Re: Digest Number 274

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Re: Digest Number 274

Jan Jenson

From: Jan Jenson <[hidden email]>

the other common factor i've noticed with people who have EI/MCS is a leg
length difference, which i know is common anyway - but i have almost an
inch, and think that also adds to the abdominal pain b/c of pelvic shifting.
anyone else notice this too?

Monthly or 2x monthly visits to a good chiropractor will help keep you "IN
so the leg length isn't a factor.
Proper cleaning REGULARLY (see
and a mostly RAW diet will make a HUGE difference!
Once you get rid of dairy, bread, sugar and red meat
and any amalgams in your mouth,
you life will CHANGE for the better!
Mine sure did!!

Jan Jenson
The Detox News