Quantum Power Strip

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Quantum Power Strip


Well, guys, I may live to regret celebrating this too early, but I am
so struck that I just have to register my initial impression of the
Quantum Power strip. I have it plugged into my office surge
protector, and all my computer gear, phone, lamp, etc., is plugged
into the the Quantum Power Strip. I wasn't sure I'd be able to tell
the difference, but I must say I do. My keyboard typically feels like
it's vibrating and sending bad energy up into my fingertips, which I
can feel (like radiation) in my hands and forearms up to 24 hours
later. The unpleasant vibrating effect is greatly reduced now.

I am frankly openmouthed with surprise... It's like Marc said, with
many of these devices there's no earthly reason why they should work,
and yet some of them do. And I sure ain't complaining.


PS, I have never considered myself an "ES" person but I am beginning
to wonder about this. Maybe I have just become more attentive since
my husband's diagnosis, or maybe something about the higher-than-
average EMF levels in our home is making me more ES over time...
Whatever the reason, I can now tell that cell phones give me
headaches and computers make my hands and body feel less than great.
Does this make me ES too, or are most people ES to some degree,
without realizing it?

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Re: Quantum Power Strip

Marc Martin
> Does this make me ES too, or are most people ES to some degree,
> without realizing it?

I've run across several people who are sensitive to this
stuff, but probably don't think of themselves as "ES".
My wife, for one, has problems with extended cellphone
conversations and also she had a terrible time in
an electronics superstore ("Fry's Electronics"). However,
she doesn't consider herself ES.

I've also run into people who simply do not watch TV
much or use the computer much because it gives them
headaches. They don't consider themselves ES, but
I do.

But it's good to hear that the power strip is helping!


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Re: Quantum Power Strip

Andrew McAfee
In reply to this post by carazzz
On Jan 24, 2005, at 3:32 PM, Cara wrote:

> Well, guys, I may live to regret celebrating this too early, but I am
> so struck that I just have to register my initial impression of the
> Quantum Power strip. I have it plugged into my office surge
> protector, and all my computer gear, phone, lamp, etc., is plugged
> into the the Quantum Power Strip. I wasn't sure I'd be able to tell
> the difference, but I must say I do. My keyboard typically feels like
> it's vibrating and sending bad energy up into my fingertips, which I
> can feel (like radiation) in my hands and forearms up to 24 hours
> later. The unpleasant vibrating effect is greatly reduced now.
> I am frankly openmouthed with surprise... It's like Marc said, with
> many of these devices there's no earthly reason why they should work,
> and yet some of them do. And I sure ain't complaining.
> Cara
> PS, I have never considered myself an "ES" person but I am beginning
> to wonder about this. Maybe I have just become more attentive since
> my husband's diagnosis, or maybe something about the higher-than-
> average EMF levels in our home is making me more ES over time...
> Whatever the reason, I can now tell that cell phones give me
> headaches and computers make my hands and body feel less than great.
> Does this make me ES too, or are most people ES to some degree,
> without realizing it?
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