detoxification set

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Re: detox reactions


> > Did you ever test an ATTI tachyonized pendant to be worn on the
> > chest over the thymus gland?
> No, I never had any results from any of the tachyon products I
> tried, and I tried plenty of them. Eventually just gave up
> on them, as it obviously was not what I needed.

Which ones did you try and for how long?

- Ole

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Re: tachyon products

Marc Martin
>>>Did you ever test an ATTI tachyonized pendant to be worn on the
>>>chest over the thymus gland?
>>No, I never had any results from any of the tachyon products I
>>tried, and I tried plenty of them. Eventually just gave up
>>on them, as it obviously was not what I needed.
> Which ones did you try and for how long?

Well, it's been 3 years, so I may have forgotten a few things,
but I did try a tachyonized pendant over my thymus gland (despite
my previously saying that I had not -- I meant that I had not
tried a cubic zirconium pendant). I also tried the silica
discs on my fuse box, on my computer, on my computer monitor,
on my supplements, on me, and on the headboad of my bed
(both 4 and 6"). I also tried the tachyonized water.
I also tried the vitalizer belt and the sweat bands.

So after spending several hundred dollars and after trying
these products for many months (and some for a year or two),
I would say that it was all a huge waste of money. None of these
items *ever* improved my tolerance for computer use or
florescent lights at all, which was my main reason for buying
them in the first place. The sweat bands
did improve my energy, but the difference was so small that
it was not worth the effort of trying to hide the fact that
I was wearing sweat bands! I get a much larger boost
in energy from using a small Springlife Polarizer pendant,
and with this I *do* get an improved tolerance for the
computer, plus a reduction in allergies and chemical
sensitivities, plus improved digestion.

Adding a Quantum power strip around my computer at both
home and work pretty much seems to supply the best overall
solution I've found after spending thousands of dollars
on dozens of EMF protection devices. It still requires
an daily intake of certain foods and supplements (antioxidants,
minerals, proteins, polysaccarides) to work full-time in an
environment surrounded by computer monitors and
florescent lights, but at least it works!


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Re: tachyon products


--- In [hidden email], Marc Martin <marc@u...> wrote:

> So after spending several hundred dollars and after trying
> these products for many months (and some for a year or two),
> I would say that it was all a huge waste of money. None of these
> items *ever* improved my tolerance for computer use or
> florescent lights at all, which was my main reason for buying
> them in the first place.

Why did you continue using them for such a long time if they didnt
work? Did you use combinations of other tools at the same time? I
have had just the OPPOSITE effect from ATTI tachyonized tools. Also,
there are some pretty impressive studies on EMF/ELF tolerance and
tachyonized tools.

- Ole

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Re: tachyon products

Marc Martin
> Why did you continue using them for such a long time if they didnt
> work?

Well, this was bacitk in 2001, and I wasn't really aware that there
was this huge industry of EMF protection devices out there.
Basically, I thought there was the Q-Link, Bioelectric Shield,
and Tachyon products -- the ones with the biggest marketing
budgets, I guess... :-) So I experimented with them much
longer than I should have. These days, I would have
gotten rid of all of these products in less than a week,
but back then I used them for months and months, waiting
for them to do something (and out of work on medical
disability the whole time). These companies all had this
great marketing gimick -- "it may take up to 3 months before
you notice beneficial effects". So I waited. And waited.
The beneficial effects never came. So again, I was just
wasting my time, when I should have been moving onto something

> Did you use combinations of other tools at the same time?

I certainly did. I probably tried every combination
imaginable. They just didn't help. Whatever they did,
it was not addressing the cause of my EMF sensitivity.

> have had just the OPPOSITE effect from ATTI tachyonized tools.

Yes, but don't assume that just because you had that effect,
that everyone else does. I've seen this over and over with
my own recommendations to others -- sometimes they work,
but sometimes they don't. Everyone is different. You can't
know if they'll help you unless you try them. Just don't
make the same mistake that I did -- there's no need to
wait months to tell if something works. You should know
in a few minutes, or at most a few days.

Also, note that I've talked with 2 different health practioners
who seen some clients who used Tachyon products. One said
that Tachyon products don't seem to work for any of her
clients, and the other said that she's had to undo some
of the damage done by Tachyon products. So they had even
a more negative impression of them than I do.

