QXCI reaction/rage

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QXCI reaction/rage



You have mentioned rage a few times so I'm wondering if you
might have some insight. My husband had a bad reaction
(apparently) to the QXCI machine on Friday. He was absolutely
furious for a good 24 hours afterwards. Like you, my husband is
an extremely mellow person and never violent. But during the
QXCI session, which lasted two hours, he became increasingly
weak and painful and afterwards shared with me how enraged
he felt. He *wanted* to smash things and was deeply resentful
toward the QXCI practitioner for "torturing" him for two hours. I
should say that he and I had an agreement prior to the session
that he would pull the plug if he felt at any point that it was
harming him. And, when I noticed that he seemed to be
suffering, I asked him several times if he wanted to stop. He said
no. Later he told me it was because his intuition did not tell him
specifically that the QXCI machine was harmful, so he chose to
continue in order to see what the end result would be. We both
understand that trial and error is necessary in order to find

All day yesterday my husband felt like crap (weak, painful) and
was very angry to boot. BTW, the QXCI practitioner had predicted
he would have a good night's sleep and be energetic the next
day: neither of these things happened. Of course my husband
has no intention of ever having another QXCI treatment. And he
has rejected the homeopathic supplements the practitioner sold
us. He tasted one of the supplements and insists that it "burned"
his tongue and hurt his stomach for hours afterwards. I took the
supplements myself as a test, and I felt no burning sensation in
my mouth but did feel some slight stomach discomfort. So, for
the record, I know my husband wasn't so angry that he was
necessarily imagining things or making things up. But I do know
there was some irrational component to his reaction, because
he refused to drink water all day -- and he admitted this was
because the practitioner had specifically recommended that he
drink more water to aid detox. There was no reasoning him out
of this attitude.

My question for the group: Was my husband having a normal
human reaction to being subjected to a machine that triggered
his ES symptoms. (Who wouldn't be furious and frustrated?) Or,
was this a "detox" reaction? (The practitioner did attempt some
light detoxification during the session.) I guess I am just at a
loss to understand when an apparently bad reaction is actually
desirable because it may produce good effects in the long run,
and when a bad reaction is simply a bad reaction -- and the
trigger (in this case QXCI machine) is something to be avoided.
My husband is in such a shaky state that he seems to react
adversely to pretty much anything we do to help him
(supplements, EMF protection devices, "healthy" foods) plus he
doesn't "muscle test" well, so we are usually in a state of dismay
and confusion around here. Any insight would be great.


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Re: QXCI reaction/rage

Marc Martin
> Or, was this a "detox" reaction?

I think the rage is a "mobilized toxins" reaction. I've
experienced this on many occasions from a variety of
things. I'd say it's best to avoid anything that causes
that sort of reaction -- there will always be more
pleasant ways to recover than that.


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Re: QXCI reaction/rage

Andrew McAfee
In reply to this post by carazzz
Wow. I am very sorry to hear about your husband's bad reaction to the
QXCI session. What I would like to know is if your husband has had any
hands on healing therapies?
Human touch and natural human energy (chi, life force, etc. not from
machines) has always been soothing to me. His nerves may be too fried
to handle anything machine-like.
I can only vouch for Barbara Brennan Healers because they have done
tons of personal emotional work and have cleansed themselves
significantly in comparison to Reiki "Masters" and other hands on
What I will also put out there is when all of the options have been
exhausted and all things have been tried and nothing works, it must be
something else. I have had numerous entities, energetic parasites,
alien life forces, dark energies, babies that have lost there way after
dying, etc., removed from my energetic field. They attached to my body
to suck my energy. If any of these life forms is deeply invested in
your husband, they are going to put up a fight and not want to let go.
Raising your husbands energy level and consciousness is the best way to
rid himself of these parasites.
Continue what you are doing and add some exorcism to the mix. Brennan
Graduates do this in addition to rebuilding the energy system and
pumping up his energy level. This additional energy will bring up other
issues that were dormant. Expect minor explosions as he processes and
learns to handle the new level of energy and consciousness.
This is no fun for you, I know. I have been through it.
Bless you and all of the love that you continual put forth to your
husband. It will pay off. I imagine that your husband isn't going to
want to do anything for awhile. He is probably furious with himself
more than anything so don't take it personally. You asked him if he
wanted to stop and he made the decision to continue.
Much support to you,
On Feb 13, 2005, at 3:17 PM, Cara wrote:

