The contribution of the dowsers to electrosensitivity and CFS.

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The contribution of the dowsers to electrosensitivity and CFS.


S: The contribution of the dowsers.

Hello all,

I apologise I do not post to the group more,
electrosensitivity prevents it, and I will shortly go
offline indefinitely.

I want to pass on information that I am convinced is of
great pertinence to electrosensitivity and chronic
fatigue syndrome. Please excuse skipped bits, I must
limit time at computer. (You wouldn't know it, I got
carried away)

Important dowser Alf Riggs has done extensive studies
on homes and sleeping locations of CFS patients. This
work is a must read, and he has presented at Cambridge.
Read his interviews, look up geopathic stress, it is
not crap it is real.

followed by


Summary: checked several thousand CFS homes, beds are
nearly always over underground streams, blinded to
diagnosis and specific bed before going in. This guy
is legit.
Will display: these sites appear to be sites of
unusually high background radiation in multiple parts
of the spectra, and magnetic anomalies, as well as
infrasound. The proof is his meter readings, which now
need to be replicated at the academic level, and he has
offered to do so, but academia is ignoring him now.

When two streams cross under a bed, worst cases of CFS.
He was brought to attention when universities asked for
his opinion on electrosensitivity. Several historical
CFS outbreaks have been located over underground
streams and geomagnetic anomalies (Royal Free hospital,
New Zealand, Tunguska). I think Sweden has a large
magnetic anomaly in an iron ore mine in the middle. Two
historical outbreaks (Alaska, Iceland) occurred in
early 50s where I think there was cold war military
activity (radar) and Adelaide in 1949 was two years
prior to the reported first development of over the
horizon radar (tenuous connection).

Following replication, which should be a formality,
this dowser appears to have provided the first direct
proof that electromagnetic fields are the prime trigger
of CFS. Note as a precaution however that his work does
allow for other underground stream emissions
(infrasound, offgassing) to be causal, although as
further outlined this is less probable. People have
been trying for some time to show this connection given
the obvious similarities between health under mobile
phone towers (several published reports) and CFS. My
mind is getting cloudy!

After reading his entire reports recently (I suggest
this is required reading), and being convinced that I
would be a textbook case, I found the best dowser I
could and without telling him why brought him to the
property where I had had the condition years ago. There
was other relevant history at the property to require
his services. He firstly read Alf Riggs docos.

I bet my friends that he would find an underground
stream within 3 metres of the bed.

He didn't.

He found 3. Right through the bedroom. He didn't know
it was a bedroom, he traced them through the outside
wall. Then in the adjacent back room, he found four. I
asked him to please look in the room to find where they
joined. He didn't know it was a bedroom, the door was
shut. We moved the stuff and the bed.

2 Joined right next to and covering under the pillow.

So what if dowsing is inaccurate? When the carport had
been built outside, the two postholes had filled with
water, and the two purported streams followed straight
through the postholes (1 straight through, 1 slightly
adjacent), and he didn't know this.

One isolated case means absolutely nothing, but Alf
Riggs has investigated thousands.


There is dowser theory about earth energies, and then
there is physics, and they appear to be directy linked.
Dowsing is not talked about due to an association with
'witchcraft' and superstition, however scientists have
had a good look at it, and it appears to be probably
based on electromagnetic detection by the dowser. I
have previously posted on magnetoreception in animals
and humans, and its possible association with
electrosensitivity. There is a good train of thought
held also by academics that dowsers do their work
probably primarily using magnetoreception, although
further work is needed, and there are other mechanisms.
for a rigorous scientific coverage, and jump to
section 1.9 Published studies.

Alf Riggs, armed with the kind of meters and equipment
discussed on this list, has measured over streams and
under adjacent pillows a comprehensive electromagnetic
signature (please read his 1999 interview for detailed

magnetic field gradients
RF (around 100Mhz) fields
Microwave (I forget, 1400Mhz)
and some others sorry escape me, in lines along and
across the water vein.

Polish dowsing theory has advanced a long way and they
take it very seriously, with physics. (Note I have
posted on magnetoreception and nomads who may navigate
with it, and Poland is full of migratory gypsies I
think? I think it is the most active place in the
world, official government polcy and many clubs and
institutions. Maybe this is why they are so good at

They find:

infrasound (known poison and danger) due to the
turbulence of water rumbling through
high positive ioninsation
Plasma waves (Alfven waves, a complcated physics thing)

above streams.

