Managing to use large LCD monitor with no ES symptoms

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Managing to use large LCD monitor with no ES symptoms

Glenn Coleman
I have successfully made the transition from a tiny 12" LCD on my old IBM
notebook, to a 17" Benq FP757 LCD monitor with my tower computer. I got one
of those KB/video/mouse extension cables and put my tower computer 6 feet
away behind some boxes of paper (without the boxes blocking computer, I
experienced ES symptoms).

I discovered that my ES symptoms completely dissapear if I turn down the
brightness and contrast to almost the lowest settings of the monitor. Since
these new LCD monitors are so bright to begin with, I still get a good
picture with no ES symptoms, on these lowest settings.

I do get symptoms if I turn up the brightness or contrast. I also adjust
the RGB to a shade that is pleasing to my eye and seems to help with ES.