> Glenn,
> You have mentioned rage a few times so I'm wondering if you
> might have some insight. My husband had a bad reaction
> (apparently) to the QXCI machine on Friday. He was absolutely
> furious for a good 24 hours afterwards. Like you, my husband is
> an extremely mellow person and never violent. But during the
> QXCI session, which lasted two hours, he became increasingly
> weak and painful and afterwards shared with me how enraged
> he felt. He *wanted* to smash things and was deeply resentful
> toward the QXCI practitioner for "torturing" him for two hours. I
> should say that he and I had an agreement prior to the session
> that he would pull the plug if he felt at any point that it was
> harming him. And, when I noticed that he seemed to be
> suffering, I asked him several times if he wanted to stop. He said
> no. Later he told me it was because his intuition did not tell him
> specifically that the QXCI machine was harmful, so he chose to
> continue in order to see what the end result would be. We both
> understand that trial and error is necessary in order to find
> answers.
> All day yesterday my husband felt like crap (weak, painful) and
> was very angry to boot. BTW, the QXCI practitioner had predicted
> he would have a good night's sleep and be energetic the next
> day: neither of these things happened. Of course my husband
> has no intention of ever having another QXCI treatment. And he
> has rejected the homeopathic supplements the practitioner sold
> us. He tasted one of the supplements and insists that it "burned"
> his tongue and hurt his stomach for hours afterwards. I took the
> supplements myself as a test, and I felt no burning sensation in
> my mouth but did feel some slight stomach discomfort. So, for
> the record, I know my husband wasn't so angry that he was
> necessarily imagining things or making things up. But I do know
> there was some irrational component to his reaction, because
> he refused to drink water all day -- and he admitted this was
> because the practitioner had specifically recommended that he
> drink more water to aid detox. There was no reasoning him out
> of this attitude.
> My question for the group: Was my husband having a normal
> human reaction to being subjected to a machine that triggered
> his ES symptoms. (Who wouldn't be furious and frustrated?) Or,
> was this a "detox" reaction? (The practitioner did attempt some
> light detoxification during the session.) I guess I am just at a
> loss to understand when an apparently bad reaction is actually
> desirable because it may produce good effects in the long run,
> and when a bad reaction is simply a bad reaction -- and the
> trigger (in this case QXCI machine) is something to be avoided.
> My husband is in such a shaky state that he seems to react
> adversely to pretty much anything we do to help him
> (supplements, EMF protection devices, "healthy" foods) plus he
> doesn't "muscle test" well, so we are usually in a state of dismay
> and confusion around here. Any insight would be great.
> Cara
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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RE: QXCI reaction/rage

Glenn Coleman
In reply to this post by carazzz
Hi Cara,

I just finished a two hour meditation for your husband using the Medicine
Buddha. There was about 30 minutes straight of a continuous stream of
"white buddhas" and healing energy from my heart. I also visualized that
any toxins in his body have been neutralized. This is exactly the
meditation I did to heal my Dad's prostate problem, without ever being in
his prescense. He was scheduled for surgery that was going to disable him
for 6 weeks and was terrified at the thought. He has cancelled the
operation since he no longer has a prostate problem. Today my Dad called me
and asked if he could come up to the buddhist temple since he is amazed by
his healing.

Today I went to a presentation by Dr. Lee Pulos, a world-class hypnotist and
psychologist. He has written many books. He was the one that hypnotised me
last May to help me figure out what was causing me to get ill. And 4 days
after it was revealed that it was electrical sensitivity (an email arrived
that by accident sent me to our ESENS email group on yahoo). He is the most
knowledgeable person I have ever known about the healing world. He has
travelled the world many times and studied every antient healing method in
great depth. He just got an award by our government for his excellence in

Dr. Pulos said that one of the most powerful affirmations a person can do,
to rapidly heal a body, is to affirm that "my heart sends love to that part
of my body, or other peoples body, that needs healing". He said the heart
gives off a certain type of healing frequency that is 1000 times more
powerful than anything that our brain can project. So if you do
affirmations affirming that you are sending love from your heart to your
husband's body, you can significantly increase his rate of healing. In the
medicine buddha meditation, there is something similar to this, where light
rays of all colors come out of heart chakra and are sent to people that need
healing - that was part of what I did tonight in my meditation.

He also gave a demonstration of kineseology, where he used muscle testing,
and showed how a lady from the audience could change the healing rate of her
chronic illness, only by affirming that she deserves to be healed and will
be healed. The difference in her muscle tests were amazing once she
believed she could be healed.

Dr. Pulos said if we believe we are healing, the healing will occur. If we
doubt that we are healing, then there is strong chance we won't heal. He
has treated about 6000 cancer patients, and thousands of severe head trauma
patients. He said he approaches every single patient the same way. First
getting to know if the patient believes they can be healed. Then getting
them to affirm that they believe they are healing. He then uses hypnosis to
reverse cancer and heal other illnesses.
He said anytime the patient doesn't believe it will work, it doesn't. When
they come back asking why it didn't work, he asks them if they believed it
would, and everytime they affirm they didn't believe it would.

I am making an appointment with him, to discover how to heal electrical
sensitivity. He showed us many pictures of groups of people all bending
metal using their minds. He said 85% of people are able to bend spoons with
their minds if shown how to do it. He said it is as simple as focusing mind
on rearranging the molecules of the spoon so the energy holding the metal
together loosens and the spoon bends. He said one guy in his group couldn't
figure out why his spoon wouldn't bend, then reached into his pocket and
discovered that his keys had been completely bent into a preztle in his

He said our minds are completely capable of changing energy in any object we
wish. I spoke to a Pranic Healing Master after the lecture, about the
possibility of using our mind to create a wall of energy that would keep
high frequency sounds from penetrating the body, and she said it is
definitely possible. So I am going to start experimenting with creating an
energy shield around my body to protect me from EMF and high frequency
sounds, everyday when I wake up. I have used this technique with white
light and found it effective against EMF. But white light doesn't stop high
frequency sound waves, so need to instead create an energy field that can
stop both.