> Also, there are some pretty impressive studies on EMF/ELF
> tolerance and tachyonized tools.

I'm not denying that some people are helped by them. Just
not me.

Also, besides "EMF tolerance", there is another issue --
what are the longterm health effects of using a certain
EMF protection device. Some of these devices have healing
characteristics, where your health will improve with time.
Others are just the opposite -- your health will gradually
get worse, even though you may be happy that you can tolerate
EMF better. It's probably similar to a situation where
one treats a bacterial infection with antibiotics or
probiotics. Both may help with the infection, although
one will make your health worse and one better.


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Re: tachyon products

Marc Martin
>>Why did you continue using them for such a long time if they didnt

Adding to this, the Tachyon sweatbands did seem to provide a slight
boost in energy, so I continued using these for much longer than most
of the other Tachyon products. But the big problem was hiding them.
After all, people are going to give you strange looks if you're
wearing sweatbands at work! I eventually found that placing
them under my socks was the best way to hide them, but even
then that was problematic, and I eventually decided that the
benefits from them wasn't worth the hassle, especially when
there were plenty of other things which provided an energy boost.


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Re: tachyon products

In reply to this post by Marc Martin

--- In [hidden email], Marc Martin <marc@u...> wrote:

> > have had just the OPPOSITE effect from ATTI tachyonized tools.
> Yes, but don't assume that just because you had that effect,
> that everyone else does.

Oh no, not at all. I am just stating my experience.

> I've seen this over and over with
> my own recommendations to others -- sometimes they work,
> but sometimes they don't. Everyone is different. You can't
> know if they'll help you unless you try them. Just don't
> make the same mistake that I did -- there's no need to
> wait months to tell if something works. You should know
> in a few minutes, or at most a few days.

Yes, if a certain frequency or energy is good for you, you should
notice it pretty quickly.

> Also, note that I've talked with 2 different health practioners
> who seen some clients who used Tachyon products. One said
> that Tachyon products don't seem to work for any of her
> clients, and the other said that she's had to undo some
> of the damage done by Tachyon products. So they had even
> a more negative impression of them than I do.

Undo damage done by Tachyon products? I have never ever experienced
or heard of anyone else that experienced that Tachyon energy can be
harmful, so I would be interested to know what this practitioner was
referring to.

> > Also, there are some pretty impressive studies on EMF/ELF
> > tolerance and tachyonized tools.
> I'm not denying that some people are helped by them. Just
> not me.

The studies were also done on animals, which rules out placebo.

> Also, besides "EMF tolerance", there is another issue --
> what are the longterm health effects of using a certain
> EMF protection device. Some of these devices have healing
> characteristics, where your health will improve with time.
> Others are just the opposite -- your health will gradually
> get worse, even though you may be happy that you can tolerate
> EMF better.

Exactly, its all about frequency overload, as most of the EMF
protection tools out there are frequency related. Its a bit
different with Tachyon and a few other products.

- Ole

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Re: tachyon products

Marc Martin
> Undo damage done by Tachyon products? I have never ever experienced
> or heard of anyone else that experienced that Tachyon energy can be
> harmful, so I would be interested to know what this practitioner was
> referring to.

She was referring to a mother who started using some sort of "orange
Tachyon disc" on her baby (I don't even know if it was ATTI tachyon or
some other company), and the baby started having seizures. I know
from my own experience, the first night I tried using a tachyon
silica disc above my bed, I woke up in the middle of the night with
nasty head pains. So again, I don't deny that the products do
*something*, but I was looking for computer EMF protection, not
head pains... :-)

> The studies were also done on animals, which rules out placebo.

I just get skeptical about all "studies", as the company paying
for the study usually makes sure that the results come out in favor
of their product. Even testimonials are problematic, as one can
report an improvement after the first day of using a product
and write a testimonial, only to later realize that the improvement
was temporary. I've had this happen to me -- in fact, I know
of at least 2 companies that use my testimonial to sell their
products, even though the improvements I reported were only
temporary and I no longer recommend the products!