As you can see, the area of an underground stream is a
physics and electromagnetic hothouse, and would appear
to be a clear natural toxic site, like mineshaft is
with poison gases.


Science has been ignoring this, but we need to discuss
it now in a clear scientific framework. Doing a
thorough analysis is complicated and advanced science.
Essentially, it appears that when water (magnetic and
electrically active) flows through soil, it forms what
is called a MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMIC system, part of what is
called plasma physics, where all sorts of wierd
complicated things happen. You don't get one field. You
don't get one magnetic disturbance, or one ionisation
disturbance, or one source of RF, or one source of
infrasound, or one source of microwaves. You get the
whole bloody lot of them in a two foot wide (can be
wider or narrower) strip under your pillow. This is why
dowsers call it geopathic stress and earth energies.
All of that stuff in a vein in the one place, and where
the stream runs the walls of the house crack, or the
pipes rust etc etc. Its like a vein in a body, carrying
the stuff away, and it is rapped in an electromagnetic
sheath, where the magnetic fields wrap around it and
follow the stream, ignoring the earths normal magnetic
field direction I believe. It appears to me that these
emissions that Alf Riggs has described bear a strong
resemblance to what physicists refer to as a TOKAMAK. A
tokamak is a big expensive metal donut shaped unstable
electrical raceway in the lab that carries this
electromagnetic cocktail around and around. If a
scientist laughs at dowsing, just tell them this, and
then tell them to P*** off. This is advanced
geophysics. Pardon my French but there have been some
rather patronizing conversations, and there is a need
to overcome a credibility gap.

The following site contains some scientific references
to this physics: This
complicated science which one can ignore lends good
theoretical weight to the work of the dowsers:

`The pioneer of scientifical research of
dowsing phenomena in Poland was Zenon
Urbañski /theory of the
geomagnetohydrodynamic energy over the water
Important investigations were made by :
Prof. W. Rotkiewicz /main wavelenght of the
global grid's radiations is 21 cm/,
Prof. L. Radwanowski /investigation of the
electromagnetic, accustic and Quasi-Alfven
waves over water-courses/,
R. and M. Szul /research of the
electromagnetic radiations with the frequency
1420 MHz in the geopathic zones over the

What about when two streams join? I'm not sure of the
exact theory, (technically referred to as a junction of
plasma flux tubes, each tube being a water stream), but
I have a a feeling that when two streams join, there is
a dislocation in the magnetic field. I am not certain,
but this would produce a large magnetic anomaly right
under your pillow. It has been clearly shown that
magnetic fields from fuse boxes and bodgy wiring have
produced individual cases of CFS and electrosensitivity
(see Don Maisches site, ACNEM journal). This could be
the more common cause if it checks out.

To point out how much damage this could do, we should
quote Alf Riggs:

"When lines of radiation from the global grid
systems [INSERT not just water veins] cross
on a bed in the area of the head, the above-
mentioned symptoms excluding blindness are
found to be standards almost without
exception. Many times the occupants of such
beds were found to be reduced to a point that
made a difficult to hold down a job, or cope
with the running of their home. Many had lost
the support of partners, family and friends
and were resigned to live out a miserable
existance taking anti-depressents in an
effort to contain the problem within
manageable levels.
Some individuals were reduced to a state both
physically and mentally where they had little
strength or motivation to move furniture
around to gain a better site; in such cases I
did the moving myself."

If you wafted loosely around a room with a cheap little
$50 meter, you probably would not spot these at all,
although meters are getting better, and
electrosensitives are more thorough than the local
electrician. Alf Riggs mentions finding this large
gradients (I am not sure if in association with
junctions or not) and says how they make people really
sick. He mentions narrowly defined say two foot long
pencil lines say I seem to recall. Good luck finding
one of them if you're not looking for it. A hotspot
over a junction. I am only speculating here that what
happens is that the magnetic membranes wrapped around
the water veins have to knit together into a seam, and
this seam may provide the local sickening disturbance.
This is speculation. The suggestion is it is similar to
the seam on a baseball or a cricket ball.