Then when I see Dr. Pulos will ask him to reaffirm what I am doing, and give
me any other ideas on how to do this. He has about a one month waiting list
so will be a while before I can see him.

I'm very excited.

All the best to your husband.



>From: "Cara" <[hidden email]>
>Reply-To: [hidden email]
>To: [hidden email]
>Subject: [eSens] QXCI reaction/rage
>Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2005 20:17:47 -0000
>You have mentioned rage a few times so I'm wondering if you
>might have some insight. My husband had a bad reaction
>(apparently) to the QXCI machine on Friday. He was absolutely
>furious for a good 24 hours afterwards. Like you, my husband is
>an extremely mellow person and never violent. But during the
>QXCI session, which lasted two hours, he became increasingly
>weak and painful and afterwards shared with me how enraged
>he felt. He *wanted* to smash things and was deeply resentful
>toward the QXCI practitioner for "torturing" him for two hours. I
>should say that he and I had an agreement prior to the session
>that he would pull the plug if he felt at any point that it was
>harming him. And, when I noticed that he seemed to be
>suffering, I asked him several times if he wanted to stop. He said
>no. Later he told me it was because his intuition did not tell him
>specifically that the QXCI machine was harmful, so he chose to
>continue in order to see what the end result would be. We both
>understand that trial and error is necessary in order to find
>All day yesterday my husband felt like crap (weak, painful) and
>was very angry to boot. BTW, the QXCI practitioner had predicted
>he would have a good night's sleep and be energetic the next
>day: neither of these things happened. Of course my husband
>has no intention of ever having another QXCI treatment. And he
>has rejected the homeopathic supplements the practitioner sold
>us. He tasted one of the supplements and insists that it "burned"
>his tongue and hurt his stomach for hours afterwards. I took the
>supplements myself as a test, and I felt no burning sensation in
>my mouth but did feel some slight stomach discomfort. So, for
>the record, I know my husband wasn't so angry that he was
>necessarily imagining things or making things up. But I do know
>there was some irrational component to his reaction, because
>he refused to drink water all day -- and he admitted this was
>because the practitioner had specifically recommended that he
>drink more water to aid detox. There was no reasoning him out
>of this attitude.
>My question for the group: Was my husband having a normal
>human reaction to being subjected to a machine that triggered
>his ES symptoms. (Who wouldn't be furious and frustrated?) Or,
>was this a "detox" reaction? (The practitioner did attempt some
>light detoxification during the session.) I guess I am just at a
>loss to understand when an apparently bad reaction is actually
>desirable because it may produce good effects in the long run,
>and when a bad reaction is simply a bad reaction -- and the
>trigger (in this case QXCI machine) is something to be avoided.
>My husband is in such a shaky state that he seems to react
>adversely to pretty much anything we do to help him
>(supplements, EMF protection devices, "healthy" foods) plus he
>doesn't "muscle test" well, so we are usually in a state of dismay
>and confusion around here. Any insight would be great.

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Re: QXCI reaction/rage



My husband is doing a shade better right now than when I first
wrote the message below. I don't know if it's the Quantum Pro
(which we turned on a few hours ago for the first time, at the
lowest setting) or your meditation on his behalf, or something
else entirely. But I am very grateful for your help. I've read your
message through once and will read it again more carefully to
learn how to do this affirmation. Thank you.

Dr. Pulos' work sounds amazing. I look forward to hearing more
about what you learn from him.


--- In [hidden email], "Glenn Coleman"
<glennhcoleman@h...> wrote:
> Hi Cara,
> I just finished a two hour meditation for your husband using the
> Buddha.

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RE: QXCI reaction/rage

In reply to this post by Glenn Coleman

Hi Glenn,

I use blue light in my field (and tachyonize it ;0) and try to fix the holes in my aura, that seem to be related to this whole issue, I can feel where they are and sometimes "physically" patch them. For awhile I had a ring-dont-pass me of high voltage to protect against whatever energy was hitting me back then.

In addition you can screen the computer and other electronics with blue light (like 20cm thick around it). Read later that you are best to put it in a bubble of blue (compu ,moniter, speakers printer, wires). Those who are strong in visualisation need to do this just once, and the protection is in place.

Love and light

Glenn Coleman <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Cara,

I just finished a two hour meditation for your husband using the Medicine
Buddha. There was about 30 minutes straight of a continuous stream of
"white buddhas" and healing energy from my heart. I also visualized that
any toxins in his body have been neutralized. This is exactly the
meditation I did to heal my Dad's prostate problem, without ever being in
his prescense. He was scheduled for surgery that was going to disable him
for 6 weeks and was terrified at the thought. He has cancelled the
operation since he no longer has a prostate problem. Today my Dad called me
and asked if he could come up to the buddhist temple since he is amazed by
his healing.