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Re: Tachyon products

Marc Martin
In reply to this post by Marc Martin

By the way, here is a forum where the tachyon/seizure was


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Re: tachyon products

In reply to this post by Marc Martin

--- In [hidden email], Marc Martin <marc@u...> wrote:

> She was referring to a mother who started using some sort
of "orange
> Tachyon disc" on her baby (I don't even know if it was ATTI
tachyon or
> some other company), and the baby started having seizures.

Silica disks from ATTI has never been orange. They have always been
grey. The Tachyonized Flex-Cell 100 is orange. It has the strength
of 4 silica disks. It is MUCH too strong to use on a small sick
infant, it can create a big herxheimer reaction (detox), if the
liver is sick.

> I know
> from my own experience, the first night I tried using a tachyon
> silica disc above my bed, I woke up in the middle of the night with
> nasty head pains. So again, I don't deny that the products do
> *something*, but I was looking for computer EMF protection, not
> head pains... :-)

Do you sleep with your computer screen in bed? ;-)

Initial discomfort of different sorts of detoxes from using a silica
disk as you described often happens in the early stages, but it goes
away soon. It's all about the charging of the Subtle Organizing
Energy Fields. It can also stimulate intense dreaming. I had these
experiences in the beginning stages. I have been using disks for
sleeping for 4 years. Today I use two disks and feel so much more
rested and alive when I wake up, basically I need two hours less
sleep every night, its such a huge difference. My favorite tool is
the cocoon and I am looking forward to getting a sleep pad. :-)

> > The studies were also done on animals, which rules out placebo.
> I just get skeptical about all "studies", as the company paying
> for the study usually makes sure that the results come out in favor
> of their product. Even testimonials are problematic, as one can
> report an improvement after the first day of using a product
> and write a testimonial, only to later realize that the improvement
> was temporary. I've had this happen to me -- in fact, I know
> of at least 2 companies that use my testimonial to sell their
> products, even though the improvements I reported were only
> temporary and I no longer recommend the products!

Of course one should be skeptical, I am very critical myself, unless
I have some personal positive experience. :-)


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Re: Tachyon products

In reply to this post by Marc Martin

Hi Marc,

Okay, I just read the information at this link. It appears that the
information comes from a Bioharmonics sales person. Her comments
on "tachyon" products are very general and has no information about
the fact that there are many "tachyon" labelled products which claim
to emit Tachyon Energy, which they do not. Also no proper info on
what product it was that was used on the infant. So this is not
trustworthy information, to say the least. One should be able to say
what product and brand it was, and not just label all Tachyon
products in one boat. But then again she is promoting the
Bioharmonic products. ;-) One example of non-tachyon products which
claim to be tachyon is Takionics (far-infrared spectrum), another is
Materia Tachyon (magnetic). The tachyon word is a generic term which
cannot be trademarked, so everyone can in principle label their
energy products as tachyon - and many do - primarily to cash in on
ATTI. Only ATTI offer the proprietary TachyonizationTM process which
are able to restructure natural materials over a 14-day period to
become antenna for the pre-frequency Tachyon Field which exists just
beyond light speed. Although I dont have any experience whatsoever
with Bioharmonics products and what kind of energy they emit, it
would be interesting to test these for comparison, although I am
not really impressed about the presentation. The Bioharmonics
practitioner also makes a lot of sweeping statements within her own
energetic paradigm, which could be true or not. Same thing could be
said about Tachyon. :-) But the scientific tests on ATTI tools are
there. One particular impressive example is the DNA study by Glen
Rein. Much of the research is in the Tachyon book by Wagner &


--- In [hidden email], Marc Martin <marc@u...> wrote:
> Ole,
> By the way, here is a forum where the tachyon/seizure was
> reported:
> Marc

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Re: Tachyon products

Marc Martin
> Although I dont have any experience whatsoever
> with Bioharmonics products and what kind of energy they emit, it
> would be interesting to test these for comparison

Well, like I said, I've already done that... :-)

The Tachyon products (from the company you prefer) did not
help my EMF sensitivity, although I could barely notice
them producing some sort of energy.

The Springlife Polarizers from Bioharmonics did help my
EMF sensitivity, and some of the models are extremely
strong (for me, at least).

