Vibrational Healing

Very powerful stuff!

>From: "perla1133" <[hidden email]>
>Reply-To: [hidden email]
>To: [hidden email]
>Subject: [eSens] praying /chanting/ affirming /mantras/SINGING:
>Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2005 16:45:31 -0000
>Try Vibrational healing.
>The prayer that saved my life was:
>I Am a Being of Violet Fire I Am the Purity God Desires.
>Have been wondering why and found out that there is a slightly more
>scientific explanation. The other day an Indian Profet mentioned how
>the elders of a tribe told him to pronounce the language. Thought about

>the singing the eskimos do and about chanting Hare Krishna hare rama.
>The blood flows to a different part of the body with different tones.
>Pure Desire is important in prayer. The color (of the chakra you are
>clearing) with the tone will make it more powerful. Mine had all the
>(sacred) Vowels as well. desire tone and color will make it the most
>Inbreath through nose and imagine divine energy and perfect health
>entering the body (can be golden/silver light), Outbreath imagine
>toxins leaving the body. .
>Outbreath long vowels:
>I (IIIIIII) Blood to the head- then vibrating through the whole body
>E (EEEEEE) Throath neck larynx
>O (OOOOOOO) Heart
>U (UUUUU) stomach intestines solar plexus
>A (AAAAA) Lungs
>IIIIIIAAAAAOOOOOO clears respiratory/circulatory system
>AAAARR RRAAAA awaken solar energy within the body
>RRRRAAAAMMMAAA clear astral body/ activate third eye
>AAA MMM AAA RRRR calm nervous system and relieve anxiety and stress
>(from all things spiritual)
>The mantras given on adishakti are now not just things you do not know
>but tones to vibrate for blocks on that particular chakra (although
>every vowel is said to stand for an aspect of God)
>I am gonna take up singing again!!
>Love and Light

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