Today I went to a presentation by Dr. Lee Pulos, a world-class hypnotist and
psychologist. He has written many books. He was the one that hypnotised me
last May to help me figure out what was causing me to get ill. And 4 days
after it was revealed that it was electrical sensitivity (an email arrived
that by accident sent me to our ESENS email group on yahoo). He is the most
knowledgeable person I have ever known about the healing world. He has
travelled the world many times and studied every antient healing method in
great depth. He just got an award by our government for his excellence in

Dr. Pulos said that one of the most powerful affirmations a person can do,
to rapidly heal a body, is to affirm that "my heart sends love to that part
of my body, or other peoples body, that needs healing". He said the heart
gives off a certain type of healing frequency that is 1000 times more
powerful than anything that our brain can project. So if you do
affirmations affirming that you are sending love from your heart to your
husband's body, you can significantly increase his rate of healing. In the
medicine buddha meditation, there is something similar to this, where light
rays of all colors come out of heart chakra and are sent to people that need
healing - that was part of what I did tonight in my meditation.

He also gave a demonstration of kineseology, where he used muscle testing,
and showed how a lady from the audience could change the healing rate of her
chronic illness, only by affirming that she deserves to be healed and will
be healed. The difference in her muscle tests were amazing once she
believed she could be healed.

Dr. Pulos said if we believe we are healing, the healing will occur. If we
doubt that we are healing, then there is strong chance we won't heal. He
has treated about 6000 cancer patients, and thousands of severe head trauma
patients. He said he approaches every single patient the same way. First
getting to know if the patient believes they can be healed. Then getting
them to affirm that they believe they are healing. He then uses hypnosis to
reverse cancer and heal other illnesses.
He said anytime the patient doesn't believe it will work, it doesn't. When
they come back asking why it didn't work, he asks them if they believed it
would, and everytime they affirm they didn't believe it would.

I am making an appointment with him, to discover how to heal electrical
sensitivity. He showed us many pictures of groups of people all bending
metal using their minds. He said 85% of people are able to bend spoons with
their minds if shown how to do it. He said it is as simple as focusing mind
on rearranging the molecules of the spoon so the energy holding the metal
together loosens and the spoon bends. He said one guy in his group couldn't
figure out why his spoon wouldn't bend, then reached into his pocket and
discovered that his keys had been completely bent into a preztle in his

He said our minds are completely capable of changing energy in any object we
wish. I spoke to a Pranic Healing Master after the lecture, about the
possibility of using our mind to create a wall of energy that would keep
high frequency sounds from penetrating the body, and she said it is
definitely possible. So I am going to start experimenting with creating an
energy shield around my body to protect me from EMF and high frequency
sounds, everyday when I wake up. I have used this technique with white
light and found it effective against EMF. But white light doesn't stop high
frequency sound waves, so need to instead create an energy field that can
stop both.

Then when I see Dr. Pulos will ask him to reaffirm what I am doing, and give
me any other ideas on how to do this. He has about a one month waiting list
so will be a while before I can see him.

I'm very excited.

All the best to your husband.



>From: "Cara" <[hidden email]>
>Reply-To: [hidden email]
>To: [hidden email]
>Subject: [eSens] QXCI reaction/rage
>Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2005 20:17:47 -0000
>You have mentioned rage a few times so I'm wondering if you
>might have some insight. My husband had a bad reaction
>(apparently) to the QXCI machine on Friday. He was absolutely
>furious for a good 24 hours afterwards. Like you, my husband is
>an extremely mellow person and never violent. But during the
>QXCI session, which lasted two hours, he became increasingly
>weak and painful and afterwards shared with me how enraged
>he felt. He *wanted* to smash things and was deeply resentful
>toward the QXCI practitioner for "torturing" him for two hours. I
>should say that he and I had an agreement prior to the session
>that he would pull the plug if he felt at any point that it was
>harming him. And, when I noticed that he seemed to be
>suffering, I asked him several times if he wanted to stop. He said
>no. Later he told me it was because his intuition did not tell him
>specifically that the QXCI machine was harmful, so he chose to
>continue in order to see what the end result would be. We both
>understand that trial and error is necessary in order to find
>All day yesterday my husband felt like crap (weak, painful) and
>was very angry to boot. BTW, the QXCI practitioner had predicted
>he would have a good night's sleep and be energetic the next
>day: neither of these things happened. Of course my husband
>has no intention of ever having another QXCI treatment. And he
>has rejected the homeopathic supplements the practitioner sold
>us. He tasted one of the supplements and insists that it "burned"
>his tongue and hurt his stomach for hours afterwards. I took the
>supplements myself as a test, and I felt no burning sensation in
>my mouth but did feel some slight stomach discomfort. So, for
>the record, I know my husband wasn't so angry that he was
>necessarily imagining things or making things up. But I do know
>there was some irrational component to his reaction, because
>he refused to drink water all day -- and he admitted this was
>because the practitioner had specifically recommended that he
>drink more water to aid detox. There was no reasoning him out
>of this attitude.
>My question for the group: Was my husband having a normal
>human reaction to being subjected to a machine that triggered
>his ES symptoms. (Who wouldn't be furious and frustrated?) Or,
>was this a "detox" reaction? (The practitioner did attempt some
>light detoxification during the session.) I guess I am just at a
>loss to understand when an apparently bad reaction is actually
>desirable because it may produce good effects in the long run,
>and when a bad reaction is simply a bad reaction -- and the
>trigger (in this case QXCI machine) is something to be avoided.
>My husband is in such a shaky state that he seems to react
>adversely to pretty much anything we do to help him
>(supplements, EMF protection devices, "healthy" foods) plus he
>doesn't "muscle test" well, so we are usually in a state of dismay
>and confusion around here. Any insight would be great.