Summarising so far, Alf Riggs believes that the
localised geophysical electromagnetic disturbances of
underground streams are associated with most cases of
CFS/ ME, and that therefore they may be primary related
triggers of electrosensitivity. He also finds cancers
and multiple sclerosis and cot death under differing

Note while his survey data is almost certainly correct,
the conclusions could possibly be wrong. What if say
carbon dioxide or sewerage gases built up in the
underground stream, and then seaped out through the
soil and built up under the floorboards and poisoned
the person? What if microorganisms grew in the soil and
infected the person? And infrasound is a known toxin,
what about that?

There is some data that EMFs, combination of magnetic
disturbances and EMR, are a more likely suspect.

from research (I think a Czech paper or central Europe)
there is a paper saying that white blood cells
(leukocytes I think) are the target for EMR. CFS
patients in Britain are affected by Epstein Barr virus
(EBV), which infects the white blood cells. Alf Riggs
has speculated that RF switchs on the EBV. And we have
good data that CFS (and probably by association though
unproven electrosensitivity) are commonly infected with
mycoplasma fermentans, which lives in the white blood
cells. It seems that if you slept above an underground
stream for years with the radiation banging away at
your white blood cells, you could develop these
opportunistic infections, which could make the CFS
worse. From the point of view of electrosensitivity,
Prof Olle Johansson has shown that the facial rashes
(screen dermatitis) are caused by EMR affecting mast
cells (immune system) in your skin. Additionally we now
have data that EMR jellifies acetylcholine (see
EMFACTS). Acetylcholine is the primary `drive' receptor
of the brain, and is the target of pesticides. This
would explain why electrosensitivity is similar to
chemical sensitivity, and another mechanism that earth
radiation could be implicated in CFS and

What about Gulf War Syndrome. Vaccine records were
immediately destroyed after the war, but the common
opinion is that thore patients were literally dosed up
to the eyeballs on vaccines- 10- 20 vaccine doses each
in two days according to reports. Vaccines work on your
white blood cells, and they probably contained heavy
metals. Any further speculation here at this time is
not possible.


Many experiments have been done, and I don't know
whether anything is conclusive, but a detailed report
sophia/sis/dowsing/dowsdean.html puts electromagnetic
reception abilities in the ballpark as a prime
candidate mechanism. From this page, Rocard, a French
physicist (1964) reported that dowsers react to changes
in the earth''s magnetic field caused by underground
water, and claimed that electric currents of 50mA/m2 in
water and magnetic field gradients of 1mG/m were
detectable by dowsers. Computer monitors are capped at
2 milli Gauss emissions. Sensitive, and quite similar
to the results quoted for magnetoreceptive animals.
There are probably other mechanisms.

from a Russian research page, , we
have the following. `According to the preliminary data,
the long stay of people in zones of negative sign of
the Earth energetic field can cause sleep disorder and
can somewhat increase people's hypnotism.'

`The radiation of the Earth's energetic field in
geopathic zones can have an indirect effect on the
efficiency of a biolocation operators [dowser]
performance as it can decrease their concentration.'
The magnetoreception post indicated how altered
background magnetic field and RF can scramble animals
magnetoreception also. Possibly a CFS patient's
magnetoreception could be under sustained attack above
geopathic stress sites, leading to its collapse.

Essentially and conservatively at this stage we have
to conclude that while we do not understand the
mechanism of dowsing, the method has produced results,
and can be directly correlated with mainstream physics
research. It is a valid location tool.


So we have a senior dowser swearing that CFS is
primarily due to 'geopathic stress', and we have
clearly academic published similarities between health
under mobile phone towers and CFS and
electrosensitivity. Amalgam fillings? They could focus
the EMR from the stream under your bed and increase the
dose, and remember the welders in the north sea whose
fillings fell out from the magnetic fields or the EMR
from their tools (I don't think they could ever work
out which).

Given the thorough presentation of Alf Riggs work we
need to immediately harass governments and
univerisities to do thorough electromagnetic audits of
the bedrooms of CFS patients where there have been
streams located by a senior dowser, and according to
him, these appear to be readily found. They need to get
in there with a good gaussmeter and an ELF/ VLF meter,
and a spectrum analyser, and quantify and prove its
purported existence as a common environmental health
threat. Then we can do the same for electrosensitivity.
If these conclusions were reached thoroughly and with
due diligence it would quash any avoidance of the EMR
issue, and make available the resources that
electrosensitives require. This task is easy and
necessary. This would appear at this stage to be the
most concrete common example of an EMF bioeffect
(excluding magnetosensitivity in circumpolar dwellers
who get sick from altered electromagnetics and several
others), and should be a first priority for research,
before opening another test tube. The allegation made
by Alf Riggs with CFS is that you just have to move
your bed to the left and you'll be right if you get
onto it quickly enough. I wonder if anyone would be
interested in that? Possibly this could be extended to
electrosensitivity. Alf Riggs published his research in
1999. 6 years ago.