If we could suppose that both products are producing
similar energy, I'd make a wild guess that the Springlife
Polarizers are 100-1000 times stronger.

I agree that a lot of these companies marketing methods leave
much to be desired -- they certainly don't help their own
credibility with the things they write!


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Re: Tachyon products

Marc Martin
> If we could suppose that both products are producing
> similar energy, I'd make a wild guess that the Springlife
> Polarizers are 100-1000 times stronger.

One other key difference between the Tachyon and the
Springlife products appears to be their area of
effectiveness. As I understand it (correct me if
I'm wrong), the Silica discs put out a long
cylindrical pattern, which is 15 feet long and
perhaps only a few inches wide. It also sounds
like this field is projected out of one side of
the silica disc.

The Springlife Polarizers on the other hand appear
to work within a spherical area from the device,
and as you get further away from them the power
diminishes. I've noticed its effect from as
far as 7 feet away, but of course its strongest
when making contact.

As far as I can tell, the Tachyon sweatbands
also have a spherical pattern, so in this respect
they are quite different than the Tachyon silica
discs. Also, this may be why I notice benefits
from the sweatbands and not the discs.


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Re: Tachyon products

Marc Martin
In reply to this post by Marc Martin
> How did you get to be electronically sensitive?? When and what do
> you consider the cause.

With me it just seemed to come on gradually. There was a point
when I could just no longer stand my workplace anymore, but
really this had building for at least a year (with me not
understanding what the cause was)

> Are you kundalites like me, indigo children or what??

Hmmmm... is there some way for us to know this? :-)

> Hey if you still have silica dishes, put them to use. load up your
> water and supplements with them!!

Well, in my case I tried doing these things, but the silica
dishes just didn't seem to do anything noticeable. Also,
the Springlife Polarizers are supposed to have a similar
properties, and with these I can at least tell the difference
with the water.


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Re: Consider Kundalini Rising


Excuse my delay, I was reading 100+ posts to get an idea about the

It started August last year, with a bang. With a current going up
from my lower back up spine to my head. Like an electric overload
(there was alot of weird stuff happening some time, maybe a year or
more on and off, both good and bad)Kundalini rising i think.
Kundalites are oversensitive to man-made electricity as well. Also
look at Indigo adults and electricity!! I found this site through a
link on a site on kundalini rising.

Anyway, I obviously needed to remove the 9 amalgam fillings i had,
since they were killing me. Before that the immediate remedy for the
crisis was invoking the violet flame (I AM a being of Violet Fire I
AM the Purity God Desires.) Did that for two days and it stopped
(pain and weird things happening. I write this at the risk of being
laughed at by the members of this board. nO you would not dare.. I
also read somewhere what seems to offer protection is visualising a
blue screen or bubble around you and around the equipment you use:))
I unfortunately have not mastered visualisation, but for those who

If you can, read about kundalini and the fiery world (book I II and
III are on the internet, by the agni Yoga society). Also very
helpful is a site on the human subtle system.
( Even for those who do
not consider themselves as spiritual, kundalini rising is a
possibility. All is energy.

Went to the doctor who said he could not stop radiation and to try
the alternative circuit which i did.
Besides a treatment from a tachyon practitioner (that was medium and
saw energies, which turned out to come in handy as she did the job,)
distance healers, muscle tester/kinelogist all brought some
improvement. The natural medicines i took (and i took only natural
medicines) included innosense, chi crown, bach flower remedies, and
sole (salt) solution (simple, cheap and effective detox!!!!)

Grounding is important and i do like to balance my chakras the best
i can (visualisation of the colours of the rainbow, t-disks help
when trying this) and shielding/repairing the aura. And yes I
pray/invoke the violet flame.