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Re: QXCI reaction/rage

In reply to this post by Marc Martin

Hi Marc,

I think you're right. It's so great to be able to get feedback from
this group.

Given that we can't seem to move one inch right or left without
causing some kind of painful/brain fog reaction, can you say more
about the "more pleasant ways to recover" that you know about?


--- In [hidden email], Marc Martin <marc@u...> wrote:
> > Or, was this a "detox" reaction?
> I think the rage is a "mobilized toxins" reaction. I've
> experienced this on many occasions from a variety of
> things. I'd say it's best to avoid anything that causes
> that sort of reaction -- there will always be more
> pleasant ways to recover than that.
> Marc

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Re: QXCI reaction/rage

Marc Martin
> Given that we can't seem to move one inch right or left without
> causing some kind of painful/brain fog reaction, can you say more
> about the "more pleasant ways to recover" that you know about?

Well, I can only list suggestions which have worked for *me*,
but there are some things which generally make me feel better,
not worse:

* antioxidants -- specifically, Megahydrin, Amrit, JuicePlus
vineyard formula, carrot juice
* Quantum products (as long as you don't overdo it)
* Seasilver or Sea Energy
* Iodomere from Standard Process (thyroid support)
* Echinacea Premium from Standard Process/Medi-Herb (immune support)
* Rehmannia Complex from Standard Process/Medi-Herb (liver support)
* e-Poise from Standard Process (multivitamin with electron balancing)
* Primal Defense from Garden of Life (probiotic)
* California Suncake (!), cranberry flavor
* Quinoa (non-gluten, alkaline forming grain)
* Cooked Steel-cut oats
* Avocado
* Banana
* Dates or Prunes
* and for the brave, colonics can provide instant (but short-lived)

I've heard others have had benefits from Bentonite, psyllium,
and charcoal, but I personally never noticed much benefit from
these things.


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Re: QXCI reaction/rage

Benson, Sarah (Sen L. Allison)
In reply to this post by carazzz
Also: sea-salt baths, meditation, sunlight, swimming - and avoidance of
all technonlogical devices, including QXCI machines!! By the way, have
I not been paying attention, or has no one actually said how this
machine works - the science behind it?).


-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Martin [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Tuesday, 15 February 2005 5:32 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [eSens] Re: QXCI reaction/rage

> Given that we can't seem to move one inch right or left without
> causing some kind of painful/brain fog reaction, can you say more
> about the "more pleasant ways to recover" that you know about?

Well, I can only list suggestions which have worked for *me*, but there
are some things which generally make me feel better, not worse:

* antioxidants -- specifically, Megahydrin, Amrit, JuicePlus
vineyard formula, carrot juice
* Quantum products (as long as you don't overdo it)
* Seasilver or Sea Energy
* Iodomere from Standard Process (thyroid support)
* Echinacea Premium from Standard Process/Medi-Herb (immune support)
* Rehmannia Complex from Standard Process/Medi-Herb (liver support)
* e-Poise from Standard Process (multivitamin with electron balancing)
* Primal Defense from Garden of Life (probiotic)
* California Suncake (!), cranberry flavor
* Quinoa (non-gluten, alkaline forming grain)
* Cooked Steel-cut oats
* Avocado
* Banana
* Dates or Prunes
* and for the brave, colonics can provide instant (but short-lived)

I've heard others have had benefits from Bentonite, psyllium, and
charcoal, but I personally never noticed much benefit from these things.


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Re: QXCI reaction/rage

Marc Martin
Benson, Sarah (Sen L. Allison) wrote:
> Also: sea-salt baths, meditation, sunlight, swimming

I suspect at this point, Cara's husband might be sensitive
to sunlight, and probably also chlorinated swimming pools...
when people are really bad off in the beginning, they
can't tolerate much more than being in bed... :-/

Short walks in fresh air, perhaps?


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Re: QXCI reaction/rage

Glenn Coleman
Hi Marc,

Interesting that you mention short walks. Recently I have been taking more
and more walks to get my energy meridians moving. I notice that ALL of my
ES symptoms go away for a while and I feel like I am on morphine or
something - I can't describe anything else that could wipe out my symptoms
so effectively, just by taking long slow walks. Short walks don't do the
same thing for me. I particularly focus on letting all my muscles relax as
I walk and enjoy the walk as much as possible. Its usually the later part
of my walk when I get totally relaxed and my ES symptoms dissapear. Once
I'm back in my home my ES symptoms start coming back, but for those 30
minutes or so near the end of my walk, I feel like I am in heaven. I think
the walking opens up energy blockages caused by ES.


>From: Marc Martin <[hidden email]>
>Reply-To: [hidden email]
>To: [hidden email]
>Subject: Re: [eSens] Re: QXCI reaction/rage
>Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 21:07:50 -0800
>Benson, Sarah (Sen L. Allison) wrote:
> > Also: sea-salt baths, meditation, sunlight, swimming
>I suspect at this point, Cara's husband might be sensitive
>to sunlight, and probably also chlorinated swimming pools...
>when people are really bad off in the beginning, they
>can't tolerate much more than being in bed... :-/
>Short walks in fresh air, perhaps?