If patients want to have their own abodes checked, they
could consider locating a competent dowser. Alf Riggs'
work is extremely extensive and specific. He discusses:
underground water veins, the Hartman grid, the Curry
grid among others. A dowser should be experienced and
familiar with this as was Richard who very helpfully
performed my survey, and he was family were from Poland
which was a help in getting to the bottom of the

I apologise for the concentration on CFS in eSens
electrosensitivity site, however it seems they are



Radiation health effects from mobile phone towers. We
have assumed that people get electrosensitivity and CFS
symptoms from the microwaves travelling through the
air, but what if that is only part of it. What if large
ground currents get into the soil, and dramatically
increase the emissions from these underground streams.
And there is data from West US on illness from ground
electric currents. One source said that lightning
prefers to strike at the junctions of these underground
streams, I don't know if that is so. A dowser told me
that the phone companies prefer to position the towers
at the junctions of some of the dowsing lines and
streams, but I've never heard of that, while it sounds
plausible. If true, it is obviously important, and
some discrete checking should confirm or deny it. What
if the effects were to flow under the ground as well as
through the air. This can easily be checked. Audit as
above properties under towers (50- 300m) and those
further with an engineer/ physicist and a dowser, to
quantify these changes. 10 houses could do. And now
with all of these power and phone lines and signals and
bad earthing, what if all of that were directed under
your pillow? Only properly conducted research could
determine this. It seams plausible that a combination
of above and below ground radiation could be at play.
We need comprehensive audits. Remember they said that
there was no way that the naval sonar was deafening the
whales, what an exaggeration, and now look at the dead
whales and the studies and the realisations. These
things happen, the price of progress, you can't have
the science without the side effects.


This will be the subject of the next post, and I
believe this to be important. The previously described
purported electromagnetic disturbances may be one
possible description for the mechanism of CFS and
sickness at computer monitors and mobiles and fluoros.
The hypothesis concerns the disorienting effect of
magnetic anomalies and EMR to produce symptoms of
SOPITE SYNDROME, which is chronic seasickness or motion
sickness. Next post. Astronauts in space get seasick
like CFS with a number of effects having an altered
background magnetic field. I will hypothesise that the
altered EMFs from underground streams may scramble the
individuals magnetoreception, which is described in my
previous post, thus producing a permanent wacking case
of atypical seasickness known as sopite syndrome. This
is just one potential mechanism. Regardless, Sopite
syndrome is very similar to CFS.

Rowan Campbell

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Re: The contribution of the dowsers to electrosensitivity and CFS.



The CFS and ES connection is *very* clear... So your post is very
relevant to the group. Thank you.

My husband and I have two power line towers less than 20 feet
away from our building and a visible stream (not underground)
less than 8 feet from our bed (right outside our bedroom window
in fact ). Goodness knows what is underground that we don't
know about. So I am very interested in your post.

I'm particularly interested because of some apparent
inconsistencies in my current understanding of how ES works.
The idea that higher EMF = greater ES symptoms doesn't seem
to be holding true consistently for us -- at least as far as we can
tell in terms of our shielding, grounding, and avoidance efforts.
We have had distinct experiences recently where ES symptoms
spike without apparent trigger, and intuition is telling us it is
related to the earth we use as a ground -- something in the
quality of the earth, whether that is moisture level or higher
electrical charge picked up from weather changes. I am not sure
what "bad earth" is vs. "good earth" but I really want to
understand this better.

I'd also like to get clearer the suggestion that we can test Rigg's
theory by simply moving one's bed to the left... (How far left?
Several feet? Into a different room?) Because my husband is
certainly a good test case and we're perfectly willing to try that.

Rowan, understand your need to stay offline so I don't expect a
response, even though I am VERY interested and will check the
links you recommended. Thank you for sharing as much as you

Best wishes to you.