You cannot mean ES is a cause?? Or You mean overexposure to EMF's??
And please, can send me your silica dishes if you have no use for
them ;0) (TRY them on your subtle bodies on your hands. Did you try
the tachyonized water from the little bottles under your tongue?
great detox)

Love and Light

--- In [hidden email], "Marc Martin" <marc@u...> wrote:
> > How did you get to be electronically sensitive?? When and what

> > you consider the cause.
> With me it just seemed to come on gradually. There was a point
> when I could just no longer stand my workplace anymore, but
> really this had building for at least a year (with me not
> understanding what the cause was)
> > Are you kundalites like me, indigo children or what??
> Hmmmm... is there some way for us to know this? :-)
> > Hey if you still have silica dishes, put them to use. load up
> > water and supplements with them!!
> Well, in my case I tried doing these things, but the silica
> dishes just didn't seem to do anything noticeable. Also,
> the Springlife Polarizers are supposed to have a similar
> properties, and with these I can at least tell the difference
> with the water.
> Marc

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Re: Tachyon products

In reply to this post by Marc Martin

--- In [hidden email], "Marc Martin" <marc@u...> wrote:
> > Although I dont have any experience whatsoever
> > with Bioharmonics products and what kind of energy they emit, it
> > would be interesting to test these for comparison
> Well, like I said, I've already done that... :-)

Yes, and you do seem to have a VERY different experience than I and
so many many others.

> The Tachyon products (from the company you prefer) did not
> help my EMF sensitivity, although I could barely notice
> them producing some sort of energy.

It would be very interesting if you tried an XL zircon combined
with some airglides, I think that would do the trick, you are
obviously way more depleted than I was when I got hold of tachyon
and probably need some VERY strong tachyon antenna.

> The Springlife Polarizers from Bioharmonics did help my
> EMF sensitivity, and some of the models are extremely
> strong (for me, at least).

In other words, these stronger products have an adverse effect on
your wellbeing?

> If we could suppose that both products are producing
> similar energy, I'd make a wild guess that the Springlife
> Polarizers are 100-1000 times stronger.

Hmm, that's relative. The strength of different ATTI tachyon
products are dependent on the molecular density of that particular
tachyonizedTM material. Personally, I dont believe it is the same
energy, but who can say for sure? It would take a lot of research to
establish that. Still, if the energy doesnt "feel" the same, it
probably isnt.


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Re: Tachyon products

In reply to this post by Marc Martin

Hi March

Yes, the ATTI Tachyon silica disks are directional and emit a strong
narrow tachyon field as you described, which will charge the
affected Subtle Organizing Energy Fields much faster. This is what
can create a healing crisis aka a herxheimer reaction aka detox.
This explains why you experienced a strong initial reaction from the
disk. The sweatbands emit much less tachyon energy in an
omnidirectional field. If you still have these and dont use other
energy tools while sleeping, I can recommend to put them under your
pillow and see what happens.


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Re: Consider Kundalini Rising

Marc Martin
In reply to this post by perla1133
> And please, can send me your silica dishes if you have no use for
> them ;0)

Heh, heh... I think I threw them in the trash over a year ago,
but if I find them lying around somewhere, I'll keep you in mind... :-)

> Did you try the tachyonized water from the little bottles
> under your tongue? great detox)

Yes, and it did nothing at all. Might have well been drinking
distilled water.


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Re: Tachyon products

Marc Martin
In reply to this post by alstrup
> In other words, these stronger products have an adverse effect on
> your wellbeing?

Well, there is an appropriate "dosage" for everything.
Would you take 10 antibiotic pills if your doctor told
you to take 1? Same thing with EMF protection devices. I get
an adverse effect with too much Quantum Products as well, however
with the right amount they are quite helpful. Better I think
to find a product line that at least has the potential of
being too strong, rather than one which is consistently too

> Still, if the energy doesnt "feel" the same, it
> probably isnt.

Well, the energy around a Springlife Polarizer is supposed
to "chi", and I do recall when I first got them that they
reminded me of a Reiki treatment, which is also supposed
to be "chi". I would say that Reiki is stronger than
a Springlife Polarizer, but then again, nobody gets Reiki
treatments 24 hours a day...


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Re: Tachyon products

Marc Martin
In reply to this post by alstrup
> The sweatbands emit much less tachyon energy in an
> omnidirectional field. If you still have these and dont use other
> energy tools while sleeping, I can recommend to put them under your
> pillow and see what happens.

Now that I think of it, I *did* used to put the Tachyon sweatbands
underneath my pillow! That was before I got the Springlife polarizers.
These days, I just use an OM pendant next to my bedstand at night,
as the field extending from this is large enough and strong enough
that I don't need to put it under the pillow.