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Re: QXCI reaction/rage

Benson, Sarah (Sen L. Allison)
In reply to this post by carazzz
I can totlly relate to this. Another wonderful thing to do while you're
out walking - and I've done this in city parks as well - is to find a
tree you like, and sit (or lie) under it with your back against the
trunk and do some meditation. Doing this has certainly taken me to some
very heavenly places. In fact, I find just lying and sleeping or
napping out in nature to be profoundly re-vivying. I guess its an
easier way of re-charging the body with the compatible energies of
nature and the planets without the interfrence of too much artificial

-----Original Message-----
From: Glenn Coleman [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Tuesday, 15 February 2005 5:21 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [eSens] Re: QXCI reaction/rage

Hi Marc,

Interesting that you mention short walks. Recently I have been taking
and more walks to get my energy meridians moving. I notice that ALL of
ES symptoms go away for a while and I feel like I am on morphine or
something - I can't describe anything else that could wipe out my
so effectively, just by taking long slow walks. Short walks don't do
same thing for me. I particularly focus on letting all my muscles
relax as
I walk and enjoy the walk as much as possible. Its usually the later
of my walk when I get totally relaxed and my ES symptoms dissapear.
I'm back in my home my ES symptoms start coming back, but for those 30
minutes or so near the end of my walk, I feel like I am in heaven. I
the walking opens up energy blockages caused by ES.


>From: Marc Martin <[hidden email]>
>Reply-To: [hidden email]
>To: [hidden email]
>Subject: Re: [eSens] Re: QXCI reaction/rage
>Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 21:07:50 -0800
>Benson, Sarah (Sen L. Allison) wrote:
> > Also: sea-salt baths, meditation, sunlight, swimming
>I suspect at this point, Cara's husband might be sensitive
>to sunlight, and probably also chlorinated swimming pools... when
>people are really bad off in the beginning, they can't tolerate much
>more than being in bed... :-/
>Short walks in fresh air, perhaps?

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Re: QXCI reaction/rage

Glenn Coleman

Thanks for the idea to meditate at a tree. That sounds wonderful. I have
been stopping by a large tree everyday, touching the tree, breathing out all
my bad energy, and breathing in fresh energy from the tree. It gives me a
nice energy boost and cleans things up a bit. But your idea of meditation
sitting against the tree sounds heavenly. I also don't have to look like a
"tree hugger" standing there touching the tree (even though I really don't


P.S. Willow trees are known to sap energy from body, so not a good tree to
touch. Every other type of tree is known to have endless positive energy,
and very willing to absorb any negative energy from body and refresh with
vibrant energy.

>From: "Benson, Sarah (Sen L. Allison)" <[hidden email]>
>Reply-To: [hidden email]
>To: <[hidden email]>
>Subject: RE: [eSens] Re: QXCI reaction/rage
>Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 17:26:12 +1100
>I can totlly relate to this. Another wonderful thing to do while you're
>out walking - and I've done this in city parks as well - is to find a
>tree you like, and sit (or lie) under it with your back against the
>trunk and do some meditation. Doing this has certainly taken me to some
>very heavenly places. In fact, I find just lying and sleeping or
>napping out in nature to be profoundly re-vivying. I guess its an
>easier way of re-charging the body with the compatible energies of
>nature and the planets without the interfrence of too much artificial
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Glenn Coleman [mailto:[hidden email]]
>Sent: Tuesday, 15 February 2005 5:21 PM
>To: [hidden email]
>Subject: Re: [eSens] Re: QXCI reaction/rage
>Hi Marc,
>Interesting that you mention short walks. Recently I have been taking
>and more walks to get my energy meridians moving. I notice that ALL of
>ES symptoms go away for a while and I feel like I am on morphine or
>something - I can't describe anything else that could wipe out my
>so effectively, just by taking long slow walks. Short walks don't do
>same thing for me. I particularly focus on letting all my muscles
>relax as
>I walk and enjoy the walk as much as possible. Its usually the later
>of my walk when I get totally relaxed and my ES symptoms dissapear.
>I'm back in my home my ES symptoms start coming back, but for those 30
>minutes or so near the end of my walk, I feel like I am in heaven. I
>the walking opens up energy blockages caused by ES.
> >From: Marc Martin <[hidden email]>
> >Reply-To: [hidden email]
> >To: [hidden email]
> >Subject: Re: [eSens] Re: QXCI reaction/rage
> >Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 21:07:50 -0800
> >
> >Benson, Sarah (Sen L. Allison) wrote:
> > > Also: sea-salt baths, meditation, sunlight, swimming
> >
> >I suspect at this point, Cara's husband might be sensitive
> >to sunlight, and probably also chlorinated swimming pools... when
> >people are really bad off in the beginning, they can't tolerate much
> >more than being in bed... :-/
> >
> >Short walks in fresh air, perhaps?
> >
> >Marc
>Yahoo! Groups Links

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Re: QXCI reaction/rage

Benson, Sarah (Sen L. Allison)
In reply to this post by carazzz
Yes, and it not only has a positive effect on one's energy levels, but
also on one's psychological state - balancing and lightening the mind
and soul.