-- In [hidden email], "rowsteroz" <rowanc@w...>

> When two streams cross under a bed, worst cases of CFS.
...electromagnetic fields are the prime trigger of CFS. ... obvious
similarities between health under mobile phone towers and
CFS. I bet my friends that he would find an underground
stream within 3 metres of the bed. He didn't. He found 3. One
isolated case means absolutely nothing, but Alf Riggs has
investigated thousands.
> There is dowser theory about earth energies...probably
based on electromagnetic detection by the dowser... Alf Riggs,
armed with the kind of meters and equipment
discussed on this list, has measured over streams and
under adjacent pillows a comprehensive electromagnetic
signature (please read his 1999 interview for detailed
specifics).... As you can see, the area of an underground stream
is a physics and electromagnetic hothouse, and would appear
to be a clear natural toxic site, like mineshaft is
with poison gases.

Essentially, it appears that when water (magnetic and
electrically active) flows through soil, it forms what
is called a MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMIC system, part of what is
called plasma physics, where all sorts of weird complicated
things happen. You don't get one field. You don't get one
magnetic disturbance, or one ionisation disturbance, or one
source of RF, or one source of infrasound, or one source of
microwaves. You get the whole bloody lot of them in a two foot
wide (can be wider or narrower) strip under your pillow.

> What about when two streams join? I'm not sure of the
exact theory, (technically referred to as a junction of
plasma flux tubes, each tube being a water stream), but
I have a a feeling that when two streams join, there is
a dislocation in the magnetic field. I am not certain,
but this would produce a large magnetic anomaly right
under your pillow.

...It seems that if you slept above an underground stream for
years with the radiation banging away at your white blood
cells, you could develop these opportunistic infections, which
could make the CFS worse....

The allegation made by Alf Riggs with CFS is that you just have
to move your bed to the left and you'll be right if you get onto it
quickly enough. I wonder if anyone would be interested in that?

We have assumed that people get electrosensitivity and CFS
symptoms from the microwaves travelling through the air, but
what if that is only part of it. What if large ground currents get
into the soil, and dramatically increase the emissions from
these underground streams. One source said that lightning
prefers to strike at the junctions of these underground streams, I
don't know if that is so. A dowser told me that the phone
companies prefer to position the towers at the junctions of
some of the dowsing lines and streams, but I've never heard of
that, while it sounds plausible. And now with all of these power
and phone lines and signals and bad earthing, what if all of that
were directed under
your pillow?

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Re: The contribution of the dowsers to electrosensitivity and CFS.

Andrew McAfee
In reply to this post by rowster_c
Great post! Thank you for all the information. I was especially
interested in the acetylcholine relationship. I have done a lot of
research on pesticides, biotoxic warfare effects on our nerves.
I had Joey Korn,
a noted dowser come, and do my house and also teach me how to dowse.
There is also information on how to deflect the energies using copper
rods, tachyon products, etc 

I was most interested in the comment below.

On Feb 5, 2005, at 6:31 AM, rowsteroz wrote:

> And we have
> good data that CFS (and probably by association though
> unproven electrosensitivity) are commonly infected with
> mycoplasma fermentans, which lives in the white blood
> cells.

Mycoplasma diseases--- see and click on
Len Horowitz has numerous books and videos on it.)

Recently, I been having fungus problems around my hip, genital, and
rear areas. I thought originally it was from me detoxing so many heavy
metals that the bacteria went down there with it.
In putting all of my symptoms together including the burning and spike
sensation on the top of my head when I am around cell phones and
radiation, mycoplasma my be an issue. I am looking into it further.
Colloidal Silver supposedly kills mycoplasma. I don't have an advanced
Zapper that has those frequencies. I'll research that also.

I am doing my best to spiritually and physically raise my frequency
with Mer Ka Ba meditations, visualizations and various tools and
products to naturally kill the bacteria.
This week I have Michael Stodola doing a long distance clearing for my
property. He is working with his Earth Devas to connect with my Earth
Devas to heal my property of the energy lines. He said that is much
better than blocking the energy with tools. I also have ordered the
Environmental Harmonizer developed by Slim (recommended by both Michael
and Drunvalo and am
buying tachyon products for me bed to neutralize the microwave energy
resonating with the coils. If that doesn't work, I'm going to sleep
without coils.
This and will all of the super vitamins...I ought to get some results.
I'll let you guys know how it turns out.
I think I am getting closer to a cure when I see more of the parts put
together all at once.


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Re: The contribution of the dowsers to electrosensitivity and CFS.


Thank you Andrew

I was most interested in Michael Stodola article.
It raises the issue, why would some sites be associated with CFS,
MS etc. Alf Riggs details different dowsing geopathic stress patterns
associated with each disease. I Read the Mycoplasma/ Brucellosis
Geopathic stress could crystallize Brucellosis and send it to brain.
Unknown, not enough info.

Alf Riggs site really is a good intro to specifics for homeowners.

The dowsing rods mentioned could destabilise magnetohydrodynamic flow
via a simple field or such. Again unknown and too hard to speculate.

You mention candida. It is notoriously associated with es and related
problems, and the only solution is to avoid triggers, such as mobile


--- In [hidden email], Andrew McAfee <amcafeerr@n...> wrote:
> Great post! Thank you for all the information. I was especially
> interested in the acetylcholine relationship. I have done a lot of
> research on pesticides, biotoxic warfare effects on our nerves.
> I had Joey Korn,
> a noted dowser come, and do my house and also teach me how to

> There is also information on how to deflect the energies using
> ...

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Re: The contribution of the dowsers to electrosensitivity and CFS.

In reply to this post by carazzz

--- In [hidden email], "Cara" <cara_evangelista@h...>
> Rowan,
> The CFS and ES connection is *very* clear... So your post is very
> relevant to the group. Thank you.
> My husband and I have two power line towers less than 20 feet
> away from our building and a visible stream (not
> less than 8 feet from our bed (right outside our bedroom window
> in fact ). Goodness knows what is underground that we don't
> know about. So I am very interested in your post.

I'd have some concern about that initially. You may want a
good dowser proficient with all of Alf Riggs measurements.
We need to get the dowsers together with the radiation
physicists, as Alf Riggs is demonstrating. I shall post the
most relevant portion from his stuff. We have the measuring
expertise here. Re the river, possibly your area could be a
high stray voltage area. Re the towers, it depends if they
are great big ones or not. Just thinking, there could
potentially be an earth loop between your house, the towers
and the river. Not sure how you'd measure that. Get the
power company to install a power quality meter on your home
if there is that facility. Tell them you have had lights
blowing or something. Look if spikes come thru the wiring,
or there is excess current on the earth line. The government
should be doing this for you. When I was badly unwell,
lights kept blowing everywhere, videos, equipment, so I
called them in before I had heard any of this, and just saw
the spikes popping up on the meter. The electrical co man
said don't worry about it. The spikes were going too quickly
to leave a trace with the ink on the paper.

Some good engineer should know how to detect if you have an
earth loop. I believe its tricky. See the new book by the
guy from the Western States, buy online. There could
be something in there.

> I'm particularly interested because of some apparent
> inconsistencies in my current understanding of how ES works.
> The idea that higher EMF = greater ES symptoms doesn't seem
> to be holding true consistently for us -- at least as far as we can
> tell in terms of our shielding, grounding, and avoidance efforts.
> We have had distinct experiences recently where ES symptoms
> spike without apparent trigger, and intuition is telling us it is
> related to the earth we use as a ground -- something in the
> quality of the earth, whether that is moisture level or higher
> electrical charge picked up from weather changes. I am not sure
> what "bad earth" is vs. "good earth" but I really want to
> understand this better.

Yes I have read some of your shelding posts.
I too have been doing it and will post my results in 5 weeks
or so. My next post will explain. Now I need to eat. My
sleep has inverted.

I don't know the relevance of earthing, only experiment will
tell. Professional defence shielding engineers are adamant
that it is not required, and I am not sure that it is for
RF, other than for safety reasons. However there are
numerous special circumstances (leaky wiring, bad
connections, ground loops) that make this more complex. The
textbooks show sinking a long rod into the ground, copper
or steel, and you have to watch out for rusting and earth
wetness, so sometimes they wet area with a sprinkler and
chemicals or something. I think there are better things to

As you, I have built some shielded systems that have had
some effect, but not enough. It was that that led to my
current rash of productivity and these two posts. My next
post that I mentioned regards the affect of monitors
pixellation on the brain, and its potential role in
electrosensitivity. Tonight.

> I'd also like to get clearer the suggestion that we can test
> theory by simply moving one's bed to the left... (How far left?
> Several feet? Into a different room?) Because my husband is
> certainly a good test case and we're perfectly willing to try that.