-----Original Message-----
From: Glenn Coleman [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Tuesday, 15 February 2005 5:59 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: RE: [eSens] Re: QXCI reaction/rage


Thanks for the idea to meditate at a tree. That sounds wonderful. I
been stopping by a large tree everyday, touching the tree, breathing out
my bad energy, and breathing in fresh energy from the tree. It gives me
nice energy boost and cleans things up a bit. But your idea of
sitting against the tree sounds heavenly. I also don't have to look
like a
"tree hugger" standing there touching the tree (even though I really


P.S. Willow trees are known to sap energy from body, so not a good tree
touch. Every other type of tree is known to have endless positive
and very willing to absorb any negative energy from body and refresh
vibrant energy.

>From: "Benson, Sarah (Sen L. Allison)" <[hidden email]>
>Reply-To: [hidden email]
>To: <[hidden email]>
>Subject: RE: [eSens] Re: QXCI reaction/rage
>Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 17:26:12 +1100
>I can totlly relate to this. Another wonderful thing to do while
>you're out walking - and I've done this in city parks as well - is to
>find a tree you like, and sit (or lie) under it with your back against
>the trunk and do some meditation. Doing this has certainly taken me to

>some very heavenly places. In fact, I find just lying and sleeping or
>napping out in nature to be profoundly re-vivying. I guess its an
>easier way of re-charging the body with the compatible energies of
>nature and the planets without the interfrence of too much artificial
>EMR. Sarah
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Glenn Coleman [mailto:[hidden email]]
>Sent: Tuesday, 15 February 2005 5:21 PM
>To: [hidden email]
>Subject: Re: [eSens] Re: QXCI reaction/rage
>Hi Marc,
>Interesting that you mention short walks. Recently I have been taking
>more and more walks to get my energy meridians moving. I notice that
>ALL of my
>ES symptoms go away for a while and I feel like I am on morphine or
>something - I can't describe anything else that could wipe out my
>so effectively, just by taking long slow walks. Short walks don't do
>same thing for me. I particularly focus on letting all my muscles
>relax as
>I walk and enjoy the walk as much as possible. Its usually the later
>of my walk when I get totally relaxed and my ES symptoms dissapear.
>I'm back in my home my ES symptoms start coming back, but for those 30
>minutes or so near the end of my walk, I feel like I am in heaven. I
>the walking opens up energy blockages caused by ES.
> >From: Marc Martin <[hidden email]>
> >Reply-To: [hidden email]
> >To: [hidden email]
> >Subject: Re: [eSens] Re: QXCI reaction/rage
> >Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 21:07:50 -0800
> >
> >Benson, Sarah (Sen L. Allison) wrote:
> > > Also: sea-salt baths, meditation, sunlight, swimming
> >
> >I suspect at this point, Cara's husband might be sensitive to
> >sunlight, and probably also chlorinated swimming pools... when people

> >are really bad off in the beginning, they can't tolerate much more
> >than being in bed... :-/
> >
> >Short walks in fresh air, perhaps?
> >
> >Marc
>Yahoo! Groups Links

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Re: QXCI reaction/rage

In reply to this post by Glenn Coleman
Hi Glenn:
Fascinating insights!
Do you have any contact info for Dr Lee Pulos?
Thank you!
----- Original Message -----
From: Glenn Coleman
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 1:27 AM
Subject: RE: [eSens] QXCI reaction/rage

Hi Cara,

I just finished a two hour meditation for your husband using the Medicine
Buddha. There was about 30 minutes straight of a continuous stream of
"white buddhas" and healing energy from my heart. I also visualized that
any toxins in his body have been neutralized. This is exactly the
meditation I did to heal my Dad's prostate problem, without ever being in
his prescense. He was scheduled for surgery that was going to disable him
for 6 weeks and was terrified at the thought. He has cancelled the
operation since he no longer has a prostate problem. Today my Dad called me
and asked if he could come up to the buddhist temple since he is amazed by
his healing.

Today I went to a presentation by Dr. Lee Pulos, a world-class hypnotist and
psychologist. He has written many books. He was the one that hypnotised me
last May to help me figure out what was causing me to get ill. And 4 days
after it was revealed that it was electrical sensitivity (an email arrived
that by accident sent me to our ESENS email group on yahoo). He is the most
knowledgeable person I have ever known about the healing world. He has
travelled the world many times and studied every antient healing method in
great depth. He just got an award by our government for his excellence in

Dr. Pulos said that one of the most powerful affirmations a person can do,
to rapidly heal a body, is to affirm that "my heart sends love to that part
of my body, or other peoples body, that needs healing". He said the heart
gives off a certain type of healing frequency that is 1000 times more
powerful than anything that our brain can project. So if you do
affirmations affirming that you are sending love from your heart to your
husband's body, you can significantly increase his rate of healing. In the
medicine buddha meditation, there is something similar to this, where light
rays of all colors come out of heart chakra and are sent to people that need
healing - that was part of what I did tonight in my meditation.

He also gave a demonstration of kineseology, where he used muscle testing,
and showed how a lady from the audience could change the healing rate of her
chronic illness, only by affirming that she deserves to be healed and will
be healed. The difference in her muscle tests were amazing once she
believed she could be healed.