Moving Bed: If you read all fifteen pages! of Alf Riggs work
it explains how the dowsers locate the underground
disturbances and then move the bed away from them (left was
just speaking figuratively). Simple
and its been on tv as well. Goes back centuries. We must
await accurate follow up on whether the moving creates the
desired results. It is suspected that if you move bed
quickly enough you'll be right, but otherwise …

We need to be aware. If these allegations are correct: EMR
is currently skyrocketing. It is beyond the scope of most
governments to control it. You can go down the corner shop
and get a 15 km transmitter, a 1 km cordless phone, and the
probably dangerous Ethernet over power lines equipment, that
the 15 year old teenager next door will want before you know
it. If these water veins carry this stuff there could be an
issue. There is a great requirement to dramatically upgrade
the handling of this potential issue in official circles.


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Re: The contribution of the dowsers to electrosensitivity and CFS.

In reply to this post by rowster_c

Hi Rowan,

how small planet we live at!! must be the internet!! lol
Michael Stodola just did some absent (aka non local distant) quantum
healings for me in a research project about quantum touch just
before christmas, I also asked him about doing a deva clearing for
my previous appartment which had serious EMF which I guess was due
to strong geopathic stress.

He did not do the clearing since I rather moved to another
appartment, ironically I fell in the same trap again, yes!!
again... now it is EMF from a telecom tower which I thought was to
far to cause EMF problems, I did not feel it at first since I guess
I was saturated with EMF pollution from my previous appartment, sort
of like having a slightly sweet tea after having really sweet
chocolate lol

The EMF from my previous appartment was so strong that it caused
really ugly outbreaks in my lips, and it dried the lips really bad.
Only after a while of being inside there. I used to sleep in the
garden every night for a month to avoid that damaging energy. It
took awhile to convince my parents that that energy was real, they
live 12 hours away anyway but they support me I am a college student
studying abroad.

One day I rememeber that my lips were so dry that I could not even
eat!!! it was so painful to try to bite a small cookie... really

After one week of moving out of that hell, my lips got back to its
supple and moist natural state even though in my new appartment
there is also strong EMF but not as strong as the previous one.

I guess Michael Stodola healings helped me coping with that strong
EMF field.


>> I was most interested in Michael Stodola article.
> It raises the issue, why would some sites be associated with CFS,
> some
> MS etc. Alf Riggs details different dowsing geopathic stress

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Re: The contribution of the dowsers to electrosensitivity and CFS.

In reply to this post by rowster_c

Dear Rowsteroz:

Thank you for the detailed review of Alf Rigg's dowsing work.
Do you have any specifics on the type of meters that he used for detecting elevated levels of RF and other frequencies above underground streams?
I've tried the Trifield meter and a few pricier meters with no success above known underground stream locations where the standard pendulum and energy(muscle) testing gave strong responses.
Thank you

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Re: The contribution of the dowsers to electrosensitivity and CFS.


--- In [hidden email], "Ray Kosan" <rkosan@e...> wrote:

> Do you have any specifics on the type of meters that he used for
detecting elevated levels of RF and other frequencies above
underground streams?
> I've tried the Trifield meter and a few pricier meters with no
success above known underground stream locations where the standard
pendulum and energy (muscle) testing gave strong responses.
> Thank you
> Ray

I am looking into this now Ray, and will get back to you ASAP.

Rowan C

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Re: The contribution of the dowsers to electrosensitivity and CFS.

In reply to this post by rkosan

Hi Ray,

regarding the proper meters to check above dowsing sites, I am still
looking into it, but I have made some progress. I called Roy Riggs,
the son of Alf Riggs, who does the same work. They use hard to find
equipment, however I believe it can be replicated. Shall tell soon
when have exact equipment.

See for excellent graphs of these fields.

To measure the magnetic field disturbances, you need a sensitive
geomagnetometer. LessEMF have one. Earths mag field is about 500mG.
You are not necessarily looking for great field levels, say 3 G,
rather large changes or gradients in the magnetic field in the
vicinity of the bed. Roy Riggs produces graphs with his machines. We
really need a high class geomagnetomer, but a cheaper one may do. I
think the dowser has to locate the exact stream line and then you
to look there. Without a dowser it is probably like looking for a
needle in a haystack.

Alf Riggs site lists the fields. There is an isolated line at 1400
MHz. I don't believe that this would show up on a standard RF meter,
as most calculate an average value over the full spectrum. Really
is required I believe is a spectrum analyser. These are very
($5000 USD for a cheap one), but LessEMF has a cheaper one RF Field
Strength Analyzer for about $1900USD. It produces a frequency bar
graph of the emissions. You will need to confirm that it has the
resolution to spot a narrow spike. Also look around 100 MHz.

The machine used by the Riggs' is particularly specialised. It emits
signal into the soil, and if that signal is interfered with by say
100MHZ coming back, it detects that 100 MHz and produces a graph.
These are generally unavailable, however I feel that an EMC
engineer should certainly have a way of measuring this. I will
certainly attempt rather demand the government here to investigate
this and report back on progress.

Good luck and success
--- In [hidden email], "Ray Kosan" <rkosan@e...> wrote:
> Dear Rowsteroz:
> Thank you for the detailed review of Alf Rigg's dowsing work.
> Do you have any specifics on the type of meters that he used for
detecting elevated levels of RF and other frequencies above
underground streams?
> I've tried the Trifield meter and a few pricier meters with no
success above known underground stream locations where the standard
pendulum and energy (muscle) testing gave strong responses.
> Thank you
> Ray

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Re: The contribution of the dowsers to electrosensitivity and CFS.


Dear Rowsteroz:

Thank you once again for following up.
I believe I've been using the wrong type of gaussmeter. The ones that I've tried measure in the low milligauss range at two frequencies 60 Hz (ELF or extra low frequency) and very high frequencies (greater than 10,000 Hz or VHF). It is good for measuring magnetic field emissions from CRTs and comparing results with the Swedish limits for occupational exposure.
A geomagnetometer may have an entirely different frequency response spectrum - maybe 0 Hz.
So that's what I'll try next.

The electric field results are even more intriguing with spikes in the 100 MHz+ range. The meters I've tried measured in the kHz range (tops 50 kHz) so that also explains their lack of any response to the electric field changes above the streams.

Rowsteroz - you've given me more than enough to go on for quite a while.
Again many thanks for your feedback.

----- Original Message -----
From: rowsteroz
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 9:45 AM
Subject: [eSens] Re: The contribution of the dowsers to electrosensitivity and CFS.

Hi Ray,

regarding the proper meters to check above dowsing sites, I am still
looking into it, but I have made some progress. I called Roy Riggs,
the son of Alf Riggs, who does the same work. They use hard to find
equipment, however I believe it can be replicated. Shall tell soon
when have exact equipment.

See for excellent graphs of these fields.

To measure the magnetic field disturbances, you need a sensitive
geomagnetometer. LessEMF have one. Earths mag field is about 500mG.
You are not necessarily looking for great field levels, say 3 G,
rather large changes or gradients in the magnetic field in the
vicinity of the bed. Roy Riggs produces graphs with his machines. We
really need a high class geomagnetomer, but a cheaper one may do. I
think the dowser has to locate the exact stream line and then you
to look there. Without a dowser it is probably like looking for a
needle in a haystack.

Alf Riggs site lists the fields. There is an isolated line at 1400
MHz. I don't believe that this would show up on a standard RF meter,
as most calculate an average value over the full spectrum. Really
is required I believe is a spectrum analyser. These are very
($5000 USD for a cheap one), but LessEMF has a cheaper one RF Field
Strength Analyzer for about $1900USD. It produces a frequency bar
graph of the emissions. You will need to confirm that it has the
resolution to spot a narrow spike. Also look around 100 MHz.

The machine used by the Riggs' is particularly specialised. It emits
signal into the soil, and if that signal is interfered with by say
100MHZ coming back, it detects that 100 MHz and produces a graph.
These are generally unavailable, however I feel that an EMC
engineer should certainly have a way of measuring this. I will
certainly attempt rather demand the government here to investigate
this and report back on progress.

Good luck and success
--- In [hidden email], "Ray Kosan" <rkosan@e...> wrote:
> Dear Rowsteroz:
> Thank you for the detailed review of Alf Rigg's dowsing work.
> Do you have any specifics on the type of meters that he used for
detecting elevated levels of RF and other frequencies above
underground streams?
> I've tried the Trifield meter and a few pricier meters with no
success above known underground stream locations where the standard
pendulum and energy (muscle) testing gave strong responses.
> Thank you
> Ray

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