Dr. Pulos said if we believe we are healing, the healing will occur. If we
doubt that we are healing, then there is strong chance we won't heal. He
has treated about 6000 cancer patients, and thousands of severe head trauma
patients. He said he approaches every single patient the same way. First
getting to know if the patient believes they can be healed. Then getting
them to affirm that they believe they are healing. He then uses hypnosis to
reverse cancer and heal other illnesses.
He said anytime the patient doesn't believe it will work, it doesn't. When
they come back asking why it didn't work, he asks them if they believed it
would, and everytime they affirm they didn't believe it would.

I am making an appointment with him, to discover how to heal electrical
sensitivity. He showed us many pictures of groups of people all bending
metal using their minds. He said 85% of people are able to bend spoons with
their minds if shown how to do it. He said it is as simple as focusing mind
on rearranging the molecules of the spoon so the energy holding the metal
together loosens and the spoon bends. He said one guy in his group couldn't
figure out why his spoon wouldn't bend, then reached into his pocket and
discovered that his keys had been completely bent into a preztle in his

He said our minds are completely capable of changing energy in any object we
wish. I spoke to a Pranic Healing Master after the lecture, about the
possibility of using our mind to create a wall of energy that would keep
high frequency sounds from penetrating the body, and she said it is
definitely possible. So I am going to start experimenting with creating an
energy shield around my body to protect me from EMF and high frequency
sounds, everyday when I wake up. I have used this technique with white
light and found it effective against EMF. But white light doesn't stop high
frequency sound waves, so need to instead create an energy field that can
stop both.

Then when I see Dr. Pulos will ask him to reaffirm what I am doing, and give
me any other ideas on how to do this. He has about a one month waiting list
so will be a while before I can see him.

I'm very excited.

All the best to your husband.



>From: "Cara" <[hidden email]>
>Reply-To: [hidden email]
>To: [hidden email]
>Subject: [eSens] QXCI reaction/rage
>Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2005 20:17:47 -0000
>You have mentioned rage a few times so I'm wondering if you
>might have some insight. My husband had a bad reaction
>(apparently) to the QXCI machine on Friday. He was absolutely
>furious for a good 24 hours afterwards. Like you, my husband is
>an extremely mellow person and never violent. But during the
>QXCI session, which lasted two hours, he became increasingly
>weak and painful and afterwards shared with me how enraged
>he felt. He *wanted* to smash things and was deeply resentful
>toward the QXCI practitioner for "torturing" him for two hours. I
>should say that he and I had an agreement prior to the session
>that he would pull the plug if he felt at any point that it was
>harming him. And, when I noticed that he seemed to be
>suffering, I asked him several times if he wanted to stop. He said
>no. Later he told me it was because his intuition did not tell him
>specifically that the QXCI machine was harmful, so he chose to
>continue in order to see what the end result would be. We both
>understand that trial and error is necessary in order to find
>All day yesterday my husband felt like crap (weak, painful) and
>was very angry to boot. BTW, the QXCI practitioner had predicted
>he would have a good night's sleep and be energetic the next
>day: neither of these things happened. Of course my husband
>has no intention of ever having another QXCI treatment. And he
>has rejected the homeopathic supplements the practitioner sold
>us. He tasted one of the supplements and insists that it "burned"
>his tongue and hurt his stomach for hours afterwards. I took the
>supplements myself as a test, and I felt no burning sensation in
>my mouth but did feel some slight stomach discomfort. So, for
>the record, I know my husband wasn't so angry that he was
>necessarily imagining things or making things up. But I do know
>there was some irrational component to his reaction, because
>he refused to drink water all day -- and he admitted this was
>because the practitioner had specifically recommended that he
>drink more water to aid detox. There was no reasoning him out
>of this attitude.
>My question for the group: Was my husband having a normal
>human reaction to being subjected to a machine that triggered
>his ES symptoms. (Who wouldn't be furious and frustrated?) Or,
>was this a "detox" reaction? (The practitioner did attempt some
>light detoxification during the session.) I guess I am just at a
>loss to understand when an apparently bad reaction is actually
>desirable because it may produce good effects in the long run,
>and when a bad reaction is simply a bad reaction -- and the
>trigger (in this case QXCI machine) is something to be avoided.
>My husband is in such a shaky state that he seems to react
>adversely to pretty much anything we do to help him
>(supplements, EMF protection devices, "healthy" foods) plus he
>doesn't "muscle test" well, so we are usually in a state of dismay
>and confusion around here. Any insight would be great.

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Re: QXCI reaction/rage

In reply to this post by Marc Martin

You're right, Marc. Most things are "too much" at this point. Short
walks in fresh air are possible on *good* days -- we're averaging
about one good day a week at the moment.

For what it's worth, the walks are usually very rewarding when they
are possible. We have a favorite oak tree close to the top of a
nearby mountain with an amazing view of the Bay, where we like to sit
and read, talk, think. It's not such a terribly long walk from the
car either, so maybe it would be worth driving up there even just to
sit against the tree on a low-energy day. Worth a shot.


--- In [hidden email], Marc Martin <marc@u...> wrote:

> Benson, Sarah (Sen L. Allison) wrote:
> > Also: sea-salt baths, meditation, sunlight, swimming
> I suspect at this point, Cara's husband might be sensitive
> to sunlight, and probably also chlorinated swimming pools...
> when people are really bad off in the beginning, they
> can't tolerate much more than being in bed... :-/
> Short walks in fresh air, perhaps?
> Marc